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Everything posted by Theorymaker

  1. I want to post in the game, but family is saying it is messing with soccer game's connection.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Theorymaker


      No! they were yelling at me while I was doing that to! It's so hard to get on and stay on. I'm just going to give up for tonight btw. See everyone tomorrow. (I just assume people read this though they probably don't. They might if they do the Tion strategy...)

    3. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      I'll tell them. Don't worry.

    4. Theorymaker
  2. When Kabsal was talking to Shallan about the personalities associated with jams and Shallan just throws a piece of paper at him because her jam is impulsive.
  3. Hemalurgy on other planets. Would it be the same? Investigate...

    1. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Yes. YOu can spike out any Magical ability, including the Nahel Bond.

    2. Theorymaker


      Good. I'm working on an idea. Not really a theory unfortunately, but whatever.

    3. Theorymaker


      If I die blame my curiosity and the power of Will.

  4. Writing the first response to the Game is going to make me so suspicious, but I'm on right now so why not?

    1. Theorymaker


      People are reading it then not commenting. Suspicious? Maybe.

    2. Theorymaker


      Decided against commenting. Don't know enough about WoT to make a good RP post without seeing what others do.

    3. Theorymaker


      I'll wait until tomorrow barely anyone is posting.

  5. I'll pick Edgedancer. I could so attract a spren like Wyndle. Also I'm not a good drawer and I'm afraid of heights.
  6. Before Calamity: Kathy was home with her two brothers and parents when robbers broke into their house. The robbers stole what they wanted and shot their parents, killing them. After that point Nathan, being the oldest, cared for his two younger siblings Kathy and Jon. Jon was barely 18 when Epics started appearing. Life in Portland became crazy as at least one new epic appeared every day to try to gain control from the local government. Nathan and Jon thought it was too crazy in Portland and left for the safety of Newcago. Kathy stayed. Portland may be having Epic problems, but it was her home. Finally, the government gave up and Epics gained power in Portland. After that, things stabilized and the Epics all got their own territories. One day, Kathy was in her apartment, when robbers broke in. She ran for her dresser to get her gun when they shot her. Kathy closed her eyes, but nothing happened. When Kathy opened her eyes, she saw that the robbers were as confused as she was. Looking down she saw that the metal bullet had melted before hitting her. The robbers fired again and this time Kathy saw the bullet melt as it got close. Figuring out that she was an Epic, Kathy raised her hand hoping she had an offensive power. Flame shot from her hand and burned one of the robbers. The other robbers ran away, terrified. Kathy looked at the dead body that was still on fire. "What am I going to do with this?" she thought. Quickly, she picked up the body and threw it out the window of her apartment (that was three stories up). Kathy was scared. If anyone found out that she was Epic they would kick her out maybe even try to kill her. She had heard what her friends thought of Epics not accepting their rule, but not opposing it either. Kathy decided not to use her powers unless she absolutely had to, and designed a costume to conceal her identity in case she had to use her powers.
  7. I'll join, if you guys are still excepting players. epic character Epic Name: Flamethrower Human Name: Katherine Flearson Appearance: Blond hair and brown eyes Epic Powers: She can turn to flame, throw fire, heat things up (without fire), and generate a heat field around herself when not in flame form. Weakness: I'm not telling. You could be a reckoner! human character Name: Travis Malchow Age: 25 Appearance: Black hair and green eyes Job: Takes pictures of epics and sells them to people who want them.
  8. It took a bit to realize there is a Wheel of Time book named Lord of Chaos. I just assumed Chaos's empire was spreading to the WoT Thread.

  9. So we know that soulcasters (the fabrial) affect the skin of whoever uses it. How would soulcasters affect Kandra or Parshendi if they were to use them?
  10. Well, I never read the Wheel of Time series (and starting now won't help), but I have general knowledge of it by listening to my friends talk about it, so hear goes nothing. My name is Nath, and I am just a normal resident of the village.
  11. Leave for one day and an entire war breaks out. I'll have to join...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Theorymaker


      Didn't you guys already win?

    3. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      They've Surrenderd, But Chaos hasn't accepted it yet.

    4. Theorymaker


      So the fighting continues (I'll probably get kicked out of the Observer's Guild, but hey who doesn't want a hemalurgic spike).

  12. Chaos started his own guild. So, now there's something new to observe.
  13. Oh no, you forgot Nightblood on your list!
  14. I was reading the GB doc and being the biggest mystery of the game is awesome. No one really notices you when you are a new character. As long as you don't do anything suspicious people kind of forget about you (until a unified defense was needed of course). What was really scary was I almost did something Night 3 when both of the GBs were spying on me.
  15. Cara woke up late. Very late. She looked around her room, confused why no one woke her up like they normally did. Then she saw a note in her room. It read: Cara Ristin, you have been formally dismissed from the Ardentia for using Ardentia property, notably the Soulcaster, for your own political reasons. You are forbidden from joining any devotary again, though we do hope that you stay in the faith. -The Devotary of Purity. Cara was shocked. Kicked out of the Ardentia. She would have to contact her family, and find some place to stay for the night. Hopefully someone in the camp could help her. Okay, Adolin_Dustbringer I'll give you the Soulcaster, but in exchange you need to help out my character if only for the coming night.
  16. Cara came back from the duel early. When she got to the Ardentia all of her fellow ardent avoided her. Avoiding me just because I dabbled in politics and watched a murderer's death, Cara thought. They're acting like I was trying to bring back the Hierocracy or something!
  17. Hey guys there is a feast going on in the Wafflesworn kitchens. No one would notice if we sneaked in. Right?
  18. The Spiderman idea is pretty cool. If Marvel ever gets the rights back for Spiderman they should do that. Also Quicksilver appeared in the new X-men movie and is planned to appear in the new Avengers movie so hopefully all of them can compromise. Eventually.
  19. Too tired to do anything today. Maybe tomorrow...

    1. Theorymaker


      What am I talking about? I have no clue.

  20. So no one actually posted after S.H.I.E.L.D. got interesting. how disappointing.
  21. Darn it I'm Pahn Kahl.

  22. Steelheart has a steel city and Words of Radiance has a Bronze Palace... well at least we know where to find some mistings. (Yes I know Steelheart isn't in the Cosmere)
  23. A report came in on the spanreed. Jost's body had been found in Alethkar. No one had a clue on how he had traveled there so quickly or when he had left. The only thing they knew for certain was that the Ghostbloods had killed him. Now another Ghostblood had started a duel hoping to kill their rival. She would have to go down to the dueling ring and hope that Jim Bob Dirt won and that Khas would be killed instead. Been a while since I did an RP, hopefully people come on in and vote in the shortened time period.
  24. I protest! No such thing is happening. The Wafflesworn do not own the Current Factions/Guilds thread. They have their own Wafflesworn thread. (I figure I have the right to protest because I was recruited on the CFG thread and asked everyone for suggestions on what guild to join).
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