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Status Updates posted by Slowswift

  1. If you haven't seen it yet, I posted to my writng thread last night! (Well, this morning. Technically.)

  2. I'm not normally the singing type, but our ward choir is awesome, and today was even more amazing than usual: we sang one of my favorite songs, the Pilgrim Song. It's had a special place in my heart ever since I heard it on Music and the Spoken Word over a decade ago, since my school's chamber choir sang it at graduation, and even more so now that I had the privilege to sing it myself. 

    1. My sister graduated today! She's the best and I love her. ❤️ (But don't tell her I said that.)
    2. Apparently I'm allergic to the entire month of May. This is the third year running that, at this specific time of the month, I've got hayfever so bad it might as well be a cold. It especially sucks because I absolutely adore spring otherwise.
  3. Hey, @Thaidakar the Ghostblood. When I first heard this song, it reminded me of how uplifting and supportive you are to everyone here. So, in light of your imminent departure, this one's for you.

    I suppose it was only a matter of time before I started listening to Keane. I'd enjoyed a couple of their songs before, but last week I finally figured I ought to listen to the rest of the album. I love how the primary instrument in their band is keyboard, not guitar--it gives them a unique, beautiful sound. (Maybe this song isn't the best demonstration of that, but it's still true.)

    The pen is an Opus 88 Omar; the ink is Colorverse Rainy Day.

    Keane - Day Will Come lyrics

    link to the song

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Awww, that's a good song! Thanks for thinking of me.

  4. Forgot my Shardiversary again lol. Though, since last year was the Big 10, I guess I just don't feel the same urgency anymore. Maybe I'll make a big stink about 15, but until then I'll just say thanks for having me around, y'all. ❤️

  5. A poem shared with me the other day: maybe you'd like it too?


  6. All right, I'ma crowdsource some worldbuilding 'cause it's giving me too much of a headache.

    Consider, if you will: In front of you is a book. This book is magical. Oh, on the outside, it's nothing special: a nondescript leatherbound volume, a little worn but in good condition. Maybe it's a famous wizard's journal, maybe it's a grimoire, maybe it's just an outdated almanac. But something about this book has the potential to end the world if it fell into the wrong hands. What is that something?

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      It contains the ending to a famous series.

      jokes aside, maybe it could be an almanac for the end of the world?

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      A piece of information that would be needed to create an otherwise impossible weapon, for starters.

    3. Slowswift


      Thank you!

  7. Enough about turning off your internal editor while writing--how do you turn off your internal cringe? I swear I can't write anything remotely poetic or romantic without creating a singularity in my bedroom.

  8. Question: Who's the most infuriating character in the Stormlight Archive?


    Is it Elhokar? Nope!

    Is it Moash? Nope!

    Is it Sadeas, Amaram, or Roshone? Nope!

    It's Brightness Hashal, who, despite appearing for all of two pages in total, inspires such rage in me--a generally polite and often foolishly optimistic person--that the only word I can summon to truthfully describe her is one I cannot repeat here. She is the Umbridge of the Shattered Plains.


  9. Happy birthday!

  10. Saw on the news (only kinda, I was at work and couldn't pay attention) that a tornado hit Lincoln. Y'all okay?

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I think we're all okay. Everyone I know is, at least.

    2. Slowswift


      Glad to hear it.

  11. Now that I've been slowly easing my way back into writing, would anybody be interested if I posted some snippets here and there for some light feedback? And if so, should I start a dedicated thread?

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I’d read it! 

  12. Happy birthday!

  13. Happy birthday!

  14. Writing in public is super awesome actually, because even if nobody cares what you're doing you can always trick your brain into thinking that they'll all start judging you if you start browsing Reddit or researching obscure grammar rules instead of actually writing.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Wait that’s so fair-

  15. Since my job blessedly lets me have an earbud in while I work, and since I'm caught up on all my podcasts, I've started listening to audiobooks. I just finished an Era 2 reread this way, and today I started again the Way of Kings.

    Storms, it's good to be back.

  16. Happy birthday!

  17. Written with a Franklin-Christoph 31 inked with Kyo-no-oto Moegiiro.

    For whoever needs to hear it.


    (the song)

  18. Happy birthday!

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thank you!!!

  19. Happy birthday!

  20. Just came back from choir practice! While I'm still not particularly confident in my abilities personally, we sounded really good, and I love the pieces we're performing. Can't wait for tomorrow!

  21. In case anyone's interested, I thought I'd share some of my favorite writing music. I've tried many things over the years, and sometimes they work, but most of them end up as a distraction one way or another. Not this stuff. I put this stuff on and I can write for hours. Not that I've done any such thing lately but y'know


    Arctic Empire


  22. Happy birthday! ^_^

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