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Everything posted by Alliare

  1. The percent bar is a double-edged weapon. People will stop donating when it reaches 100%. That mins there will be no extra if there is no money left for improving the server, the database, or if next month everyone is feeling that their hard-earned bucks should better go to the local bookstore... incluiding the admins. You get my idea XD.
  2. You can always apply for the position of official pin box, then
  3. Congrats! "Secret" way of getting it? *Alliare sets out to gather intelligence*
  4. Wow! Seems you had a really good time! Thanks for sharing the experience with us!
  5. ... I can't say I would mind much being spiked and gaining a full share of Hemalurgical abilities as a result.
  6. I go by @LadyEnilla, though I wouln't recommend anyone who does not understand Spanish following me. I tweet something in English now and then, though, if you're interested. *goes to peek at everyone's tweets*
  7. Well, start by making that one more visible! XD. There might be more people willing to help who just didn't know there were a donating feature. I'm used to ads. Google ads, for example -they're unobtrusive, you can ask Google not to put certain ads, and Google tries to put ads related with the site's theme, even if it's because it'll give them more profit. And you would probably even make a profit, and not only cover expenses, with them. A friend of mine has a website with forums that take a lot of bandwith and I know how that works - even if just a little. And Google ads are that site's only income. And plushies would be awesome, I'm a plushie addict. You could even sell them by two prices: the 'normal one' and the 'charity nun' one - hell, don't take the name serously! Take the second one implies a... let's say, $3 donation. It's not the same going specifficaly to donate somethin, which has you making a positive decision... than saying: 'well, I don't mind giving these awesome guys a couple more bucks so later Chaos can ban me at his heart's content'.
  8. That's a good topic. The thing is, I don't know how to indicate pronunciation in English the way you guys do it. I can read it, sure, but I don't know how to write it myself. More or less my nick would me pronounced the same way that if you took it exactly as it is and read it as if it were written with international phonetic symbols. Pronunciation in Spanish is easy, so we don't really make a fuss about this matters. We say "it's written the way it sounds". The only thing in my nick that does not sound Spanish is the "ll". In my language, that usually sounds different than a double l, whilst it's a double l in my case. but that's a license I took XD.
  9. I had a Brandon-themed dream tonight. I can't remember much of it, but he came to my house and signed all his books in my house, some postcards and a bookstore recipe I had in one of his books (he actually wrote something in there in small, neat handwriting with a commercial pen). I held a party at home and a lot of people I knew came with books for him to sign because he was staying there. And all the time I was trying to do something to make him totice me, notice that I has different than the rest, in the sense that I was... I don't know, more fan, that I was interested in him as a person, and not just as a writing machine. Even though we was supposed to have to know I existed, for he was in my house. Weird XD.
  10. Well, but I guess it's always easy to keep track of the information you've made up yourself, isn't it? Waiting for the reports
  11. Congrats! Now you just have to get a way to do the same with Brandon himself
  12. Meh, I have to wait until my Amazon order ships it to my house in Spain. You'll have already finished it by the time I can start reading it.
  13. Yes, That I know. But try to give that a few generations of interbreeding, with boys inheriting the father's Kkell power and girls inheriting the mother's Kkell power. The, let's suppose... the wife enters the husband's House. We would have... Houses who would keep the male Kkell power... and a mixture of female Kkell powers which would not be their own. If, instead, the lower-ranked one entered the highest-ranked one's House... We would have... Houses with... let's see... maybe 50% males with the male Kkell power, 50% males with a mixture of other Houses's male Kkell powers; 50% females with the House's female Kkell power and 50% females with a mixture of the other Houses's female Kkell powers? Somehow, that's not the impression I get pron reading the book (or the chapters we have as of now). I get the impression that all males of the House who are of enough rank have the male Kkell power, and all the females of the House who are of enough rank have the female Kkell power. Unless a parson retains his/her House even with marrying? And so do their own sex's children? But... wouldn't thet lead to conflicting loyalties and a lot of spying amongst the Houses? That's my question.
  14. There are some differences, as it is an early work. Differences in...
  15. Finally! A topic about Mythwalker! I hate opening topics, I always feel like I am going to say something silly and the thrad is going to be closed or stay with no answers for 'having no point at all'. I have become addicted to Mythwalker. Brandon might think it's not well written, but it's far better than many things you can find on bookshops and libraries as of today. The magic system - the Houses' Kkells and so, I completely love, as well as the hierarchy that exists inside of a family and how it relates to power-level. What is more, I like the characters. Well, to be more specific... I like Devin's father who hasn't appeared. I'm really curious about him. And I'm curious about how Devin is going to cope with his new Kkell... I have many questions, sure. Specially about inter-marriages between families and what happens with the different Kkell powers. And about why is it that the Oath is so binding. The last chapter seems to imply it is something more than just words, honor and soul at stake. As well as Prince Sserin's strategy.
  16. Maybe. Or maybe not. Could be, but I think Ambrose would be too much of an antagonist if that happened. Too many things have already ocurred because of Ambrose. But that raises an interesting point: something Kvothe did ended up bringing worse consequences that the evil that was there before and that Kvothe killed. Think. Kvothe is completely denying himself. I'm positive that his sympathy did not work when he tried because he cannot concentrate anymore to focus his Alar, he is distressed. And it would be the same reason he suddenly stopped fighting well against the soldiers/recruits and made a fool of himself. But then, he killed the Scrael. He feels that all he has done, in the end, has done more evil than good. But, in the end, he still can't help trying to protect people... or he hasn't been able to eliminate his old personality completely... yet. Might be a mix of the two. That's my theory. I believe that his killing of the king, whoever he was, started the war. Ands that's the reason for he being so secluded, so humble. But, still, sometimes the old Kvote resurfaces again, and tries to do something to protect... because he feels guilty, terribly guilty. But his remorse is so great he thinks that, were he to do something openly, with his full power, the power he once had, it would only worsen the situation. In a word: he is afraid.
  17. I would like to announce... ... that, after years of waiting, finally I managed to get a second-hand copy of stand-alone novel 'Lord of No Time' by Louise Cooper, written in 1977 and which years after became the 'Time Master' trilogy, far easier to find and which I'd recommend to everybody. *happy dance* Oh, did I mention I loved it? It has actually quite a different... something that makes it shine with its own light. Its philosophy and the one of trilogy which would be written later are actually quite different.
  18. Well, I still think there are must-reads that could be there and are not, but that's based not only in quality, but also in popularity. Now that I think about it, I never thought of counting how many books of the list I have read... It makes 20 books read and 2 books I started and couldn't finish.
  19. This two questions... this depends on the editorial, at least in my country. I don't know Tor's policy, so I thought it would be interesting to ask. Does the author get to see a sketch of the cover art before it gets approved? Or any version before the final one? If it is so, can he make any suggestions if something directly contradicts the story's facts? Supposing the author had in mind a particular artist for designing the cover, can he suggest him to be the artist? And what are the probabilities the editorial (Tor in this case) will accept?
  20. Alliare


    As for how Marsh would have gained that particular Hemalurgical ability of storing age, my guess is an Atium spike. I mean, we know that in-world people believe that Atium spikes can only steal Allomantic temporal powers, but Brandon has already said that it can actually steal any power if placed properly. I don't think the Lord Ruler, or the Steel Inquisitors, would have wanted to create an immortal voluntarily, but I believe they could have made some kind of mistake when placing a spike, or maybe they were just experimenting. Not even Ruin can control luck.
  21. Yeah, here it happens the same, but only with a few volumes. In fact, there have been two different editions here. They published in the old one up to Crossroads of Twilight, which was split in two #16 and #17. The new edition is different. For example, Crossroads of Twilight is a single book, but The Eye of The World, which was a single book in the old one, is now split. According to this one, Gathering Storm is #18. ... and people ask why I read the original versions...
  22. Alliare


    Then, get an award named "the awardless" Something like a black hole or so. Besides, dark holes are cool.
  23. Alliare


    You're an admin and you don't have an award. Shouldn't you get one too?
  24. I LOVE fanfiction! Good fanfiction, that is. I like to see there is someone else with the same ideas. I will definitely check those two, it has been a long time since I read any Sailor Moon fandom... and I never read any Harry Potter fanfiction, so it seems a good start. And, in exchange, I'll recommend you The Last Ringbearer, by Kirill Yeskov, which is also fanfiction. It's, well, a novel of The Lord of the Rings events by the Mordor dwellers... 269 pages in .pdf, really worth it.
  25. LOVE it. So, linking to what Happyman has said... It might be that, if we are talking about us, and the reality we live in, there is no reason there has to be some kind of attempt to reach the highest level of entropy in itself. But there is, indeed, a tendence for all the universe to achieve higher levels of entropy (at least, given what we know as of today). So, if we took every life form and we somehow could isolate it and everything that is affected by its existence and consider it from a thermodinamical point of view (in which there is no "time" to speak of), probably we would get an increase of entropy in the system that wouldn't be there if there had not been metabolic processes catalyzed by the fact there was a living being there. Now, here is where we can make the paralellism with the Cosmere I believe Chaos was speaking about. Ruin is, in itself, a being who tries to get the world into chaos. That is, he would be the reason behind that always-increasing entropy tendence. So, now, why would he accept creating life, something that is, in itself, highly organized and not chaotic at all? Because he sees the higher picture. He sees that, as a whole, that is working towards his goal, not Preservation's. (Oh, gosh, I don't know if I made sense... I just couldn't find the exact words in English sometimes, sorry)
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