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S. Stormy

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Everything posted by S. Stormy

  1. Yay! I'm so happy I made him come across as having a different personality than Nya. Drawing characters differently from each other is hard.
  2. Awww, that's sooo sweet! I love it! It reminds me of Sam from LotR. Not quite the same concept, but the mention of the star reminds me of this: “There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
  3. Chapter... Nine! Sorry Dahlien @Shadowed @Cinnamon @CalanoCorvus
  4. NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE!! "Only to find - whoopsie! - we don’t all get along. And that dream of becoming a big city cop? Double whoopsie! She’s a meter maid. And whoopsie number three-sie, no one cares about her or her dreams. And soon enough those dreams die and our [REDACTED] sinks into emotional and literal squalor, living in a box under a bridge."
  5. Not sure whawt that means... but welcome to the Shard! Enjoy your stay here!
  6. And the fears that once CONTROLLED me
  7. This thread died. "Aa-" "Please don't freak out!" "...I'm not freaking out are you freaking out no I'm just interested in your ****† and the magical qualities it possesses how long has it been doing that exactly?!" ______________________________________________ †would probably give it away
  8. What an oddly specific thing to be correct! TPBM is excited because they have new books to read!
  9. @Shadowed, there's a thing in this church going on where our prophets speak to all the members on live TV. It's called General Conference, and you can find the previously aired ones here. The first talk is around 1:04:10, if you're interested in listening to some of it.
  10. (I'm double posting, but Elder Nattress's talk right now is an AMAZING story. So incredible.)
  11. Sigh. Hopefully soon soon, not "soon". Buuuut whatever.
  12. Should I tag Shadowed? (general conference isn't on youtube for me because it's live so my school blocks it. If I do, someone should get the link.)
  13. Your profile picture broke my brain before I realized what was happening.

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      That's the best effect :D Happy April Fool's day x

  14. I believe so. I can't quite, but I am quite attached to him, and think he's pretty cool. I feel like you might make some people sad if you say stuff like that, probably be a little bit more diplomatic when presenting opinions...
  15. I wrote a ketek about grief. Please note that my feelings over Ivan(my cat, for those who didn't know)'s death are not as extreme as presented in this poem, but I wanted to do something to be sad, and I also wanted to write a ketek. So yeah!


    Lessen grief won't
    It is there forever
    Abating--but returning acutely.
    Never will it leave permanently.
    Pain won't leave.
    I'd love to forget
    Will emptiness hurt more?

    ...Yes. More hurt.
    Emptiness would forget love.
    Would it leave?
    Will not pain?
    Permanently leave it will?
    Never. Acutely return.
    Abating forever.
    There it is:
    Won't grief lessen?



    My first role with real lines I actually have to put in time to memorize.

    Turns out there are benefits of having a Drama class where people aren't as committed as one might want.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      What play is it?

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      It's called Cinderella Confidential, and I'm Deb Jabber. It's pretty short and small, but Deb is a lead role.

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      That’s awesome! Break all the legs!

  16. I am not a Cosmere scholar, so I'm afraid I don't know the answers to any of these questions. All I can say is that I think that would be very interesting.
  17. So, way back when, in this article, it was said that announcements were likely in the coming months. I'm curious, what does everyone think that means? I'm scared, but hopeful. EDIT: Okay, I'm not actually seeing anything like I said in the article. I still think I still read it somewhere. And also, I saw an image I didn't put there in the bar. Not sure what it is, but am scared to take a closer look.
  18. What have I done? (in starting this conversation, in case you didn't catch that)
  19. What's the funniest typo you've ever made?
  20. Hello. You need a profile picture.
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