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Asha'man Logain

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Everything posted by Asha'man Logain

  1. Also Brandon (I believe) has said that a lerasium alloy with an allomantic metal, would make you a misting of that metal. I think he also hinted that other God metal alloys would do other things as well. I don't have the quote off hand but i'm sure its here somewhere. And malatium is an alloy of atium I think.
  2. I think that is what he thinks as well. But if he did go to ease the pain of his wife's passing, would he remember that as being the reason? If he cannot even hear her name and remember it, would he remember missing her so much that he sought the old magic just to get rid of it? Or instead, would he assume since he remembers nothing to do with his wife, that he asked for that? All he can remember now, is how in love with Navani he's been. In absence of all other evidence he would assume that he loved his wife as much or more than he did his brother's wife. The conversation he had with Navani about his late wife, makes it seem to me more of a marriage of convienince or neccessity, than a mad love affair. But again, only one book of evidence, I could be wrong.
  3. True, I was refering to why they abandoned their plate as well as the blades. If my theory is correct the KR were right to give up the blades. But they also gave up their plate then walked away from conflict. Maybe that was it? Perhaps after the 'final' desolation they were being asked to use their powers against mortals rather than the forces of the desolations.
  4. I personally think that it was the curse. And the boon was saving his sickly son's life (Renarin?). It would seem to me an ironic balance if he went to save the life of one family member, and as a price, lost all memory of another. However, I think that Dalinar believes he went to remove the memory and is responsible for his son's sickness as the curse. After all, if his wife WAS the reason he went, he wouldn't know it. I think he assumes he made a terrible mistake and removed his wife from his memory because he loved her too much, and thus cursed his son with frailty. In reality though (my theoretical reality) he saved his son from dying, but lost all memory of his wife.
  5. I personally think you're half right. I think that the very way the Shardblades interect with the physical world is the way they were intended when the radiants first obtained them. They ONLY cut through non-living material. Perhaps this was their entire purpose. Assuming thunderclasts, midnight essence etc, were not really alive, only animated meterial, can you imagine the advantage at having weapons that are incapable of harming your side? I think that Odium corrupted the blades, perhaps since Honor made them unable to physically harm living beings, Odium was unable to directly counteract that limitation, so instead made them also 'cut the soul'. This would make the Blades now a far worse and more disgusting weapon (to those honorbound) than a blade that merely severed living tissue. This would also explain why the Knights Radiant felt the need to give up their blades. As for the shardplate? I'm at a loss on those, but this is what makes the most sense to me, based on what little information we have available.
  6. I agree. Most main characters in most Valdemar books (and there are a lot) are gay, many many side characters as well. Also the nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling, is filled with gay people and elves, and gay elves. lol. Other than contemporary fiction trying to make political statements, most fiction has straight characters, because most people are straight. Both series are pretty good IMHO.
  7. Yes, that is exactly what i meant. LOL. That's what i get for posting at the end of a long day of work. Thanks zas.
  8. IIRC recently at the signing Brandon implied that the spren and the Seons were similar in nature. He also implied in a different Q&A that the seons are the slivers (or caused by the slivers) of the shattered Shards. Therefore I'm going to guess that they are caused by Honor in some fashion, with the nahel bonding spren the actual slivers.
  9. Sounds good so far. Thanks to evryone for your tweaking and feedback. i hope we all have a better understanding of the cosmere, or at least got you thinking about other aspects of it.
  10. I was wondering if non-verbal awakening could be done, but it couldn't remember if it was something only the god-king could do, or if it couldn't be done at all. Seems that theory is gone then. What pattern then could be determining how the power is shaped on Nalthis? I think brainwaves is stretching a bit far, but who knows?
  11. I would say that it takes all of whatever attribute the spike is attuned to, ripping that part of the 'spiritweb' out of the soul of the donor, losing some in the process, until it is grafted onto the recipient.
  12. I see. Pattern does fit better. I had a thought as i drifted off to sleep about the SA 'pattern'. Maybe it is the particular wavelengths of Stormlight that effect what you can do with it. The problem I had is again, it seems to be true in regards to the fabrials, but not the magic users themselves. Perhaps it is the pattern of honorable actions taken in your life that determine which Order's powers you get?
  13. Spook is the "Lord Mistborn" that keeps being referenced. he was apparently quite the hit with the ladies after he became the leader. All the kidnapped women can trace back their ancestory to him. Not sure if that is a religious place or just historical though.
  14. I like this. It fits well with the speculation on other threads about trelagism coming from the people living across the sea on the South Pole, who have (according to the broadsheet) mysterious metals. Remember how we all thought allomancer Jack was lying about his exploits, then Lo, and behold! the Ars Arcanum says that feruchemists can in fact store 'connection'. I found this to be the least likely thing to be true on the broadsheet, yet it was. Brandon has hinted at other people living across the sea as well.
  15. What struck me most in this book about Harmony (other than how many times it was mentioned) is how much Alloys were mentioned. Not just in the title, though that does lend more signifigance. Many times, by both Wax and Miles, they (forgive the pun)wax philisophical about alloys. How when you take two different things (metals) and combine them you get a completly different and new material. I know the Harmony being two shards merged together thing was discussed and largely set aside. However, I think it deserves to be revisited. It could be a red herring, but i now think that Sazed as Harmony is no longer just Ruin+Preservation but actually a new entity.
  16. I thought i had read somewhere on here that even adonalsium itself was not the power of creation, but a channel to that power. I am aware of the focus threads etc. I meant was alluding to the fact that brandon specifically says that like the Aons, it's the shape of the metalic molocules that define what power you get. He seemed to be saying that just like the Aondor, it's the SHAPE that forms the power. It just so happens that coincidentally differing molecular shapes make different metals. He also referenced that fact that ALL his magic systems work they same way in on a basic level. Hence the speculation on shapes being important regardless of the focus. That's why i was thinking the commands (which are the focus) may be influenced by the SHAPE somehow. This was not intended to be a focus thread, more an underlying mechanics of all magic thread.
  17. OK, recently Brandon did a short interview, here's a link http://www.openthefridge.net/blog/2011/11/18/interview-author-brandon-sanderson.html The Quote i'm most concerned with is this. Brandon seems to be saying, that in addition to each Shard giving access to the powers of Creation, the magic syatem generated by that Shard, also give humans access to the power filtered through the focus, to the Shard, through the shard to the power of Creation. He also seems to be implying that the Aondor and metallic arts are the same. You draw an Aon, that shape determines what form the power manifests as. You ingest a metal (or wear one, or stab someone with one) and the molecular shape determines what form the power of creation manifests. Speculation here, maybe the commands are actually the shapes your mouth forms, determining what form the power shows up as. I do not see how the shapes could be related to the SA magic system, Other than the crystaline shape for the fabrials. However that is almost an incedental use of the magic. I don't know how specific actions or bindings have anything to do with shape. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  18. Brandon just posted a link to this interview. http://www.openthefridge.net/blog/2011/11/18/interview-author-brandon-sanderson.html Explains it rather well i think.
  19. I may 'write' exclusively in alethi once i learn how to read it..... man they all look the same to me......
  20. I always thought this had more to do with "savant-ism" than anything else. First of all they have more steel/iron ability than normal, as Vin did bronze. Second they no longer have eyes, so the only way they can see is by burning steel or iron, to gain the temporary 'magical' sight of blue lines. If you combine both these actions, the contsant burning of a metal with the super-ability to use it, their savant-ness could be vastly greater than either Spook's special tin abilities or Vin's special bronze ability.
  21. I don't see him being in a pool of blood if he was killed with a shardblade. Blades don't cut living flesh, and even if for some reason she went crazy and stabbed him after he died, a dead body does not bleed much at all, there's no heart pumping and no blood pressure. At most you get minimal oozing from the effect of gravity on coagulating blood. I think the father beating Balat scenario would work, but most likely shallan picked up somethinh heavy-ish, and concked him on the head, picked up the Blade when he died and Balat was unconscious.
  22. Hey great post. The problem with inflation is that the gems of a certain size can only handle so much power flowing through them before the "circuit trips" so to speak. The gems break and are unusable, they must be replaced. I think that the gemhearts are cut down to usable size for the soulcasting fabrials, and the remnants used for spheres. As the gems in fabrials need to be replaced after using them either too much or too hard. This probably keeps the inflaton to the minimum. Although the Alethi could have increased their standard of living as far as soulcasting goes in proportion to their newfound wealth. This happens with people all the time, just look at the broke NFL players and the lottery winners who go bankrupt a year or two later. I admit mostly conjecture but it's my theory. this would also account for not soulcasting bridges and castles as they'd waste gems for an unproven method of warfare.
  23. I think the best way to implement this would be like the open 'sandbox' version of Spiderman (it was spiderman 2 i think). I would want to be able to push and pull and fly through the air. To be able to roam Luthadel at will doing "missions" BUT have the cut scenes where the overall plan is discussed and agreed on, and what missions you do in the world have an effect on the plan. Say you steal or assassinate too many Lords, it would destabalize the city and bring about the house war. If you didn't, convince the skaa enough or have the arms ready, the Lord ruler would win. I don't think i'm explaining this well. I'd want an open sandbox type game, with all your actions effecting the world and plot.
  24. I firmly believe that fabrials could be made to do anything a Knight Radiant could do. Further it seems to me as if fabrials can be made to do things even the KR couldn't do. Remember when one of the KR from dalinar's vision uses a fabrial to heal? Obviously this is something either she couldn't do on her own, or that the fabrial made easier for her to do. I think with enough experimentation fabrials can do anything. I look at fabrials as technology. It is something highly specialized or educated people are needed to produce, but once made anyone can use them. The magic however, requires special people (those acting in accordance with whatever shard gives them power)and grants them only specific powers. These people, with practice, are likely far more powerful than a fabrial, but also far more limited in scope and rarer as well.
  25. Supernaturally awesome almost certainly, especially as she loses her Memory on recording it. I wonder if she drew a spren with a perfect Memory, if that would act the same as the Ardents' measuring and documenting?
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