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Everything posted by Alliare

  1. Re-reading The Three Musketeers, after having went to the movies this weekend and got a mental image of Alexandre Dumas shouting from Heaven: "But what did you do with my poor, beautiful novel!?" Having a lot of fun, actually, it's probably one of the first books I ever read, so the way I look at many things now... it's quite different. But I cannot help but feel sympathy towards Richelieu.
  2. But, then, if we're talking about children, shoulnd't parents be the ones to decide by themselves if that particular book can be handled by their child's maturity and is or isn't against his morals? But now, I'm talking about what would be VERY controversial books. I also do not believe that all children should be given to read are fairy tales where the princess is beautiful, the prince handsome and gallant and the witch spiteful and ugly (yes, I am exaggerating). I mean, part of the education at school should be: 'look, there are these different kinds of people out there'. Just that, not showing them what a brothel is in real life, of course ._.
  3. Thanks... for... telling... I'm getting that e-book even if it's the last thing I do in my life. *kisses Zas*
  4. Oh, I see. It still strikes me as odd that you could prevent a book from getting into public libraries, though. I mean, if the idea is that they're not appropiate for children, then don't put them in the children section, and that would be all, right? I can see the school part as easier to understand.
  5. You do actually have banned books in the US? 0_o How does it work, exactly? Because, from what you say, I get you can read them, nevertheless. Is it forbidden for children to buy them? Or are they difficult to find? Or is it just that a group of people protests against them, and nothing more? Forgive me for being so ignorant... u_u Oh, by the way, SOM1else, from the ones you've said you will be reading, I find Brave New World to be the best, followed by 1984 and then Fahrenheit 451. Haven't read Flowers for Algernon, though.
  6. For 'coming with a lot of love', it really seems you don't like her at all. I might like an author or not, but to come as far as saying nthat it would be embarrasing to read most of his/her books.. Oh, well, as I suppose any reason I might give to you would make no difference, you can go tell Patrick Rothfuss. He has The Last Herald-Mage listed in his '40 Sci-Fi and Fantasy books you must read', before Ender's Game itself.
  7. Oh, I got another 'might-be' clue pointing about Kvothe's mother being Netalia Lackless. Remember, in The Name of the Wind, when she surprises Kvothe singing a not-too-kind song? Well, that song was about a 'Lady Lackless', and she gets really pissed off. And, later, she sends him in some errand for him to make up to 'Lady Lackless and herself'. She even says it's not kind to say that kind of things because Lady Lackless is 'a real person', and probably, I guess, a person she doesn't want to hear being made fun of.
  8. Oh, really? How about uploading a little video or voice archive of you singing a little ^_- ?
  9. Wow, that seems even more frightening than the idea of the fire itself >_< I'm glad you're okay, KChan.
  10. I kind of think it would be maddening to read. ... but definitely better than reading the whole book, then going to the website and reading the whole annotations (which is what I do now).
  11. Your dream job would involve getting paid to read books? Is there a job such as that? Because, if there is, I'm in! Well, nice to meet you! So the forums' population is growing, hmm? That's nice What kind of stories do you write? I've never heard anyone say that one of his interests is 'people'. What do you mean? Meeting people? Oh, I like physics, too. I'm a huge fan of Feynman. Well, and I'm just speaking nonsense. AGAIN. See you!
  12. Wow! Thanks for organising this! You are the best, guys! Count me in, of course I'm entering, and you bet I'm interested in winning. *gives a cookie*
  13. I LOVE you for having international shipping. *kisses the admins. The MALE admins, that is. Embraces the female ones* I think you guys should get something for organising it, though. Besides our overwhelming gratitude.
  14. Wow. That's quite thorough. I always thought Kvothe's mother was netalia lackless (was quite sure of it, in fact), but never went though it the way you have. Now I feel even more reasurred. Cannot say the same about the 'Lackless door', I'm afraid. I can't make heads or tails of it.
  15. Yes, they mentioned that certain alloys of Aluminum were inert too. But I think that, if Duralumin were one of them, they would have said so, it being one of the sixteen allomantic metals and all.
  16. Hmm... I don't think s, given that Duralumin is its counterpart, an alloy of Aluminum, and it does have a power, the power of concentrating all the reserves of a metal a Mistborn is burning in a single burst. So it wouldn't make sense for Aluminum to not have a power and for Duralumin to have it. Besides, burning Chromium does the same as burning Aluminum, only that it affects not the burner, but an Allomancer the burner is touching, and I would not say it's a metal with 'lack' of power, especially knowing that nobody has said anything about Chromium being Allomantically inert.
  17. Yes... it is used, you are right (I had to go through all the chapters again, as I read them as soon as they were out, so I didn't remember the specifics). However... is there is to be such a thing as Allomantic inertness, how come Aluminum is one of the metals Allomancers can burn and use? Seems kinda odd. I see your point, though, about comparing Allomantic Pushing and Pulling with magnetism.
  18. *thinks that Joe should do a Steel Inquisitor cosplay*
  19. Yes, I know the main properties. And I also know that Aluminum's properties were closely kept by the Lord Ruler. It is not that it doest't appear in the Mitborn trilogy what surprises me, it's the fact itself. I mean, it is a metal, after all. Even if it can destroy another metals by being burned by an Allomancer, it isn't being burned when someone tries to Push or Pull it. And I cannot think of any chemical reason, either (though I'll recognize I haven't done any serious research).
  20. Huh... guys, I'm sure this question is so stupid, but I seem to have a knack for not understanding very simple things. It's something that bothered me when reading the first six released chapters of Alloy of Law... Why is Aluminum not affected when it comes to pushing and pulling metals?
  21. Hello! Welcome here! Mistborn cosplay? I definitely have to see that! Never thought of doing one... though I can see it would be pretty fun. Let's see... Maybe a Koloss cosplay?
  22. Hello! Saw your introducing topic the day before yesterday, but I was just about to go to bed, then, so I didn't answer then. Think it's time to make up for that XD. I'm Alliare, and I'm pretty new here, too, but I'm already feeling like at home, for everyone here is very friendly, you'll see Besides, you seem a kind person too - and very interesting. I love animals and, as such, tend to get along well with people who do, too - and it seems you love them. Five snakes? Now, that's a feat! If I'd ever tried to enter a snake at home, my mother would have bolted though the door - not exactly the best idea (my cousin had one, though. He kept it hidden from his mother. Yes, he had a big room). Never thought about having tarantulae, though I once held one in my hand. So, nice to meet you! I'm also looking forward to seeing you posting here and there. And... oh, wait... you are a huge fan of anime... and you like reptiles... and have snakes... I got you!
  23. That's cool! I like the name, too XD. Whoever designed it had a good idea!
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