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Everything posted by KChan

  1. For future reference, guys, you don't need multiple posts to accomplish this. Yamato, instead of posting a new topic, if it's been long enough, you can add your updates to the existing one. As long as you have enough content and it's been long enough, it's okay to post again in the old one. If it hasn't been very long, just edit the existing thread. Stroniax, there was no reason you had to post in the old thread and then post again in this one saying that you posted in the other one. Just post in the active thread, please.
  2. For me, nothing can ever beat paper books. I love the feel, the smell, the funny looks I get when I pull out my Way of Kings hardcover to read in public... Plus, you know, not having to stop reading while the plane is taking off, or worrying about my book running out of battery. That said, I find that ebooks are handy to have on hand for theorizing and looking up quick references. For that reason, I like having Brandon's works both as ebooks and physical copies.
  3. I would like to announce that it's because that's the theme of this thread. It just wouldn't be the same if we merely announced things without announcing that we would like to announce them. I would also like to announce that awesome things are coming. Watch the front page for more info over the course of this weekend!
  4. Comatose summed it up very nicely, and I don't really have anything much to add except that there's a lot to read on MBI, so don't get discouraged if it feels a little overwhelming. Feel free to IM/PM any of the MBI admins - Comatose, Chaos, or me - if you have any questions, or you can join the #MistbornRPG chatroom on IRC and see if anyone is there to help. Sometimes actually talking to someone about it is a lot easier than reading a seemingly endless list of threads. As for getting a subforum, we've been working on some documentation for that process, but it tends to get pushed to the back burner as more pressing things come up. Right now, the process works like this: An interested party - the creator - gets an idea for an RP and posts it here in the RP forum. Other interested parties - the potential players - post in the thread and get involved. The creator of the RP and his/her players begin sorting out details of the game, and either getting ready to start playing or diving right in to the action. If there are enough players/interested people/etc and enough activity going on - development, actual RPing, whatever - the admins will contact the creator of the RP and offer him or her a subforum. We then ask for specific information, like what they want their subforum description to say. If the offer is accepted, the new subforum is created and the creator of the RP is given limited moderator powers on that subforum. We're currently working on an application process for people hoping to get their own forum so they don't have to wait on being contacted, but it's not quite ready yet.
  5. Hey Brandon! It's Kerry. Thank you so much for doing this! I have a rather random-looking assortment of questions for you: How does Snapping work after Sazed changed it? If you don’t want to reveal it all right now, are there any hints you can give us? Can obligators marry? Can anyone with access to Shadesmar learn how to worldhop? In your books, we see a lot of really interesting and diverse world elements that make these places and cultures really come to life. What are some of the world elements you’ve had the most fun creating, and what do you like best about them? Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy it here! We're crazy, but we like it that way.
  6. I Would Like to Announce... ... that after a months-long sabbatical from the forums that included international company, a major personal crisis, and oral surgery, I am officially back online! Well, mostly. It'll still take me a bit to catch back up. Boy, I've missed you guys.
  7. Welcome to ShardCast: Casting Shards with the Shardiest of Casters! (shoutout to Will for the quote, by the way) We need your help! Here at ShardCast, we want to talk about things that our listeners want to hear about. We had a great time recording Intro to the Cosmere and Realmatic theory, but now we want to hear what you guys want to hear about! Do you want a podcast about Hoid? Spren/seons/skaze? Let us know! Post your suggestions here, and we might just give you a shoutout for giving us our next episode topic!
  8. So, as was mentioned in the episodes 0 and 1 thread, ShardCast is going to have a mailbag! It will either be a whole episode or a shorter segment in each episode, sort of like how news is now. But before we can have something like that, of course, we need - guess what? - mail! Or forum posts, as the case may be. And that's where you guys come in! We want your questions. They can be about Cosmere stuff, the books themselves, rumored projects, site things, waffles, or why the penguin overlords are the pirate Terrismen's worst enemies. Anything at all, as long as it's something we can legitimately respond to. We'll answer questions about Pirate Terrismen and Monkquisitors, but if you want a dissertation on the political situation in the Middle East, you're probably contacting the wrong podcast. To submit questions to ShardCast, you can do the following: Post in this thread. Pretty self-explanatory. Send us an e-mail at mailbag AT 17thshard DOT com. If you do this, please let us know the name you want to be called when we read your question ("Chaos wants to know blah blah blah" and so on). If we don't know who you are, we can't credit you! This thread is primarily for the main ShardCast, but I'd love to hear any questions you might have for our RPG cast as well - such as anything about MBI, for example. Musicspren, I'm looking at you here. So, yeah. Send us questions, and we will answer them! Depending on how many questions we get, I can't promise we'll get to them all, but we'll certainly try to give you guys the attention you deserve, because you're awesome. So send stuff in!
  9. I agree with what the others have said; doing readthroughs in the order of the published books seems like it makes the most sense. Plus, that way as new books come out, the ordering is consistent!
  10. If it were a standalone, it would be listed solely under it's own title, not under the umbrella title of a series. Also, I'm pretty sure we have a quote somewhere confirming Alloy 2 in the upcoming releases. Does anyone have a link to that?
  11. Happy belated birthday to Spinner, and also the spambots! Your tricky invasion won't defeat the 17th Shard!
  12. Thanks for the help, immortalalbum! Hopefully we'll be able to get it up and running soon. I'm glad you guys are enjoying ShardCast so far! ^^
  13. There was totally mention of you! We credit it as your theory. Go listen again.
  14. KChan

    Allrianne Cett

    She's so cute! <3 I love it!
  15. So, this weekend, J.K. Rowling surprised us all by announcing that Pottermore is open to the public! They're being kind of slow about letting everyone on, I guess because of server concerns, so right now you have to wait for two emails: the account validation email, which doesn't go out right away (I had to wait a few hours for mine), and then once you complete the steps to validate, a second email that lets you know you're able to log on and actually do things. I'm currently waiting for the second one. I'm not able to post much about my impressions thus far because of that, but I will say that it's kind of weird not being able to make up my own username. I understand why they do it, but it's still rather odd. Anyways, is anyone else really excited about this? I know I am! By the way, my username is StormScale18528. Add me! (And preferably post your own username here so I actually know who you are when I get your request, and so other Sharders can add you!)
  16. I need to get ready for bed, but I'll read back over the thread tomorrow or the next day, and we'll see where to go to from there. On a side note, I agree with everything Chaos said - and props to everyone who kept this misunderstanding drama-free. I'm really glad we have such a mature user base here on 17S, even though we can all act totally silly and ridiculous at the same time.
  17. It's definitely a made-up name for MBI. I should know - I'm the one who came up with the name. If you check out my twitter conversation with the devs, it appears that Brandon may have co-opted the name on purpose. Which, if true, is incredibly, insanely awesome.
  18. I am definitely alluding to this in my Fathvell rewrite! XD
  19. Wait, wait, wait. Fathvell!? Um, holy CRAP.
  20. I love the PSN and XBox Live logos - Mistborn Co-Op, anyone?
  21. Indeed it's not. Thankfully... Should be interesting to see how things evolve from here. Also:
  22. So, I'm sure most of you around these parts of the internet are familiar with the game series Portal. Well, director Dan Trachtenberg recently won an award for his Portal-inspired short film. There are no spoken lines, but the visual effects, the actress's performance, and even the score are all fantastic. It is beyond amazing. Seriously, you guys have to see this:
  23. Eric, if you want to quote two different posts, please don't doublepost. We have a multi-quote feature for that instead. Thanks!
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