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Everything posted by Pineap-spider

  1. Occasionally, if I want a pizza but don't want to pay for a pizza, i'll use whatever I can find for a crust and load it with whatever sounds good. I've had pizza on a tortilla (would not recommend), a English muffin, (almost just as bad) whole wheat bread slices (decent), and a slice of French bread (the best).
  2. How many times did you have go on the tilt-a-whirl to throw up? As long as there's enough butter
  3. Granted. they're constantly moist. I wish daylight savings was abolished I could have a normal sleep schedule
  4. your ability make Melody's lines of warding look competent
  5. Granted, but it's really itchy and neon yellow I wish that I could run and not get injured
  6. I don't know... a full born (like the Lord Ruler) could do a lot, specifically with steel and duralumin and weight storing, plus compounding, I don't think a Windrunner just being really high would put them out of a fullborn's reach.
  7. I heard That Go West was trying to do something similar to Monty Python, with multiple characters being played by multiple people. It really just feels like a series of their old sketches strung together, with an overarching story. I've never heard it compared to Napoleon Dynamite, because the humor is so different. That's an interesting comparison. Over all though, it's really not bad. That's really interesting. I wonder how that will work. Will they just have more episodes? Regardless, I like the premise of keeping all competitors till the end but besides the fact that they have to if they want to stick to the premise of the show, it makes it really sad to watch the 12 year old struggle the entire time and their being an obvious winner almost every time, and it makes you realize why most competitions are elimitation. Also, one thing I forgot was Relative Race, which is probably my favorite BYUtv show. It's really good.
  8. I do love old Studio C, Their movie (it's called Go West) was pretty decent and Freelancers was great My family really likes All Round Champion, Tricked, and Wizard of Paws.
  9. Chuck Norris has the world record for sitting still for 2 minute the fastest, at 1 minute, 43 seconds, and 72 miliseconds
  10. Chuck Norris Once decided to create an AI. He decided to call it "The Human Brain"
  11. Have you ever been doing something, and an idea pops into your brain that, if only you had investiture... For example, thinking about swallowing a brass button to see if you could burn it, or wishing you could lash yourself into the sky so that the walk home from school was easier. Share those experiences here!
  12. I would pick something along the lines of "Melting Emu of Death"
  13. Welcome! how much of the cosmere have you read?
  14. Chuck Norris can tie his shoes with his feet Chuck Norris didn't cheat death, he won fair and square Global warming is Chuck Norris messing with the Thermostat Chuck Norris doesn't use "etc.", he lists every possible example Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad Chuck Norris can go to a Feminist rally and come back with a pressed shirt and a sandwich Some kids pee their name in the snow, Chuck Norris can pee his name into concrete Chuck Norris was born May 6th, 1945. Germany surrendered the next day.
  15. Hoid, Raoden, Odium Hoid is practically immortal and very powerful, Roaden is an awesome leader (how has no one picked Raoden yet?), and Odium is a literal aspect of god, and I feel like he could be useful in some way. Plus, you said they would help me to the extent of their abilities. RoW spoiler for safety Is this cheating?
  16. Welcome to the Shard! do you have a favorite magic system?
  17. very dignified, though I feel like there is something it's from that I should recognize. oh well, still pretty cool, 8.5/9.99...
  18. Someone in my life has been very frustrating, and it feels targeted.
  19. After a line of vigor is drawn, does the wave extend until it can't reflect, and then the tail follows, or does the section you drew just go?
  20. I think that rithmatist could be PG, but it could also be a horror movie, in my opinion. creepy Bowler hat man, multiple times when people go missing and there's blood (presumed dead), andwild man eaters? There's just a bunch of high intensity scenes that i think with the right direction and delivery, would make an awesome horror flick
  21. I think I'd be kind of like Professor Fitch, i can draw pretty well, and understand strategy a bit more than the next guy, but put me in the arena, and I collapse into a pile of nerves. I would probably draw a lot more toothy alligator-esque creatures, or maybe spiders and sentient fruit.
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