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tips on curing writer's block.

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Reading, especially when it’s a similar genre to what you usually do. 

Watching other people (trust me, it sounds sketchy but just watching random people in the store or wherever and writing their stories in your brain is awesome)

Starting a new, short project that can be finished in 1-2 sittings. Finishing something helps a ton, and writing something different can help with your wip.

Listening to other people’s stories. Like their actual, life stories. 

Getting more sleep

Letting it cooooooooooooooook

Writing a different scene either earlier or later than where you’re writing now.

Poetry dude

Spending a long time outside not thinking

Uhhhhh I think that’s what I’ve got for now, hope it helps!!

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My big goal this summer is to write a full novel, and I'm theoretically doing this by trying to hit a specific word count each day. I don't really have writers block, because I have a good idea of each next part of the story, I'm just finding it hard to get my word count or actually write during the time I've kind of set aside for writing. What tips do you guys have for motivating yourselves to hit a word count each day, and making sure you get around to doing it?

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23 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

My big goal this summer is to write a full novel, and I'm theoretically doing this by trying to hit a specific word count each day. I don't really have writers block, because I have a good idea of each next part of the story, I'm just finding it hard to get my word count or actually write during the time I've kind of set aside for writing. What tips do you guys have for motivating yourselves to hit a word count each day, and making sure you get around to doing it?


23 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

You could always reward yourself for hitting a goal. Something to eat, or something you don't do everyday maybe. I also plan to write a book this year, but am only in the planning stages at the moment, working around schoolwork 

I have a very similar plan about writing a novel but I have no idea how to start.

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7 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Write an in detail plan, fleshing everything out. Think, Geography, Language, Physics, Clans/Countries, Myths/Legends, Gods, anything you can think of, including Calendars, Measurements it helps if you make a list than fill it out as best as you can.


well i got distracted with your advice. i am currently looking at about 1.5k words just for an outline for my background mythology. i might need to create a writing thread soon. or at least a worldbuilding one :) thanks scars for your advice to start with the myths, legends and gods.

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