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Edema Rue

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Everything posted by Edema Rue

  1. I sit under your comfy chair, smiling as I poke a knife through the cushion…
  2. Oh light. I misread that so bad. (I read aged spouse and was just a little bit concerned but it’s ok now)
  3. That being said, the healing spell will usually come with strings attached. Magicians are usually manipulative and dangerous.
  4. That feeling of being ignored…of feeling like you don’t matter…frankly, it’s the worst feeling I can imagine. I’ve heard the metaphor that if a parent took 2 kids into the grocery store, they’ll hold the hand of the crazy, bad kid who will run around screaming, not the one who’s good. That’s the issue with being the good kid. They don’t get that just because you don’t need someone to hood your hand doesn’t mean you don’t want it. If life is a game, then love is the prize. It hurts to be playing the game and not getting the prize. You deserve it. It isn’t fair that the world sees us a certain way and we can’t change it. Even if the world doesn’t recognize you as beautiful, smart, and exactly who you are meant to be, those are all facts. The world’s perception of beauty changes so fast. I know logic doesn’t make it better; that doesn’t make you stop wanting the friends, the people who care, all these things that you deserve. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. My PM’s are open, and I’m always willing to listen, even if I’m not the best at giving advice. You are loved. You were made for this. We care about you.
  5. Oh I used to say it like adalyn and there’s an adalyn in one of my classes, every time someone said her name I’d snap to attention and then be sad.
  6. I just wanted to know what your big toe tasted like! Mine tastes like dirt, my brother's tastes like blood, (though that might be because I bit him)...it's not that hard a question!
  7. Define odd...okay yes by anyone's definition. TPBM wants to be a villain.
  8. Thank you. It is very much appreciated. *hyper giggling of death*
  9. Yeah…I was sick and missed a ton of school. Good luck to all! Break the legs, don’t talk about scottish plays, knock on wood, we can do this! lets keep procrastinating shall we?
  10. I am a monk. An Idrian monk, actually. I feel that this position requires solemnity.
  11. Why would anyone like being allergic to fur?
  12. Ooh I love the hobbit!!!! Yay! Already have. And test retakes, math homework, AP human geography homework, and more!!!! sorry yeah I don’t sleep or do many of the things I should. Do your demons need a lullaby, @Ookla the Perpetual?
  13. I have a feeling that this has been shared already but I need to share it anyway because it’s making me cry right now, like it does every time. “It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out all the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. Because they were holding onto something…that there’s still good in the world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” LoTR is amazing.
  15. They hurt my brain but they’re so cool, especially watching people debate about them.
  16. If you drop soap, does the floor get clean or the soap get dirty? Puberty is just the polyjuice potion is slow mo: you get all lumpy then come out looking different. has anyone heard the bootstrap paradox? A man likes Mozart music and goes back in time to get him to sign his music. But when he gets there, Mozart doesn’t exist. Not wanting to deprive the world of such great music, he publishes it under the name Mozart. When he gets back to his time, the music is published. Who wrote Mozart’s music?
  17. People have probably asked you this before...but what are your opinions on violinists?
  18. My grandma gave me a lamb stuffed animal when I got home from the hospital after being born...it's kind of worn by now, but I love it so much.
  19. Oh, but of course! TPBM is on a book hangover.
  20. Luckily for me, @Ookla the Floofy was still sleeping, floofily. I too submitted to sleep, dreaming of sandwiches and joy.
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