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Tea Leaf

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Everything posted by Tea Leaf

  1. End of Algebra when you first hear of it, it enters frequent use in some units near the end of Geometry, but disappears around the end of Precal
  2. So you know the already discussed audio to play for couples, well what if instead you got your hands on the audiobook of WoR and played Pattern shouting NO MATING!
  3. Me: *Recits cuh-LAW-no* everyone around me: "is he okay?" "should we call someone?"
  4. *cough* I definitely did not team up with @TheGreatSnail and stalk you *cough*. Definitely not to setup a 'have you seen this man poster'.
  5. Here: https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/age-of-majority-by-state/
  6. Yeah (trust me it took me way too long to figure that out). You're welcome. I try to introduce people to madness in a safe and controlled manner, 0 / 2147483647 success rate.
  7. Welcome. *Screeching* That is a description of the shard, so um... welcome. What is your favorite shardworld?
  8. Frialio eyes start to gleam "Ah, biology... so... what is your specialty? Is this your first time off world? What can you do? Have any of the proteins you were trying to make, study, or use spontaneously combusted? Have you ever wanted to burn your lab? Would you describe yourself as dangerous? If you make a biological weapon would you give it to me? Have you ever worked under a mentally unstable Ai? Have ever worked under someone who is 200 years old and know human biochemistry extremely well, oh and is very unstable?"
  9. Frialio turns, Frialio stares in utter fear, Frialio ceases looking like they are about to be pushed out of the beanstalk, then says "Yes, but before we go any further, here." and then hands Bennu a peppermint.
  10. !drahs eht ot emocleW Sorry I couldn't help myself. What is your favorite Cosmere book?
  11. Frialio strides in a self un-assured manner over to those chatting people. "I don't find it boring" Staring outwards with minimal awe, "goodbye, see you sometime again. Why do I never leave for good, what is this marble just sitting there?" Xe pulls out a bag of what is quite possibly candy "you want one? Don't worry, I did not poison them, probably." They say as they unwrap what seems to be a peppermint.
  12. 13, 87, 124, 84, 102, 7, 12, 262, 84, 22, 155, 136, 4, 154, 166, 122, 246, 220, 118, 226, 4, J, 103, 62, 226, 3, 140 01110111 01100101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01100011 01111001 01110000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01110011 00101100 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00111111 %96 <6J E@ E96 23@G6 3@@< 4@56 :D E96 D@?8i H6V== >66E 282:?]
  13. Frialio walks into the elevator extremely pale. Hands shaking like crazy, eyes wild, but against that nature a smile. They seem in pain, but relaxed knowing they are repeating something that has gone before. The routine grinds against a fear of something very very wrong. "Remember Calisto" "I-I'll be fine" they force out. As they strap into their seat (in the emptiness part) they start to return to normal, "I'm on the frontier as always, right those 200 years have served me well".
  14. Welcome to the realm of chaos known as the Shard! Wait, do you have any relation to Kajsa?
  15. I find the red of blood too insighting of the shades. There are better people to suspect, but I mean it is cool that you took the time to calculate my status, but before we remove me we should try trimming one of the other two elims. Did I just admit to being to an Elim? Well I did want the double meaning but I can't really say that I am an Elim.
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