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Everything posted by KChan

  1. I like how you guys are all talking amongst yourselves right over my head. XD Also: This. Very much this. Aside from what I've taught myself about web design, I can't code my way out of a wet paper bag, and there's just so much out there that I have no idea where to start. Hence this thread.
  2. That would be me. I only held the top position for a short while, though.
  3. You've got a little over 300 pages to go, looks like. Problem Sleuth is fun, but I know what you mean about things getting tedious. There were times when I just sort of skimmed the text while rapid-clicking the next button, especially during that last battle. Or switched over to Homestuck for a while. The two actually don't have anything to do with each other (except for the odd reference to Problem Sleuth in the background of Homestuck), so you could read them in any order, or even go back and forth between them.
  4. The sample chapters available in this thread should answer some of your Cosmere-related questions, and also maybe help you understand the things Ruin was talking about a little better.
  5. Yeah, act 6 has been great. UU and uu are highly entertaining, and I'm really enjoying the exposition on how the in-game classes work. Also, " Prince of Heart: Rise up." is definitely one of the better flashes in the series, in my opinion.
  6. So, I really want to learn how to code. I'm learning HTML and CSS via my work here on 17S, but I'd like to expand my knowledge to more than just those two things. I was thinking Javascript would be useful to know, but I have no idea where to start or how to get started. So, to those of you who know more than I do, where's a good starting point? Are there any good books/websites that you know of to help beginners get a good foundation? Have any advice of your own to give? Anything you have to offer would be very much appreciated!
  7. Booo! Mean old internet, getting in the way of fun times on 17th Shard!
  8. KChan

    Award Quest

    Quick thought on the welcoming one, though. It should probably be for giving out X amount of cookies/welcome messages, since otherwise there's not much of a challenge in getting it.
  9. Pretty much my line of thought. I'm still sort of on the fence about it, but I wanted to get your approval (or lack thereof) before making a final decision. The way I'm looking at it, I can either RP it that way without the feat and still technically have a choice in what my character does (like using first aid instead of immediately going on the offensive), or I can take the flaw, give up that choice, and get the feat bonus. Does that make sense?
  10. Sweet, thanks. And yeah, I can totally understand that. Honestly, one of the main reasons I wanted that flaw specifically (as opposed to something else) is also for the character/roleplaying side of things, in which case the same thing applies - if it never comes up, what's the point?
  11. I'd be totally okay with dropping the +1 con. I'm really not sure why it was there to begin with. And for the Overprotective flaw, it's actually a person - my character's brother, Kuri's character.
  12. Would these homebrew flaws be acceptable? EDIT: Flaws. I meant flaws. I can type.
  13. I want to! I just need some damaged books or old magazines first. I'm not cutting up a perfectly good book. XD
  14. KChan

    Award Quest

    Posting a gigantic wall of unrelieved text is not a good way to impress any of the admins. Just saying. Remember, folks: every time you forget to use a line break where you need one, a spren dies! Think of the spren, everybody. Think of the spren.
  15. It's on my list. I have the first book, actually; I just have lots of other things to read too. So, yeah. Working on my character! We'll see how this goes. XD
  16. I haven't read that series yet, so I have no idea what you're talking about. ^^;
  17. Even more hilarious when thinking of that is the fact that her alignment is actually Good - I'm still deciding between Neutral and Chaotic, but it'll be one of the two. Some follower of dark deities, huh?
  18. KChan


    So awesome! Your Vin is so pretty, and I love the shading and the mists.
  19. Exactly! It almost makes me wonder if I have any damaged books lying around to do this with.
  20. Wow, this thread exploded. Anyways, I'm done with midterms now, and am working on ironing out a character. I've pretty much settled on a Duskblade at this point, so now I just need to actually get used to all the ins and outs of the system.
  21. This happened to me last week in a midterm! I actually sat there and hand-wrote "hte" on the exam. Good thing I caught it. Temporal Warp/Involuntary Pulsing - this is one I forgot to mention earlier, but when I get totally immersed in an activity, I get totally immersed. So much, in fact,that hours will pass that have only felt like a few minutes to me. Some video games/art projects can do this, but the vast majority of the time it's happened, I've been reading. Oddly, reading while in Temporal Warp Mode also produces some interesting side effects: either people will forget I'm even there, or they'll not notice I'm reading - convenient for when you haven't noticed that class started twenty minutes ago, but not so much when you're reading an Inquisitor fight scene and people keep wanting to talk at me. Not to me, at me. It's really weird.
  22. This was all completely off-the-cuff. I love how you can hear the camera crew dying of laughter at the end of the video.
  23. So apparently when Chrome crashed, it deleted its own tracking cookie or something. According to Google, I now apparently don't exist at all, since it claims I don't have any interests or demographic categories.
  24. That was pretty darn awesome, yes. XD Also, minor update: The place in the mall that does custom plate frames has since vanished, so I'm still looking around for a chance to further geek out my car. Sadly, the plate frame will have to wait. :C
  25. This is a neat idea! I'm moving it to Creator's Corner, though, where people discuss all sorts of creative activities. The suggestion box is more for issues with the site itself.
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