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RoyalBeeMage last won the day on May 30

RoyalBeeMage had the most liked content!

About RoyalBeeMage

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  • Member Title
    Just waiting for The Doors of Stone to release.
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  • Location
    South east Asia
  • Interests
    DnD, board games, reading (read the wheel of time in about a year and a half. Storm light in 3 weeks. King killer chronicles in about a week. Definitely not a nerd with to much free time), mythology( mostly Greek and Roman), rock climbing,

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  1. to whom it may concern. I will be unable to log onto the shard until Saturday because of a school trip. we are not allowed to bring any electronic devices so that will be a pain - as in all of my friends who are addicted to their phones will be complaining 24/7. i am bringing some pen and paper so hopefully I will have finished outlining my novel by the time I get back... 

    @Lunamor @Weaver of Lies @Wierdo @Anguished_One @The Aspiring Archivist @Part Of The Narrative @Scars of Hathsin @Ancient Elantrian @J. Magi @TheRavenHasLanded

    please don't let any of my RP's die please. this includes the Percy Jackson RP, the marina's echo and anything and everything. elan, Raven and JM please revive the A&E RP. 

    @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @Anguished_One @Experience and @SmilingPanda19

    I can guarantee that I will be back in time for the HG to start so please do not worry about that. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ancient Elantrian
    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Can’t wait to see the novel, have fun

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Have a good time!

      I'll do my best to keep things active, but don't worry we can always revive stuff when you get back!

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