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Everything posted by Duskshard

  1. This is interesting!! Roshone talking to Lirin? Interlude maybe? Navani talking to Dalinar?
  2. Those weren't the only corpses. At the start of the Interlude it makes out like there's multiple corpses on the floor of the room behind her father, then she goes on to remark on the bodies of the man and the woman in the room with her. A red carpet once white indicates a bloodbath to me.
  3. Now that I've had time to sleep on it and think it through a bit more I think that option 2 is more likely given that Wyndle thinks of the Nightwather as his mother, and the Nightwater most agree is Cultivation. Which most likely means that Wyndle is a Splinter of Cultivation. So this is what I'm leaning towards now. Surgebinding Honor and Cultivation join forces They select 10 people to be their Heralds They bind each to them,to them with an ideal Some are bound just to Honor, some just to Cultivation and some to both Spren are attracted to each ideal The spren become Splinters gaining sentience, and now each represent an ideal The spren start bonding with human trying to recreate that what the Almighty did with the Heralds We get Surgebinders and later KR for those who learn the ideals Voidbinding Odium selects 10 people These 10 come to be known as the ten fools Each of the ten are bound to odium by an ideal Spren are attracted to the ideals The spren "feed" of the ideal and become Splinters (Odiumspren? Voidspren?) The spren start to bind or are bound to creatures of the void This creates Voidbinders Speculation: Maybe Cultivation acts as a sort of balance between Honor and Odium and as part of the Oathpact had to add part of her power to both magics. Perhaps as part of the Oathpact there need to be some kind of balance? Maybe Surgebinding granted by spren couldn't re-enter the world without Voidbinding also returning. Perhaps this is why the KR betrayed the spren, to banish Voidbinders from the world? And maybe that's the reason why Darkness now hunts them, to stop the return of Voidbinders?
  4. OK, tell me if this sounds crazy. There are two kinds of spren, nature and emotion. or (natural forces and concepts) Forces of nature spren are of Cultivation? and emotion/concepts are of Honor? Each Herald get's their abilities from a bond to Honor and each represents an ideal. (a concept) Each ideal granted the Herald two Surges divided up between spiritual and cognitive surges. Four got access to two spiritual surges, Four got access to two cognitive surges, and two got access to one of each. Spren were attracted to each ideal and because each ideal was a bond to Honor the spren "fed" of that bond and achieved sentience by becoming Splinters. These spren, that now each represented an ideal, started to bond with humans giving them surgebinding abilities like the Heralds whose ideal/Order they represent. (Surprising the Almighty) This would suggest that the power of Surgebinding comes from Honor. So what about Cultivation? Well I think her magic system is Voidbinding. (Binding spren that represent natural forces) I don't think that the spren involved in Voidbinding are Splinters, but I suppose they could be, but for now I'm going to assume they're not. So while Surgebinding involves sentient spren who make the decision to bond to a human who represents their ideal. I think Voidbinding works by binding a non-sentient spren that represents a force of nature to them (like stormspren) giving them abilities. =============================== OR The ideals the Herald swore bound them to both Honor and Cultivation (and the Herald's surge abilities, depending upon the Herald, are either of Honor, Cultivation or a mix of both) giving the spren that were attracted to that ideal access to the power of both Shards, becoming Splinters that way. Which would mean that Voidbinding is something else entirely. =============================== This is just something that I started to think about while reading Brandon Q&A's and I thought I share it to see what you guys think. So tell me what you think, feel free to added to it or tear it apart.
  5. A while back in response to this Glimpses, I suggested this, Well I was just looking through some Brandon Q&A's and found this, Given that Honorspren are Splinters, I'd say that it stands to reason that the spren from all the Orders are also Splinters and this is most likely how they gained sentience.
  6. Liss's sex wasn't ambiguous. People just didn't know that the Weeper was a woman, everyone just assumed that the Weeper was a man. Which was good for Liss because no one would expect her to be the Weeper because she's a woman. I really don't see an assassin of her reputation being so sloppy and causing that bloodbath, and I don't believe for a second that Shallan would mistake the body of a woman for a man. Other that that you've got an interesting theory. Shallans mother could very well of been a Ghostblood, Brandon certainly suggests she's a person of interest.
  7. The orders aren't gender locked. We've seen female and male Windrunners and Stonewards.
  8. Oops!! Lmao! I've fixed it, what can I say, I guess all this anticipation finally broke my brain.
  9. Sort of makes me think of chasmfiends in it's chrysalis, sitting on a plateau awaiting a highstorm. *Wild speculation* Maybe the Larkin's like that, at some point in it's life it creates a hard clear chrysalis around itself to await a highstorm. Then when it's taken in enough stormlight it transforms into something else. The one on Elhokar's desk might just be in stasis and if it was left out in a highstorm it would "hatch" I don't actually believe any of that, just a random thought that popped into my head. It would be pretty cool though if Elhokar's paper weight suddenly became his pet that could defend him against a surgebinder. *New Theory* Elhokar's pet Larkin defeats Szeth and saves Dalinar.
  10. Or a Skybreaker, which I suspect him to be, they also have the division surge. This could be him being trained to use that ability. Jasnah thinks she's supposed to train the new generation of surgebinders, so this could be her talking to Renarin, getting him to practice on rocks. EDIT: I just looked over on the WoR discussion page on Tor, and Wetlander (who has read WoR) say's that this was one of her favorite lines in the book. So whatevers going on in that scene must be good.
  11. Sadeas is asking Renarin to kill Rock for putting dung in his food.
  12. ​Well this is nowhere near as good as yesterday. Plus I think that must be the longest I've had to wait for it yet. I was going crazy with anticipation, I think that Tor and team Sanderson are trying to drive me insane.
  13. There's the scene where Dalinar smashes Elokars wrist on the stone floor making him release his shardblade. I find it hard to believe that between having his wrist smashed to the floor and him letting go of the blade that none of the 6' blade was touching the stone floor. Yet it still vanished. What you have is a theory Skaa, and an interesting one, but it's premature to say that it's certain, no maybes, what if's about it.
  14. This is my wild speculation from the Glimpse's thread fleshed out a bit. So the Parshendi have summoned a highstorm in stormform and are attacking the camps. The Alethi are taking heavy losses and Dalinars life is in danger, but Kaladin isn't there to protect him. Renarin sees this and rushes in to protect his father, revealing that he's a Skybreaker. He then say's his second ideal then uses his power to Break the Parshendi storm, but in doing so he uses up too much stormlight too quickly and falls in exhaustion. But Dalinar catches him then kneels to lower him to the ground, then holds him. Renarin lives and his actions save the Alethi by turning the battle around in their favor. I think the fractured sky is how it looks after he's broken the storm.
  15. Maybe it's a case of Honorblades working differently for the Heralds that they actually belong to, maybe the blades didn't just vanish when their real owners dropped them but they actually had to be dismissed. Maybe this is also true for the KR's shardblades, maybe their blades were summoned and dismissed at will too. All the blades we've seen turn to mist when dropped have been in the possession of people who don't truly own them.
  16. Wild speculation, but what if Renarin is a Skybreaker and this is part of the scene where he first displayed his power. Sky fractured/Skybreaker??? Maybe he's used up all his stormlight too quickly and he doesn't have the strength to stand so Dalinar is kneeling holding him in his arms.
  17. I just don't think it will, what with Brandon telling us Renarin has a spren that we haven't seen before. It just seem to me that the story can be developed more by Renarin character, were as Adolin I feel is the most expendable of the Kholins. OR We're reading these words so out of context that we're supposed to think that one of his sons dies but actually something else is happening in this scene. Tor's trolling us!!
  18. Books From - The Farseer Trilogy and the Tawny Man Trilogy - (Robin Hobb) Fitz Farseer The Fool Nighteyes Burrich Nettle From - Mistborn - (Brandon Sanderson) Kelsier Vin Tensoon From - Stormlight Archive - (Brandon Sanderson) Kaladin Lift Jasnah Syl From - The First Law Trilogy - (Joe Abercrombie) Logen Ninefingers AKA The Bloody-nine - The only character which made these books worth reading.From - The Riftwar Cycle - (Raymond E Feist) Jimmy the Hand Nakor Talan Mara From - A Song of Ice and Fire - (George RR Martin) Arya Tyrion Jamie Jon Syrio From - The Count of Monte Cristo - (Alexandre Dumas) - Brillant book Edmund DantesFrom - The Sword of Truth The Mord-Sith Games From - FF7 Cloud Sephiroth - best bad guy in a game ever IMO Reno - Just because he's an idiot From - Metal Gear Big Boss Solid Snake The End From - The Last of Us - Probably the best story I've seen in gaming. Joel Ellie TV From - Firefly Captain Malcolm Reynolds Jane Inara From - Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) From - Stargate Jack O'Neill Daniel Jackson Ronin From - Sherlock Sherlock John Watson From - Justified Raylan Givens - I just love this character. Boyd Crowder These are just the ones of the top of my head, I'm sure there's plenty more. EDIT: Oops, how could I forget, From - Dr Horrible's sing a long blog Captain Hammer
  19. Yes, I would. Then I'd covertly switch the dust jacket with another book of similar size, like the oxford dictionary, then reluctantly give him that back at the 3 hour mark. Then as he was walking away down the garden path I'd start laughing maniacally.
  20. Ok, my interpretation of this quote from Darkness has changed. I no longer think that he's saying that having surgebinders in the world will cause a desolation. If that is he was saying then I think he would of said "but they do not dabble in arts that will return Desolation to this world" Instead he says "that could return Desolation". This suggests to me that people with surgebinding abilities isn't the problem, it's that having these abilities makes them capable of doing something which could trigger a Desolation.
  21. You're right Hoser, it could be MrT, it makes sense that he would have some medical knowledge. He could be using this metaphor to explain why he's having leaders around the world killed.
  22. Sorry. I guess I was so blinded by her awesomeness that I missed it.
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