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Edema Rue

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Everything posted by Edema Rue

  1. Why did you kill me? I stopped counting after the first few centuries.
  2. You need a comma after I. I am Grammar Sedai, and I claim the sandwich for the white tower. And the black tower, because the asha’man are my besties.
  3. This comma is not grammatically correct. 346
  4. Some people are trash Ooklas deserve lots of cash some trees are called ash oak.
  5. I…I…no. In my dreams. Every night. With knives. And cloaks. And villains. And the missile toads we hang at this time of year. TPBM hates humans.
  6. Color. Colour. Coooooooooooooolllooooooooooooooooorr
  8. Oh good, I was starting to worry about myself. I...I don't really think about toucans that often.
  9. This could honestly go either way. I can't make a decision until I know both characters, their backstories, their motives, their training, etc. There's too many variables here for this situation to make sense. If the windrunner is protecting someone, then all the mistborn has to do is kill the person. But the windrunner will also fight harder to protect someone. Then there's also the questions of their knowledge. How well do they understand each other's powers? If we're assuming the mistborn can use all 16 metals, what are we assuming about strength? Vin is stronger than Kelsier, but he's trained more. So does the mistborn rely more on brute force or on their own skill? We also need to know about their cleverness; how well do they adapt? For me, I think the most important question is why they're fighting. They won't fight hard just to test their skill. They need to be fighting for something. The same way motivational speakers always talk about attitude being important, their motives are the thing that will determine the outcome. Have they fought each other before, like Kaladin and the pursuer? Do they know why the other one is fighting, have they tried to negotiate, do they really care about the outcome. I would accept either answer so long as they have reasons to fight. People do unpredictable things when in the grip of their emotions.
  10. You aren't seen again, but the sandwich is. It has been 2 years. No one could find you, but now the sandwich has resurfaced. I caught it as it was flying through the sky for no apparent reason.
  11. I...uh...the road started it, so it's the road's fault? Every hollow chocolate bunny is carrying a pocket of air from another part of the world. Graveyards are the least likely place to be haunted because none of the dead people died there. If you eat something with a cheese filling, you become something with a cheese filling. Water is never yours, it's just your turn to drink it.
  12. I will love you all for who you are, but let it be known that I am not sexually attracted to inanimate objects.
  13. "A man who love repeatedly forsook. A man who found relevance in a world that others would have let pass them by. A man who remembered stories and took fool boys under his wing when the smarter move would have been to keep on walking." Thom is a great person. He and Wit would get along well. Oh and it looks like I've moved up again!
  14. I tell myself very dark stories that I make up every night. Usually they involve torture, battles, magic, and heartbreak. Imagining the pain of characters I created helps me fall asleep. Is that normal?
  15. How did you guess? TPBM doesn’t know what ookla means.
  16. Giving oneself endless patience, taking away one’s need to sleep, and allowing one to instantly fill one’s mind with knowledge. Performing spells that affect oneself requires more time and effort than those that affect others or the outside world.
  17. I sit under your comfy chair, smiling as I poke a knife through the cushion…
  18. Oh light. I misread that so bad. (I read aged spouse and was just a little bit concerned but it’s ok now)
  19. That being said, the healing spell will usually come with strings attached. Magicians are usually manipulative and dangerous.
  20. That feeling of being ignored…of feeling like you don’t matter…frankly, it’s the worst feeling I can imagine. I’ve heard the metaphor that if a parent took 2 kids into the grocery store, they’ll hold the hand of the crazy, bad kid who will run around screaming, not the one who’s good. That’s the issue with being the good kid. They don’t get that just because you don’t need someone to hood your hand doesn’t mean you don’t want it. If life is a game, then love is the prize. It hurts to be playing the game and not getting the prize. You deserve it. It isn’t fair that the world sees us a certain way and we can’t change it. Even if the world doesn’t recognize you as beautiful, smart, and exactly who you are meant to be, those are all facts. The world’s perception of beauty changes so fast. I know logic doesn’t make it better; that doesn’t make you stop wanting the friends, the people who care, all these things that you deserve. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. My PM’s are open, and I’m always willing to listen, even if I’m not the best at giving advice. You are loved. You were made for this. We care about you.
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