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Everything posted by Pineap-spider

  1. Having never seen Pacific Rim, and having watched The Princess Bride recently, I ignore the conversation and use a particle accelerator to follow you to the separate dimension. It's cold in the other dimension, so I offer a heavy coat in exchange for your jacket.
  2. what is the greatest achievement in your life? Kinda... More like your gramma
  3. No... It's on my list though TPBM likes physics more than chemistry
  4. While you all argue about which movie to go see, I sneak up and snatch the sandwich, then sneak away, unnoticed.
  5. Great, here's a collection of earwax I 've got a blank job application to Chuck E. Cheese
  6. Does a writing assignment count? it's supposed to be creative. TPBM has pierced ears
  7. I'm napping nearby and you trip over me as you run away. I wake up, see the conveniently available sandwich, and grab it.
  8. I need a conveniently placed banana peel in the cafeteria at 11:57 At least it wasn't the rhino enclosure
  9. I remember Octonauts! I really liked them when I was younger, and I think they're pretty alright TPBM enjoys shopping for clothes
  10. Here's a shopping cart with a wonky wheel I've got a hand-crank pencil sharpener
  11. The crack-shot or Alice (Cuphead) When do I stop sneaking bread sticks from Olive Garden?
  12. I use my portal gun to create a portal loop and trap you. I then accidentally remove the wrong portal, launching you into the lower stratosphere. You drop the sandwich as you go and I grab it and run
  13. Granted, but it's all your knowledge is specifically geared toward involving pi I wish I wasn't affected by temperature or humidity, and was always comfortable
  14. Bluey is the 2nd best show in children's entertainment, only after Mr. Roger's Neigborhood. The Sign was a beautiful episode. I love the multiple meanings of the title, the fact that it's just longer, I didn't hate Muffin, I love how everything weaves together, I love how there was a beutiful mix of humor and emotion. I completely agree with The Living Glass and what she said (as I quoted below). I don't think what I've said here expresses how much I love this show and this episode. "Bluey lover" is going in my signature.
  15. Well, Congratulations to your teammates who placed. I'm sure you did great, sorry your other people didn't show up (sounds like a group of smelly farts) Most importantly, good luck at auditions!
  16. YKYASFW your friends hide their Sanderson books so you won't constantly ask them questions on their progress, theories, and favorites. They're honestly so funny about it.
  17. as much as I like eating my earwax What's your perfect sugar to lemon Juice ratio in lemonade?
  18. Granted, It's only kiwis and popcorn I wish I could speak and understand German
  19. Atium is really hard to get, and as you mentioned, it burns super quick. To not only practice to get to a level where you can use atium as you said, but to have enough to do it too? Learasium gives you full Mistborn powers. That includes Atium, but also access to all the new metals in Era 2. You offer me the 2, I take Lerasium, beat you up and steal the Atium. Atium is very limited, even in pure form. I just can't see this working out how you describe it.
  20. Here's the first star on the right that no one cares about I have an expired biscoff cookie from an airplane
  21. I have to do homework How far do I have to be from the target?
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