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Tea Leaf

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Everything posted by Tea Leaf

  1. 'Sauntering' (well more of vaguely nervously) comes in was Frialio. And they sit down next to the chatting group. "Colonists? Um... I mean um... sorry to disturb"
  2. Last time we did one a player dealt enough damage to one shot a Tarrasque, at level 15 Later (like 30 - 40) they could kill literally ANYTHING in one turn, about a million damage bypassing all forms of reduction.
  3. They keep shouting game day What I hear: "What day is it?! IT'S GAY DAY!" And I am about to join in the shout, then I am like "oh wait, it's sportsball".
  4. Good for you! (From what I have heard it sounds much longer from how close you are.)
  5. Hundreds, *Yawn*, I've seen thousands only half way there, because at one point it loses interest, so we let in a huge amount of homebrew, feats, classes, past level 20 classes. So mine: A spearmaster. Lvl 100: 4 attacks, probably 10 - 20 crit range, extra attack on a crit, stacking bonuses as I damage enemies. It is very very dangerous. How to balance: Introduce past level 20 homebrew monsters, fighting armies, fighting 100s of Tiamats.
  6. Ah, you want to take out the luck. I see, you have no sense of adventure, but a very strong sense of logic.
  7. Good time of day, so... another sharder, yay! More blood to fuel our endless wheel of destruction! I mean another therapist! Whoops, I really meant another enjoyer of books.
  8. Yes...(I can't do them for my party though, they only want to see the blood running down the world and want intelligence appropriate tactics, also magic collecting and realising armor + mindflayer with a pack of IDs is a TPK 9 / 9 times for almost any level) I just started a Split DMing Infinite multiclassing. It is absolute destruction (huge amount of difficult encounters), see we can go past level 100 (in 5e) with three people including two DMs. A little boring without social encounters, which are one of my weakest points that I need practice in. Things I need to practice:
  9. Tea Leaf


    From the album: The Geometric, Algebraic, & Mathematic

    A prettier polar flower. With no bloom (yet).
  10. From the album: The Geometric, Algebraic, & Mathematic

    They add Logarithmic scales to Desmos!
  11. Can I be the head of the Biology branch or at least the Xenobiology? In addition my specialty is plants or plant-similar-lifeforms.
  12. You are the one who will be cursed with my rant, if I ever am on the same side of the ship as you. #1 priority is to stay away, though it is you, but I don't hate you.
  13. Recently met, 'cause secrets. Hm... what could I be hiding? Bioweapons??? Am I here to sabotage the mission?????
  14. I'll be the ship's Xenobiologist (the technical term is Astrobiologist). But in a pinch I can be a doctor.
  15. ??? Yeah, I know this sounds crazy. And only further implicates me.
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