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Everything posted by Pineap-spider

  1. Granted. after a shower, you can't get dry for an hour and 42 minutes, no matter what you do I wish to be as good a painter as Bob Ross
  2. Those are a dime a dozen, here's a solid gold antique pocket watch I have a watermelon ring pop
  3. Here's a TI84 calculator with a Super Mario game downloaded I've got a clipboard with the clip part missing
  4. I like Pineapples and Pomegranates, but I do love pineapple on pizza. TPBM perfers bucket hats to baseball caps
  5. I've got a hankerin' for some fresh game, would you go shoot something for dinner? Projectile vomit, spontaneous combustion, and major bleeding
  6. I don't quite understand your question, as I never played the Lego Marvel stuff... Hopefully, they just make the movies good enough that if they did make 2 games they wouldn't be very different, and therefore they would just make one game. If you're talking about a separate game from the Lego genre, like there are Batman and Star Wars video games that are not Lego, and then the Lego games, that can totally work here too. Mainly, I'm thinking one game, set on Scadiral, Era 1 & 2. There could be other cosmere Lego games, and stuff like DLCs (for novellas and the like) and a mass collection or whatever like they did for the Lego Skywalker Saga.
  7. Granted, It's an ugly chihuahua that seems to be in a perpetual seizure I wish for the ability to never get rope burns
  8. I looked it up, and found a preview of the first 2 scenes! I quite enjoyed them, very humerous and witty, with a touch of the absurd. The play sounds super fun, knock em' dead!
  9. On my XC team, we always tell the readers we hook into SA the ending of RoW, Kaladin dies. (True story, every time a new person starts reading the books, we have a group of 4-5 who will ask them, "Have you gotten to the part where Kaladin dies yet?")
  10. Not even the entire cosmere, I think if you include Era 2, and do a bunch of costumes like Lego does, you could easily do a pure Mistborn one. A cosmere one would probably be just as cool, if not a bit more complicated, but I would like to keep this topic Mistborn focused
  11. The Lego Games (Lego Batman, Lego Harry Potter, Lego Star Wars, etc.) are some of my favorites, and if they make a Mistborn movie, I feel like the best video game would be a Lego game. Maybe they would need to make a few movies first, but I would LOVE a Lego Mistborn game, I feel like the puzzle style and game design of the Lego games would translate really well to Mistborn. I think it could totally happen too.
  12. I refuse to admit there is more that 7 star wars movies. JJ Abrams just got a lot of money to fund the filming of his fan-fic. Origional Trilogy is the best, Rouge One was decent, Clone Wars (TV) is great, Bad Batch is okay, and I have a negative outlook on any new star wars by Disney. Mando was good, but went downhill, and Andor was under-rated.
  13. I didn't get a Nintendo console until 2 years ago... I was all about the Lego Star wars game on the PS2 The person below me brushes their teeth for a full 2 minutes
  14. When I first read the books I liked the Edgedancers and Windrunners and decided that I was one of those. Then I took the test and got lightweaver, but Shallan was my least favorite character, so I rejected the idea. After RoW and a reread, I don't hate Shallan anymore, and I genuinely accept being a lightweaver. I love the idea of truth and admitting things about yourself and totally see myself as a lightweaver.
  15. This looks fun... I'm in high school with an overfilled schedule because I make no time for the whole reason I'm in school in the first place, so if I'm not working, I'm doing homework! wee! Nice to meet you fellow adolescents!
  16. I'm in my Chem class and I don't understand anything... Maybe I should pay attention instead doing the ELA homework due today, but I need ELA to do my Chem homework. And the cycle continues
  17. Granted. You chronically pick your nose and eat it I wish for the ability to skip breakfast and function normally
  18. Hello, 911? If I'm being held at gunpoint, what should I do? This scar I have in between my ring finger and middle finger.
  19. Depends on the cereal, but generally, yeah. The person below me is the type of person to take multiple AP classes in their freshman year of high school
  20. It's the first temple in Iowa, and the first in Scotland, which is pretty cool. I don't live in either of those places, but congratulations all Iowans and Scots! On the topic of the Utah temples, I am grateful for more temples, though it does seem a bit crazy.
  21. Granted, but you have no control over it, sometimes it only slides through a layer of clothing, sometimes you see the stomach at work I wish for a pet border collie and the means to take care of it
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