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Immortal Platypus

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  • Member Title
    I know what 631 means now :D
  • Location
    West(ish) North America
  • Interests
    Chess, D&D, Books, Instruments

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  1. Alright guys, I've finished my character sheet for my upcoming campaign. I'll need to check off a few things with the DM, and adjust a few things about my character (it's a little hard to make a character when their race isn't in the handbook you have...) but it should be fun. I was playing a very min-maxed PC before, and this guy is not that. I'm looking forward to the play style with him, it'll be very different and fun. I'll let ya'll know how it goes!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      …wait Platypus you’re not expecting me to come with a character right? Because I don’t have the ability to do that…

    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      no, we're planning on helping you make a character tomorrow. DM and I both have handbooks, so we've got you covered there. I'll be updating my character tomorrow too.

    4. Cash67


      In my experience @Edema Rue, I usually ask my players to have an idea for the vibe their character wanted. For example, one of my players “wanted a pet duck”. So we found a class that gave him a killer death robot duck. Just go in knowing what you want, and be prepared to make compromises. 

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