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Everything posted by Pineap-spider

  1. I will be inactive for the rest of May. Me and my family will be in Europe, so fun. I will not be posting anything while there, when would I have time? Anyway, this felt like an appropriate thing to do.

  2. I know, since it went right back to the heart of Africa where me and Sally still are. while we were waiting, we dug a mile wide moat around where we are. Sally catches the sandwich easily and I give her a pat for being a good girl.
  3. That didn't ruin them, but it certainly didn't help either TPBM can't keep track of writing utensils
  4. I shoot Hank and WhyEverNot with elephant tranquilizer. I then ride my elephant, Sally, into the area and take the sandwich. we travel to the heart of Africa.
  5. I dislike my ELA Class, but I'm excited to take a creative writing Class my senior year TPBM thinks tying your shoes is a waste of time.
  6. M-bot can go 20 mags, 1 mag being around 300 mph. that's 6000 mph, which is only around Mach 8. while she does have better guns, she can't really do much damage, as she has 0 bombing capability, making her damage output a bit meager. Meanwhile, America has the firepower to definitely take out a slightly advanced ship, even just with surface to air missiles. BUT WE DON'T NEED TO BRING THIS UP AGAIN also, PINEAPPLES?
  7. There is a romantic subplot, but the two characters act more like chums than romantic interests. Rithmatist is one of my favorite books, I think you'll be fine.
  8. Please don't bring this up again... (Me and Fool already argued about this for almost an hour once.) I Love Pineapples! What are your thoughts on pomegranates and popcorn?
  9. probably reckless driving what's the worst class you've ever taken?
  10. I come into the shop, knock you unconscious by hitting you over the head with a grand piano, take the sandwich, and leave the store, running into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
  11. I have a WWJD bracelet, and totally have a watch TPBM was a dinosaur kid
  12. Fry sauce, skiing, and stupid weather Ahh... Utah also, @One of the Ten Fools
  13. Does Robert Jordan count? TPBM Thinks it's stupid that IT'S SNOWING IN MAY. (I love Utah weather, but this is a bit to much)
  14. Don't hate on running... but too be fair, 61. do distance running. I have personal experience.
  15. the explosive popcorn launched me into the forest you're all hunting in. I land in the land of bananas, and become the Banana king through clever political maneuvers. When Unintelligenius arrives, my banana guards seize him and Jerome. They confiscate the sandwich and give it to me and then go to defend the banana city from everyone else. Unintelligenius is put in banana prison, and Jerome is put in the banana dungeon and the key is thrown away.
  16. What type of fish is it? Actually that doesn't matter, because I'd always pick you Did you get anything good for your birthday?
  17. Let's be honest, a good portion of the sanderfanbase is in Utah, me included (Utah #6?)
  18. I boo nerdy and fool from the sidelines, and throw popcorn at them because they're interfering with the fight.
  19. Hands are the best. Always. I don't understand why I'm so weak, I do a lot of athletics!
  20. I arrive and start to cheer on strmblsd. I have my own popcorn.
  21. I got a 4 on that. I crammed the two days before the test, you should be fine (as long as you can write a good FRQ and at least kinda know the stuff) same, except with the cramming part. I really BS'ed my way through the test, you really only need to show up to class and not sleep through the entire class. it is better if you study though. don't follow my example.
  22. HAVE YOU NEVER PLAYED OCHO? tsk tsk tsk. It's actually really fun, if not a bit chaotic with flip. Again, I'm on team peace and Uno
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