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Status Replies posted by SymphonianBookworm

  1. Mmmm working on my History essaay at the library is an absolute vibe.


    I can't even describe how lit this is.




    1. SymphonianBookworm


      That’s actually awesome- I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself so much!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)



    1. SymphonianBookworm


      *gasp* AWESOME! I still need to find a copy somewhere.

      Also, Howard Lyon is a really good illustrator.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  3. I have covid :((((((((((((((((((

    no, the sadness of my sadface is not excessive. I am distraught :((((

  4. Just saw an oral surgeon and yayyyyyy it's time to get my wisdom teeth out. The surgery is scheduled for a week from this Friday.

    I'm telling you this in advance in case I somehow get access to the Shard after the surgery and go crazy on the forums while I'm high on painkillers :ph34r:

  5. Hey everyone!

    I've been pretty inactive (and that's putting it nicely...) for the past couple months, but I really miss the Shard so I'm going to try to come back. I probably won't be able to be as active as I was before, but I hope to at least go on here more than I have recently!

    Welcome back me, I guess :D

  6. you alright? Haven't seen you in a while...






  8. I got 1000 posts! Actually 1001 because I didn't notice :lol: 

    I... am not doing anything special. But this community is awesome and so are all of you 

  9. So 


    Okay. I have a bunk bed and the top bunk is mine but it also happens to be very close to the ceiling fan 

    Last night (well it's 4:30 am, so more like couple hours ago?) I was wearing a sweater but then decided to take it off cause it was too hot

    Im usually more careful than this but it was pitch black and i was sleepy 

    I was taking the sweater off and i accidently reached my left hand a little too high and the the top joints of my first three fingers were hit by the blade of the fan (which was on top speed btw) . 

    And thankfully my hand was still inside the sweater so it was cushioned a bit but the pain was so awful i had to force myself to not throw up .

    And the upper portion of my left arm for some reason feels numb?? Like less numb, and more leaden. It feels weighed down when i try to move it. And if i try to move the fingers, the feeling of kinda numbness just increases?? 

    Idk i have an exam in 3 hours. Gonna wait for someone to wake up and ask them to wrap my fingers in gauze 

    Maybe ask for going to a doctor if this doesn't get better 



  10. Has anyone else here ever realized that they aren't important?

    Like, that you don't matter?

    You could be removed from the lives of your family and friends, and it wouldn't make that much of a difference?

    They would all get along just fine.

    I just want to make a difference to someone and help them, but nothing I've ever done made anyone feel better. At the same time, maybe that's not fair. If I'm not an interesting, helpful person, then I guess there are other things for me to do. I just want to be wanted, but I guess it's not fair for me to bother people if they don't want to talk to me. This leads to an awful sort of thinking where I feel lonely and want to talk to people, but I feel antisocial, and also worry that the other people don't want to talk to me, and I wouldn't want to annoy someone by talking to them when they just wanted me to leave them alone.



  11. Has anyone else here ever realized that they aren't important?

    Like, that you don't matter?

    You could be removed from the lives of your family and friends, and it wouldn't make that much of a difference?

    They would all get along just fine.

    I just want to make a difference to someone and help them, but nothing I've ever done made anyone feel better. At the same time, maybe that's not fair. If I'm not an interesting, helpful person, then I guess there are other things for me to do. I just want to be wanted, but I guess it's not fair for me to bother people if they don't want to talk to me. This leads to an awful sort of thinking where I feel lonely and want to talk to people, but I feel antisocial, and also worry that the other people don't want to talk to me, and I wouldn't want to annoy someone by talking to them when they just wanted me to leave them alone.



  12. Has anyone else here ever realized that they aren't important?

    Like, that you don't matter?

    You could be removed from the lives of your family and friends, and it wouldn't make that much of a difference?

    They would all get along just fine.

    I just want to make a difference to someone and help them, but nothing I've ever done made anyone feel better. At the same time, maybe that's not fair. If I'm not an interesting, helpful person, then I guess there are other things for me to do. I just want to be wanted, but I guess it's not fair for me to bother people if they don't want to talk to me. This leads to an awful sort of thinking where I feel lonely and want to talk to people, but I feel antisocial, and also worry that the other people don't want to talk to me, and I wouldn't want to annoy someone by talking to them when they just wanted me to leave them alone.



  13. So 

    I got my first girlfriend :wub: 

    Thank you, Kaz Brekker, for giving me a smooth pick up line. 

    Remember Kaz asked Inej 


    Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honour of acquiring me a new hat?

    Well i told this girl 

    "Darling _name_, treasure of my heart, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" 

    And she said 

    "OMG yeeeeeess"


    And doing much, much better :)) 

    Ok updates! 

    Ive been focusing better in my academia and that's amazing but that's not the only reason I took a break. So i cut ties with that girl (she was the one who flirted with me at my school's festival but i think she was just a very toxic person) 

    I think I've done a pretty good job of keeping myself out of drama and learnt how to just not give a crem about the negative stuff.  

    I went to my school's Diwali party today and it was so, so fun! I had so much fun with my friends. I've also been focusing more on the people who matter and spending more time with them. 


    (Someone asked me out) 

    (I said yes :wub:


    oh i started reading IT by Stephen King and aaaaaaaaaaaa i love Richie tozier i love all of them this book is everything i never knew I needed. 

    I've also started reading a midsummers night dream and got the first law trilogy by abercrombie. I'm so excited!!! 

    All in all I'm doing good. I've learnt that i will have bad days and that is okay and it is okay to give myself a break on such days. I want to live to the fullest and that means taking it with all its joys and sorrows 

    (Richie tozier Richie tozier Richie tozier ahaaasahahsjdjlLskjdjsksks)  

    (Hey wizard, where's my feast? :P)


  15. Bleargh.

    I just took the PSAT and our test proctor took soooooooooooo long! The test took 4 hours it was crazy. I'm so burnt out and now I have to do three more hours of school :(

    Also, we had to walk a mile to our testing location for some reason and it was 29 degrees! 

  16. I wrote a personal narrative about the surreal experience I have improvising on the piano at night and thought I'd share it here :)


    I wait alone in the dark, listening. My hands are trembling with anticipation, vibrating to the hypnotic beat of my heart. My feet anxiously drum on the floor, pattering a rhythm unfamiliar to me. My brain is whirling at maximum speed, pleading with me to begin. Yet I cannot.

    I watch. My eyes drift along the landscape of my living room, sweeping past the throng of stringed instruments lined in a row, the pair of well-loved couches incessantly curtsying at one another, and the stack of music books balancing precariously in the corner. Above me, I hear my father pacing the floor of his office; it’s a quiet, comforting pattern. 

    I close my eyes and begin to meditate. As I breathe, I feel currents of calming air fill my lungs. I exhale, willing my superfluous thoughts to follow my breath and evaporate into nothing. As my mind is cleared, I grow lighter, and I feel myself begin to float. I revel in this freedom, the wild liberty of the mind. I ascend, soaring to cerebral horizons far above my perceived mental limits, experiencing facets of reality I’d never dreamed of. I continue to cleanse my thoughts for a few minutes until I feel a pull from my body gently tugging me back, and I glide down into awareness. My mind is clear; I am ready.

    My fingertips inspect the patterns of the chiseled white in front of me, tenderly tracing the black and white slabs. Each has a distinct character, charisma, and charm. I imagine the colors that will soon be woven, picturing shades of emotion fearlessly melding together. I consider for an instant, then I select my palette. I relish this moment, when the painting is still shrouded in mystery. Then, finally, I thrust open the door of my imagination.

    It starts with one note: a low B-flat, resonant and strong, but susceptible to severe bouts of sentiment. A cluster from the upper octaves joins the mix, then tentatively makes its way down the glossy ivories. Tones mingle with one another, each combination adjusting the color. As the notes blend, they become spiraling lattices of harmony. Sound lingers in my ears for a moment, then curves past, dancing away to the peripherality of my perception. 

    My hands move of their own accord, mutinously plastering the air with bundles of my most profound feelings. Sometimes, my inner thoughts are manifested so extraordinarily that I must sit in silence until I can fully digest the sensations. This period of introspection is excruciating, but I invariably continue, for I’m in an oasis of self-discovery, captivated to the extreme.

    At this moment, my faults, my flaws, and my failures all disappear. The light of my imagination is enough to banish my darkest fears from the forefront of my mind. I no longer feel inadequate, weak, or broken; here, I’m strong and powerful, sheltered and secure. I cry as I come to this realization, eyes welling up with tears of relief. These drops trickle past my nose to the bottom of my chin, where they dive down to the warm embrace of my carpet-cloaked floor.

    Music is my all, and I am my music. I am the fluttering birdsongs of the upper registers, the thundering growls of the rumbling bass, the triumphant trumpets of the middle of the instrument. The sound rippling through the room expresses the most intimate facets of my being. I am at peace. I am understood. 

    Time is fluid, a silvery mercury that oozes down the meandering conduits of my consciousness. It drifts at its own pace, but as I play, it accelerates, spreading thinly along the walls of the abstract passage. As the night races by, I wish I had a larger supply. 

    And in a moment, I find myself listening to the reflective echo of the last chiming note. My face is washed clean, my hands are relaxed and calm, and my brain finally is satisfied. My work is done. I stand up and turn on the lights.


  17. yallll i got almost a hundred on my ELA exam.

    yall i did a good job wooooooo

  18. I think 

    I think i need to take some time off. Away from any sort of social media (including the shard), away from all the drama. I find myself getting far too caught up in the things that do not matter. Today a girl (who i care about, quite a bit) told me she is ignoring me and gave me absolutely no reason as to why. I get it that not everyone will like me (and that's totally fine) but if we cared about each other and you suddenly decide to ignore me, i feel like you atleast owe it to me to tell me why. 

    And the main part is- just her doing that derailed my entire plan for the day. I know that there will be a hundred other friends throughout my life but my academics, and this year specifically are the foundation for the life i want to live, for the future I'm going to create for myself. 

    (It's still hard to remember that sometimes) 

    And in all this, i haven't even been reading. I've spent hours chatting away with someone or on Pinterest when i could have been (and would have preferred to) reading. And even study, maybe.

    So I'm going to take some time off to work on myself. Get back to the things that matter. I don't know when I'll see you guys again but i do know that i am dead serious in doing this. 

    Brick by brick, i will create my future. And i cannot let anything distract me. 

    See you soon, guys. <3


  19. There have been a surge of kidnapping near my school area and i am pretty pretty pretty scared. A lot of announcements about being safe and for girls to not linger after school are coming in from the police and what not. But I've also seen images like one person clicked this photo of a person clad head to toe in black (you couldn't see a bit of their profile) standing directly outisde the gate of my school and there were no security guards or whatever.  But after that bit of news reached back to the principal, thankfully there have been 4 to 5 guards kept at each gate. 

     I am still scared though.

  20. wish us luck- tmw both @SymphonianBookworm and I are running for student leadership positions in front of a ton of ppl in our school :/

  21. is this what falling in love feels like?

  22. This morning my car broke down on my way to seminary at six in the morning. My dashboard legit started flickering and then my engine started roaring at like only 10 mph (16.1 km/hr for metric system ppl) and I pulled over to restart my car... and it didn't start. So I waited for almost two hours for the roadside people to come and was about an hour late to school.

    Wonderful day so far.

  23. I just realized that I call myself a musical kid but I've only actually fully listened to, like, 5 musicals ;-;

    But I promise I have all the enthusiasm of one lol.

  24. Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!


    Enjoy some Jack Sparrow memes.








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