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Immortal Platypus

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  • Member Title
    I know what 631 means now :D
  • Location
    West(ish) North America
  • Interests
    Chess, D&D, Books, Instruments

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  1. Well, you've probably seen a lot of these, but now you get another. As the observant may have noticed, I too am cutting down on my time on the Shard. I went on an orchestra tour, took three days away from the Shard, and felt amazing. It was a great time, and while I don't think that's cause the shard is bad per se, there are just better things that I want to fill my life with. So I will be seeing you around, but I won't be as active in things like Insanity Clinic (which I will probably stick around for, but less often) or Sacrifice RP (which I will probably be dropping out of).  I will probably be found in TLT and TLPW most often. I love ya'll, but I just don't have time, and I need to put stuff like the gospel, my schoolwork, and my friendships first. It's been a great time, but especially as I'm preparing for my patriarchal blessing and thinking about what I want to do to prepare for my mission, I need to put the time elsewhere. I wish that I had more time, but this is what it is coming down to. I will be back more eventually (probably) but i need to find the balance first.

    See ya'll around, and some of you at Dragonsteel! 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Brave choice, Cacophony. 

    2. Aeoryi


      You chose... Wisely.


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