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Status Replies posted by SymphonianBookworm

  1. pov: you just spent 175 dollars to get cool stormlight miniatures and also give cool author man 175 dollars ahahahaha

  2. pov: you just spent 175 dollars to get cool stormlight miniatures and also give cool author man 175 dollars ahahahaha

  3. i was baited into making this, and if this horrendous thing has to exist now, i might as well get some internet clout for it.


    ive never made a more shameless SU


    that’s not true lol


  4. IT WAS FUN 

    I saw a few dances and competitions but the best part 

    The best part 

    Was that i spent almost the entire day with this girl 


    We flirted most definitely 

    And during one on the events she even asked me to put my chair closer to hers (we were already sitting side by side) and then she held my hand and just traced some random patterns on my hand with her fingers (do you know what I'm talking about) 

    And she was 


    I don't know I'm blushing just thinking of her 

    Also i think i might be demiromantic 

    Cause I've known this girl for a while 

    And romantic feelings are definitely arising

  5. Well, ive got my first person to read some of sandersons books. Downside is theyve read rithmarist and reckoners and are super against reading more of his books. I eventually had to make a deal that i would watch avatar season 1 if they read mistborn 1

  6. The absolute whiplash I felt when I went to the next song on my required listening playlist for my music class, and it was Fur Elise, by Ludwig von Beethoven (190 songs I have to know the names and composers of, ah!) and it was primarily flute.

    It was actually a pretty neat version, I'm just used to Fur Elise being For Piano, it just is.

    While I have ya here, why do you think colonel is spelled like it is, but pronounced like it is?  

  7. Guuuuuys my school is having its festival which it is super famous for and i wasnt planning on attending cause people told me it would be better to stay home and study but 

    It's my last year in this school 

    And i don't like this school very much 

    But all my friends are gonna be there and i kinda wanna see what's it's all about. This is the first time in a long time that I'm feeling a flutter of interest for a social activity 

    To go or not to go, that is the question 

    I feel like if i don't attend this i might regret it later. I might regret going if i end up not liking it but atleast I'll get to spend some time with people i like. If i dont go, I'll always wonder about it 

    I think i should go 

    But now i need to buy a ticket 


  8. Well, ive got my first person to read some of sandersons books. Downside is theyve read rithmarist and reckoners and are super against reading more of his books. I eventually had to make a deal that i would watch avatar season 1 if they read mistborn 1

  9. Whoa, this is my first thing of the sort.

    Today was my first day of school. As in, a real day or learning, and I know it'll only get harder and harder from now on. Summer is over...
    My teachers are pretty cool, as are a couple of my classmates and the new kids, and I think this year will be easier than the last. But... i'm just not ready to start the staying up late doing homework, the overwork, and the stress.

    Who doesn't love school?


    You know you're a Sanderfan when you read 27 books over the summer, and think, Why did I read so little...


  10. Whoa, this is my first thing of the sort.

    Today was my first day of school. As in, a real day or learning, and I know it'll only get harder and harder from now on. Summer is over...
    My teachers are pretty cool, as are a couple of my classmates and the new kids, and I think this year will be easier than the last. But... i'm just not ready to start the staying up late doing homework, the overwork, and the stress.

    Who doesn't love school?


    You know you're a Sanderfan when you read 27 books over the summer, and think, Why did I read so little...


  11. Guuuuuys my school is having its festival which it is super famous for and i wasnt planning on attending cause people told me it would be better to stay home and study but 

    It's my last year in this school 

    And i don't like this school very much 

    But all my friends are gonna be there and i kinda wanna see what's it's all about. This is the first time in a long time that I'm feeling a flutter of interest for a social activity 

    To go or not to go, that is the question 

    I feel like if i don't attend this i might regret it later. I might regret going if i end up not liking it but atleast I'll get to spend some time with people i like. If i dont go, I'll always wonder about it 

    I think i should go 

    But now i need to buy a ticket 


  12. Well, I'm officially running for student government president! The speeches are virtual this year, but me and my campaign manager (my friend that reads Machiavelli in his free time) are playing that to our advantage. There are some jewels in my speech.

    At one point, I say "I'll fight for sports", and then I shoot a three-pointer basketball shot backwards. Then I say "I'll fight for music!" while holding my cello. Then, "I'll fight for the clubs" and move a chess piece. "Checkmate!"

    I'm also going to "drive" this school to success (said while I drive off).

    The whole speech is said with me in my suit, by the way. Walking around town in the whole attire B) 

    Though it's going to be a tough race, I think. I'm running against three other people and two of them have more connections in the lower grades than I do. But I'm hoping that my speech is strong enough to get enough of the underclassmen to vote for me. 

    Anyone have any experience/advice to share? 

  13. see I realised that recently I've been focusing on entirely the wrong things. And it's degraded my mental state quite a bit and made me feel vulnerable. So to make myself prioritise and ignore all the negative and bad things I'm gonna challenge myself to read a book a day. So that means tonight I will finish the last 100 pages I have left of the first witcher book and by next Friday I should have finished the entire series. Oh wish me luck

  14. Well, I'm officially running for student government president! The speeches are virtual this year, but me and my campaign manager (my friend that reads Machiavelli in his free time) are playing that to our advantage. There are some jewels in my speech.

    At one point, I say "I'll fight for sports", and then I shoot a three-pointer basketball shot backwards. Then I say "I'll fight for music!" while holding my cello. Then, "I'll fight for the clubs" and move a chess piece. "Checkmate!"

    I'm also going to "drive" this school to success (said while I drive off).

    The whole speech is said with me in my suit, by the way. Walking around town in the whole attire B) 

    Though it's going to be a tough race, I think. I'm running against three other people and two of them have more connections in the lower grades than I do. But I'm hoping that my speech is strong enough to get enough of the underclassmen to vote for me. 

    Anyone have any experience/advice to share? 

  15. Whoa, this is my first thing of the sort.

    Today was my first day of school. As in, a real day or learning, and I know it'll only get harder and harder from now on. Summer is over...
    My teachers are pretty cool, as are a couple of my classmates and the new kids, and I think this year will be easier than the last. But... i'm just not ready to start the staying up late doing homework, the overwork, and the stress.

    Who doesn't love school?


    You know you're a Sanderfan when you read 27 books over the summer, and think, Why did I read so little...


  16. Whoa, this is my first thing of the sort.

    Today was my first day of school. As in, a real day or learning, and I know it'll only get harder and harder from now on. Summer is over...
    My teachers are pretty cool, as are a couple of my classmates and the new kids, and I think this year will be easier than the last. But... i'm just not ready to start the staying up late doing homework, the overwork, and the stress.

    Who doesn't love school?


    You know you're a Sanderfan when you read 27 books over the summer, and think, Why did I read so little...


  17. Oh you changed your profile picture! This is the one you had when I first joined.

    Reminds me of good times :D

  18. Oh you changed your profile picture! This is the one you had when I first joined.

    Reminds me of good times :D

  19. Well, I just love school!

    I had a pop-test on my third day of school in my literature class. It was six different three paragraph essays on symbolism, author's intent, foreshadowing ect. based on our summer work. So that was rough.

    I think it's going to be a difficult interesting year!




  20. Have you ever had that thing where you're reading a book and you come across a passage and you suddenly want to cry because you didn't someone else felt this way, because even if its just a person of ink and paper, knowing that they felt that too makes you just feel so, so seen  

  21. Ok, just looked at my profile on a computer for the first time in ages, and... y'all realize the "incoherent screaming" thing is brandon sanderson, right? It's not just the words "incoherent screaming," if you look at it on mobile there is also the head of brandon sanderson.


    This has been a PSA haha

  22. EYYYYY I'm a tarachin superstar, yooo. 

    I read six of crows. *dons Kaz costume and starts stabbing people*


    Inej and Kaz are like the best. Jesper and Wylan knocking a hole in the ice court with a tank is my favorite scene by far!

    I have not seen Rings of Power yet and I'm afraid to start it lol...

    Anyhow, how've y'all been? I'm going to check around my notifs and see what is new.

  23. New LOTR show is pretty great 

    at least episode one is

    before i started watching, i specifically thought “at the first thing that annoys you, pause it and take note of the time stamp, so you know how much of it was good before it starts to go downhill”

    and i never paused it

    it was thoroughly enjoyable the entire way through. excited to see where this goes.

  24. Approximately twenty-five hours ago, I was driving down a pretty normal town street.  Two lanes, one for each direction.  There's cars behind me, there's a car approaching in the other lane.  And behind that car, lo and behold, what do I see but a motorized skateboard and the helmeted rider upon it, coming down the road.  And he was doing the speed limit too, which seems quite fast compared to other skateboards I've seen.

    That was weird.  I looked it up and it was legal 'n everything, but you really don't see that most days around here.

  25. Today was my first day of school! Some highlights:

    • One of my teachers tried to intimidate everyone to drop his class (37 people signed up...I had to sit on the floor cause there weren't enough seats). The class was AP Psych, if you were curious :)
    • I had an in-class essay in my Lit class about the books we read over the summer :(
    • My government teacher is SCARY and has some intense political views that I don't necessarily agree with, so that's fun. <_<
    • We got a new cellist in orchestra! She's pretty good. It's going to be a good year :D
    • I'm taking two classes independently/online with a friend, and it's so hard to focus when you have your buddy right next to you! :P
    • My Spanish is so rusty... here's to hoping it gets better this year :ph34r:

    Not sure if the emojis are staying or not. They're kinda annoying, but also fun. Hmmmmm

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