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Mr. Misting

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Everything posted by Mr. Misting

  1. I know! Season one was awesome and in theory a second season should also be quality. I'm quite excited.
  2. I would say its a tie between Guardians 3 and Secret Project 3. Hmm, or maybe Breath of the Wild: Tears of the Kindgom? WAIT HOLD UP. After a quick google I have been reminded that Spiderverse 2 is coming out this year. If it is anything like the original that movie will be incredible. Edit: I remembered about Silksong and a possible Cradle 12. Heck, this is going to be a good year.
  3. "Viney," Miyako quietly huffed out in between breathes. "I don't know if I'm going to throw up or collapse first, but whatever happens it won't be pretty."
  4. Dave nodded speculatively, looking out across the vast array of trash. He turned back to the group. "It does indeed smell quite awful." He concluded.
  5. "Attacking you." Quest glanced nervously at Antin. "We should probably move out of the way right?"
  6. The witch snorted. "That is not suspicious. Look I'm not looking for pity, just go away and give me my house." The witch began to walk towards the two, tome of spells raised before her. "Princess, this is a nice warmup but I can do this all day."
  7. "Yes, it was very obvious that you dashing towards me in attempt to be my friend." The witch said drily. Quest bit his lip and laid down his satchel and staff. "Can I please walk over and heal you?"
  8. Quest glanced back. He turned to the witch. "Could I please just heal you? You're bleeding quite profusely...." The witch glanced between the two. "Your desaturated friend just tried to attack me. You guys aren't giving me a lot of reasons to trust you." "I find the places you want to forget are the ones that usually matter most." Miyako pointed out in between jumping jacks.
  9. "So Mariel, where you from?" Miyako said in between the jumping jacks. Just a hint of an edge to the otherwise innocent question. There were other ways of resisting after all.
  10. The witch raised her eyebrow. "I never said it was bad pressures. And lets not forget, your friend somehow stabbed me with a tree. I'm don't feel particularly inclined to work with you."
  11. Quest shrugged helplessly. "Witch, um, would it be possible for us to stay here until Vance and Kealie come back and then we will leave together as a group." The witch sighed, and rubbed her forhead. She grimaced when it came back stained red. "Normally that would be a lovely arrangement. However, I am under certain, erm, pressures that make that impossible.
  12. Dave wandered through the Inn, out for a midnight stroll. He hadn't been able to sleep and this seemed as good a way as any to collect his thoughts. He walked alone, to a distant rhythm, chords that seemed to play for his ears only. Dave was....old. Not a lot mattered to him anymore. His mission was deemed impossible by plenty of people and even a couple of his peers. So he simply existed. A few years ago he found it easier if he wore it with a smile. Dave glanced down at his miraculously attached arm. That should probably have hurt. Shouldn't it have concerned him? It was hard to tell what should matter anymore. Dave frowned and pulled his thoughts to present times. Reminiscing did little good. Lets see, ah yes, Obsidian. He was certainly interesting. He said he couldn't die, maybe he could finally be the one to keep that promise. Hmm, were those new posters on the billboard? HELP WANTED was written boldly across the top. Very blatant advertising. Dave gave an edge of a smile. Then again, wasn't the point? Dave awarded his point a quiet chuckle and moved to read the posters. The trash one caught his eye. Seemed interseting enough. Obsidian would probably also enjoy that sort of work. With a hint of amusement, the same that accompanied all of Dave's actions, he scribbled his name and HELP GIVEN in one of the trash poster's boxes. @xinoehp512
  13. The witch waved her hand and a portal appeared behind her. With one step with she was thirty feet down the house. She frowned. "That was rude." A portal appeared underneath Antin.
  14. "If you want to be the heroes I can be the villain." The witch said with a slight smirk, leaning against a tree.
  15. "I will. I will kill you, maybe not now, but until my dying breath. I will find you in your sleep and slit your throat. I will put your head on a pike and burn it. Command her," Miyako paused, "either of them and my sword will be stained with your blood." She spoke with no inflection, only cold dark truth. As if stating a simple fact. Her eyes were empty of all emotion and her body was held perfectly still. Darker than any Shadow could hope to be. The witch fixed Antin with a glare. "I want my house back." "Are you sure your...ok?" Quest said awkwardly gesturing at the witch's various wounds. The witch snorted. "I'm quite sure I can take you two now that your mentor and terrifying friend are gone."
  16. Miyako glared at Mariel but didn't resist. To much at least. At least until she started ordering Hyron around. Miyako's voice became ice hard. "Do that again and I kill you." @CalanoCorvus
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