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Status Updates posted by Cinnamon

  1. When does a cabbage become a meteor 🦖☄️🎇? Whe does a cABbagE become a blaze 🕯️🔥? When does a CABBAGE become a mooonsterrrrrrr👾👻👺?!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Bookwyrm
    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      “Well done you lied to me what’s your nameeeee”

    4. Cinnamon



      “Well done you lied to me what’s your nameeeee”

      Great job! you're a liar!!

  2. So I'm reading Mistborn again and there are SO many things I missed the last couple times, like- what? SO MUCH FORESHADOWING/SETTING UP THE COSMERE

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      I'm rereading TWOK right now and feel exactly the same way. There are SO VERY MANY references to (WoR)


      Shallan's Shardblade

      I can't believe I didn't pick any of them up my first read.

    2. Cinnamon


      I know right! I feel so dumb but at the time I felt so smart 'figuring out plot-twists' 😅

  3. My original pfp is back once again! I can't escape it. :D 

    1. Kajsa


      tbh it’s my fave :3 :D

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hehe mine too…

  4. Is your pfp the girl who looked up? It's cool!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      it is now

      It’s just an AI version of the me that lives in my head but uh I like that better :D

    2. Cinnamon



  5. Chookas for your audition!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Thanks!! It pretty much determines all the things I get to be in until this time next year, so...fingers crossed!

  6. Just so you know its free comic book day so go to your local comic book store (or Kindle) and get some free comics! 


    "It's TONY, not fly-man"


    (disclaimer this is not me :P that's Jon Matteson)

    Have a great day!! May the fourth be with you or happy Cinco de Mayo depending on your timezone.

    Love you guys :D 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      HI CINNY!! May the 4th be with you!!

    2. Kajsa




  7. i got new dice. :)))))))))))))))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cash67


      Second above.

    3. Weaver of Lies
    4. Cinnamon


      They are literally just a Highstorm filled with Windspren. Its so cool. They're dark grey, white and light grey swirled together that look like clouds. Then, there are these streaks of iridescent blue/silver/purple but mostly shiny blue. I'm at school right now but I'll show you as soon as I get home!

  8. Soooooo I have to do Opera for this play I'm doing. Opera. This is just a regular play but APPARENTLY it'd be cool to randomly insert Cosi fan Tutte in the middle and only have one person who's singing skills at not opera are average at best do it by themselves?


    1. shortcake


      ooh that sounds difficult-

      best of luck, Cinn!

  9. Duder, Duder, Duder, Duder Duuuuuuuuderrr youuuuuuuu are a spyyyyyyy Duder, Duder, Duder, Duder. DUDER IS A SPY


    I can't get duder is a spy out of my head

  10. Okay update on the Sea shanty thing from yesterday.

    I had to turn this:

     Into a sea shanty ... *o*

    I wasn't allowed to change or add to the lyrics and after a few hours I came up with something.

    My teacher loved it and has asked me to write a short song around it with an extra verse and chorus and harmonies. So, YAY but also AHHHHH I CAN'T EVEN READ SHEET MUSIC.

    Its meant to be based on the story of Alcyone and Ceyx and I'm wondering if any of you poemy people could give me some tips?

    Also, if you'd like to hear the melody I made for it so far PM me :D

  11. I have to make this poemy thing in a script for a play into a short sea shanty sounding song. Any suggestions?

    Would, oh would, I were a Kingfisher
    That flies with the Halcyons ( 
    @The Halcyon Girl 👀 )
    Along the breaking waves, with a fearless heart,
    That noble bird, that holy bird,
    The deep blue of the ocean

  12. Happy groundhog day!



    I love the groundhog day movie and the musical is even better, if you haven't seen them, I'd recommend doing so!

    1. Cinnamon


      (btw if you were wondering, Phil did not see his shadow this year😆 )

  13. So I’ve been away for a few days because school has been insanely busy these last few days but now I’m back and I have some life stuff! 

    It was my birthday! I want to thank all of you guys who wished me a happy one ♥️. Also, I got a finally went and got a new laptop, which I have probably needed for a while — it got to the point where I had to put tinfoil around the charger for it to work. However for some reason I haven’t been able to log into the Shard on it yet. 
    Anyway, I must school now, farewell! Hopefully not for long!

    1. Kajsa


      Hey Cinny!!!! I’m glad life’s been treating you somewhat well :) a new laptop is awesome!!! I wish I could have my own PC lol (my current one belongs to the school). 

  14. I just got this little guy and he’s so cute and creepy, I love him!

    (Yes I put him in front of my Warbreaker leatherbound to flex 😅 I’m not ashamed)





    I need name ideas!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      That's fun.  I've decided that I'm gonna learn "Waterfall" by Jon Schmidt over the summer. It's a really cool song and I'm excited to learn it (even though it's gonna be way over my skill level)

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


  15. Happy scudding Birthday! The purple cake is AWESOME

  16. As he plunges into the cold water hearing the shouts behind him, the familiar, almost welcoming shock greets him and he begins to swim. The practiced strokes causing his body to cut through the water. Then, ggafter a few seconds he stops, needing to look back at his handiwork. The captain is cursing,  screaming. She knows what this means. The man stays in place the gentle waves buffeting him, wetting his beard and smile grows. The smile splits, a soft chuckle escapes. Then, a laugh. It’s loud and deep but has a tinny quality, this is a cruel laugh. It grows in volume and in mirth, richness. An outside observer might almost think it was happy, but if you did heard it for more than a few seconds you would hear that tin, the edge. Now the man‘s whole body is shaking with the sound, breaking the water around him. This goes on for minutes. He sees the captain again still yelling through the spray he’s created and if it’s possible his metal laughter grows to new depths of volume and voracity. His laugh is all consuming and even his habits that have kept him paddling subconsciously are absorbed. He laughs so hard he forgets to swim. The one cruel thought that manages to meander its way through his mind is that he was a good shipmate, he left behind a gift. This fuels his laughter, racking his lungs which slowly are taking in water. His body spasms his laughs start to sound more like wet coughs. Not dissimilar to what slapping a full sponge against a wall,scraping a fork against concrete and a seal barking at the same time would sound like grating but moist. The last thing he saw of the above world was the black spot in her hand while his shaking “laughter” continued until it was just a ripple on the surface.


    “Dada? Why?” Her deep brown eyes looked up at her father. “Yeah, why us?” Her brother asked tearily. Their father sighed and looked out the window at their little coastal town.  “If you take a boat out to where the sun aligns between the two Pherasan hills they say the ocean is dead still for a league except for one small constant ripple. They say there was a man, who will never stop laughing down in Davey Jones’ locker.”

    1. Cinnamon


      Its 12:23am. I should be sleeping, not writing or Shard-ing soo gn

    2. Cinnamon
    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Go to bed Cinny. 

  17. Helloooo, the Holiday season is always extremely busy for me so I thought it prudent to just spend some lurky time but now I am back, at least for the moment.
    I dyed my hair purple this morning, this is the first time I’ve dyed my hair and I LOVE it! Oh also since I’ve been gone I went on my first date, kinda late but oh well. It was fun. So that, and lack of sleep has been my life. How’s yours going?

    Have a wonderful day If you are reading this, you are amazing. :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kajsa


      CINNNY!!! Chasms I missed you!

      oh my gosh purple hair 😍😍 I’ve only ever gotten highlights. Once lol.

      and a date?? How did it go????? I NEED TO HEAR ABT THIS!!

      And I feel the sleep thing. But welcome back I missed u so much! ❤️

    3. Cash67


      You’re alive!! The only time I dyed my hair semipermanent it was purple so wise choice. 

      *stunned happiness at first date*

    4. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      Welcome back! We missed you 😀

      We need details on that date, you can't get away with so little!

  18. Team Starkid’s VHS Christmas Carol is a masterpiece, right up there with the muppet one. It’s on YouTube so if you have time this holiday season, check it out!


    (this is cinny btw) 

    1. Kajsa



      but you know what?

      love your ookla name 

  20. Exams are over for meeee. YAYYYYYYY :DDDD also, I just reread Yumi and I really want noodles :P 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cinnamon


      Yeah, Australia. Christmas Holidays are in a few weeks for us and its nearly Summer :P 

    3. Cash67


      meanwhile over here it's getting colder. Still want noodles though

    4. Ravenclawjedi42
  21. I have an interview today, wish me luck! (I am quaking in my metaphorical boots)

    Also, I'm sick and my voice sounds so strange :P 

    Exams start tomorrow and my anxiety sure is letting me know. arggghh helpp meeeee

  22. I have many thoughts:

    1. The update is tripping me out huhhhhhh? (Its cool though)

    2. I want a Mervin plushy

    3. I REALLY want a Mervin Plushie

    4. Would a Mervin plushy help my anxiety? Probably

    Huh, I guess I didn't have that many thoughts

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      It looks epic, but what I really want is the Tress Cup and the Noodle Princess bowl.

    4. Ravenclawjedi42


      The cup! I want the cup a lot.

  23. Happy Storming birthday!!! :D

    1. Argenti


      Many thanks oh spiced one.💣

  24. Sooooo my egg drop for physics worked and Eggward survived.


    Also I went to see the Taylor Swift movie last night (my mother is a massive  Swifty, like MASSIVE) and it was surprisingly really good.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai


      Also I went to see the Taylor Swift movie last night (my mother is a massive  Swifty, like MASSIVE) and it was surprisingly really good.

      I'm so jealous! Wish they were showing it near me :( it'd be so much fun to experience it with fellow fans.

    3. Cash67


      Also @Cinnamon my respect for you has gone up for taking physics. Learning about physics is (usually) always worth it. 

    4. Cinnamon


      It was a toss up between this and Chem (I’m already doing bio) eventually I went with physics I believe, so far I’ve made the right choice. I never thought I’d say this about any kind of equation but SUVAT is fun.


      I'm so jealous! Wish they were showing it near me :( it'd be so much fun to experience it with fellow fans.

      @Robin Sedai

      it was so strange, like a concert not a movie. Everyone was scream singing and dancing and doing the chants and applauding. During Majorie everyone got out their phone lights and swayed to the beat. The fandom vibes were through the roof. I can’t imagine what actually being there would have been like. 

  25. Am I hungry… or am I just bored?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cash67


      Eat then see if you’re still bored….… 

      ….. or is it wait and see if you’re still hungry 

    3. The Storming Stormfather
    4. Cinnamon


      It’s almost a perpetual state. I never did figure it out -_-

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