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Everything posted by Alliare

  1. How about an award for proposing a theory and it turning out to be accurate afterwards, either because of Brandon's confirmation or in future books? You say the description of the 'Dedicated' award has a clue, Windrunner? Then I'm dumber than I thought...
  2. Well, I'm happy to hear she's doing better, and to have you back, both of you
  3. I have a very, very old phone. That would be... this:
  4. Let's see... I'm interested in Bast vs. Seregil (Miskatonic University), though Bast will probably win. And also in Kelsier vs. Gale (Starfleet Academy), of course (I'm betting Kelsier wins this).
  5. Alliare


    Cool! Congrats, everyone! You really deserved it Now don't go spiking too much without a reason.
  6. ... you can see many anime series on YouTube, too. I tend to do that a lot. Just wondering, is there any female who has her gender right?
  7. Google thinks I'm a male, too! Age 18-24 - Okay, that's right. And I like anime, manga (that's correct), fun tests and silly surveys (huh?), game systems and consoles, especially roleplaying (well, that's ok...) and online communities (forums, chats... ¿?).
  8. That's cool! You can get your plate to say what you want there? That's really nice. Here car plates are boring.
  9. Actually, I was taking a more 'psychological' way, if you would call it so. It just so happens that I have had many hours of being present as a student in a psychologist's, given that it has always been one of my main interests, I am a medicine student and so XD. I was just applying what I have seen and learned there. Human personality is fascinating.
  10. On the contrary, she has been brought up to believe the world and everyone is ruthless, and that is how everything should be. That's what he likes about Elend - he is not ruthless, and yet he is kind to her. She would like to despise him at first, but she - she finds out she can't. Because he cares. Because her world is upside-down. Reen said nobody could be trusted, Kelsier proved otherwise. If she can question that very 'truth' of her universe, she can question anything. Including her own way of being. Elend is so different from the people from the slums. She fascinates him. And she can't be indifferent to that. Now, to the first you said - that's human nature of the very same characters. We, as human beings, always strife about what is 'good' and what is 'bad', and we always try to justify things saying 'oh, but that person did that because he was bad, or crazy, or psychopatal, human nature is being good', or so. It is not Brandon forcing the issue. It's the moral of the characters themselves forcing the issue. You'll see something more interesting about it later with Sazed.
  11. Good points for the end, Peter. Didn't think about the seizures. However, it seems to me, that the whole Demon God plot is left too much aside, even though bthe title is Mythwalker. And I think, too, that the Demon God is good and Hess bad, in a Ruin/Preservation kind of way. The problem is, I don't think the priests would serve a bad good willingly... they seem to think... that they god is a pushover, or just a puppet they can control like the Emperor, and so are corrump, honestly. And the fearsome apparitions Davin saw at the start of the novel? Hess' doing? Oh, and I think they're going to the mainland because there Septs are unimportant, money is important. Maybe Devint will learn to be a master thief and they'll get a lot of allies that way!
  12. Let's do something: I'm going to quote something general you said about Brandon's work and answer it. Then do the same with something about Elend and Vin. And try not to spoil you anything. Now, I am not sure if I have read this correctly. If there is something Brandon does not do is having "goodies" and "baddies". This is something you can read in most interviews he has given. In TFE, at the end, when the "great enemy" is slain, his last words are "You don't understand. You don't know what I do for humankind. I was your god, even if you couldn't understand it. By killing me, you have condemned yourselves..." (Spanish edition, "No lo comprendéis -gimió-. No sabéis lo que hago por la humanidad. Era vuestro dios, aunque no pudierais comprenderlo. Al matarme, os habéis condenado...", p. 631 translated by me, didn't have the English one at hand). I cannot say if he is good or bad, for you haven't finished Mistborn, but there you have that - take your conclusions. However, we could mostly say that, in Brandon's books, things are more or less like in real life, there is not such thing as 'bad' people. More like - people have passions, have appettites, and they might do things which are not ethically acceptable to get what they want. And the more power they have, the more accustomed they grow to doing so, the more damage they will cause. On the other hand, as being moral is something more or less universal - it seems that every human being experiences the feeling of having 'limits' and not being able to do what it wants, acting according with one's moral code, or with a group's moral coge, would be doing 'good things'. And most people will do both. Oh, and a word about idealists. There are always idealists. Only... most idealists never triumph. And most never even get to try. But those lives would be very boring to write about, don't you think? That's why authors get to choose. Most times, idealists are behind someone with power that will listen to some of their aideas, or will manage to turn ahat they think into something economically beneficial, for example. But, pray tell me, if there have been idealists in history, in this oh so corrupted world/real life, why can't there be idealists in fantasy? Attraction. That's a important reason. Also and that, mo matter how long you have been in hiding (your feelings, your true self...) or maybe even because of it, when you want to open yourself, you want to do it now. Vin is afraid Elend will leave her, the more she tells him anything about the topic, even encouraging him, the mora afraid she is. And she wouldn't forgive herself if he left because of her not being open enough. ... on the other part, yes, they understand each other. Vin is very perceptive, with all her time in the streets and the bands, and so is Elend, having to look at everyone who surrounded him. They both were and felt not wanted and rejected. And, now, even if they have kind of 'friends', they both feel themselves Kelsier's shadow. They have much in common. ... Besides, the story doesn't 'jump' from scene that appears in the book to scene that appears in the book. It continues, the characters think, talk...
  13. I want that in glittering colors in Eric's window! *-* About Kaladin... I guess we meet a 'already betrayed' Kaladin, him before they killed everyone and sold him as a slave; before he lost his little brother, before what happened in that battle. I think... I like the glimpses of the less-mature Kaladin more, the Kaladin who has lived less, who is still innocent, who cares. The Kaladin his men describe. Everyone has to grow in such terrible conditions, but... if I were granted a wish, I would have spared Kaladin squadleader all of what came after. Maybe it would not have been good for the story. Maybe he wouldn't have been such a complex character and all his levels in badassery, but... he would be more... I would like him more as a person, I don't know.
  14. See? That's what I meant. I could start explaining now many things about Elend's personality, because I actually find it quite, fitting, well-depeloped (I personally find him to be one of the most realistic characters in the book), but I cannoct, bgecause I would probably spoil the book to you, at least the second one. In fact, probably it would be enough with me copying and then pasting what I wrote in one of the spoiler-allowed subforums. Vin sleeping in the floor (or, rather, in the balcony) of Elend's room) strikes me as something she would probably have done more than once. She's quite paranoid, the girl. But she would not share the same room than Elend because, given what we know about Luthadel's society, not only she would have needed to be very sure of herself for that (which we know she was not), but also it was probably something not done in Luthadel's upper classes and would have been bad for Elend's reputation to sleep with a woman he was not married to, which was Vin's main concern. Religion has nothing to do with it in this case, at least not inside the story itself. But religious beliefs are not the only way which will not make a couple not have sex, if you are talking about that specifically. We talked about Elend and Vin's backgrounds before. Nor all the couples are touchy or things like that. Love, affection... it can work in many different ways with very different people. Please remember how they have lived, who they are, their responsibilities and what they have to do... And I still recommend you finish the book or we won't be able to talk properly about this or any other Mistborn-related topic.
  15. *cries* So... Devin would have been a klutz, and that's why he was only average and not your normal KKoloss, and that's why now he's the king, he is awesome? Then... he might be awesome now, but he will never be as uber-awesome as a normal Kkoloss king would be. Just following the story's reasoning, and basing it in what Brandon told you. I liked best old King Dunn, Prince Sarn and the priests' theory that he was the son of the son of the son... of a bastard, so until the killing he had actually been twentieth Sept, or something like that.
  16. Well... from what I have always thought, if you take 'lovers' in the strict meaning of the term, I don't think Vin and Elend were ever lovers. ... and I think it would be quite obvious why if you look at Vin's background, with her confidence problems and everyone betraying her in the end; and Elend and what happend when Straff took him to make love with a Skaa woman. And that explains perfectly why they have separate rooms and so on. ... actually, it seemed so logical to me that it didn't struck me as odd at all when I read the book. But there are many ways of loving people, showing affection... and even having two people loving each othger... and even doubting what the other person feels. Thinking that everything is gonna be like in our world would be simplifying things a lot. ... that much of a lot, that I really doubt husbands and wives actually slept in the same room in Luthadel's noble Houses, anyway. However... the problem is... I can't really keep talking about the relationship develops. This is roughly 1/3 of the first book. I don't really know how much you have read. Honestly, if you want my advice, finish the books first or you are going to get every page from here to the last word spoiled. And I can hardly believe you would want that.
  17. I think I like Elend. Maybe he's not a uber-over-the-top guy like the ones you have been choosing, but I feel he was really well-portrayed. he was a freak in Luthadel society without being too much as a freak to be unbelieable. I could see him reading in those balls and felt a kind of... identification with him, it was a mixture of that desire he had of annoying his father... and plain boredom. And how he is kind about skaa but more out of curiosity than because he really understands them. ... and then all his doubts on the second book, oh, there were such a good essay about leading, democracy and dictatorship... somehow, I think everything Elend asked himself is whyat every honest ruler asks himself, sooner or later.
  18. So, I am stupid. We all agree about that. So we vote just by leaving a comment? It's just that... I find it rather... strange. It seems a tedious way of counting the votes later, so I wanted to make sure.
  19. Oh, don't worry about that, I'm only into your everyday blackmail.
  20. I had another Brandon-themed dream tonight... hecame to my house, and I gave him all the books I have written by him so he would sign them (all but two - one of them I bought from his website, so already signed; ant the other a friend went to a signing in Newcastle so is signed too). But when I got one of them, I discovered it was signed and I didn't know it, in a pretty cian ink, and almost a page and a half, talking about books, and so!
  21. Now I'm jealous XD. I don't suppose you two have a photo to spare of the wonderful event, or something? Awww... you're both too far away from me.
  22. Yeah, Happy New Year to everyone here! May Odium torment you in dreams, the Voidbringers persecute you, and a Koloss munch your head! ... and then, the admins here will spike you, of course.
  23. Most likely a Kkell Oath, then. If they adopted themselves, for them to kill the emperor or use a TRUE not-of-the-blood figurehead would give them maximum power. Unless they're, somehow, eunuchs or unable to produce any descendence. And Peter says your theory is correct. But now I am wondering... Siri is the Vessel, but she retains her Kkell power... even thought she's told she's not part of her family anymore. What about the priests? Do they retain their original Kkell power? And how does one become an Archpriest?
  24. Shards. Good question. I have the feeling that, even if many things have changed, the idea of Adonalsium, the shattering, Hoid, the Shards, the Cosmere... has been there from the beginning, in Brandon's mind. So there has to be a Shard in that word, splintered or not. Maybe two. Probably two, in fact. The dark lord that is supposed to be going to be reborn, and the one who gives the Kkell powers and so. In fact, given that this has ideas of many books, and not only Warbreaker's, I seem to find all the thing about a dark lord being imprisoned, the amount of Kkell power always being the same, a prophetised hero... more like a Mistborn thing. A Ruin-vs-Preservation thing, I mean. What you've said about only being an Emperor and no more imperial relatives for the preservation of the imperial Kkell power... yes, that makes sense.
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