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Status Updates posted by SymphonianBookworm

  1. As the last vestiges of Valentines Day slip away into the moonlit sky, the little lights flickering on the horizon are blown out.

    Hearts are so fragile. We give them away too easily. Though, in some sense, that’s what they’re meant for. What’s a heart if not to be broken and healed?


    Also now I have COVID…

    Also, don’t ask what the little lights are. I don’t know. But maybe my subconscious ness does.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SymphonianBookworm


      It’s not so much our hearts being broken, rather that we risk it whenever we give our hearts.

      I’ve never had chicken hearts. Or gizzards. I’m intrigued.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      We own chickens. Once one got attacked by a hawk so we dismembered it. It was really fun. 

    4. Morningtide


      Poetic! I love it! Get better soon! :/ 

  2. Happy birthday! 


    Sorry this is kind of late...


    1. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      My good lady, I thank you much!


      Don't worry, my friends forgot it was my birthday until I sent a picture of me as a newborn to the group chat


  3. Hey everyone!

    I've been pretty inactive (and that's putting it nicely...) for the past couple months, but I really miss the Shard so I'm going to try to come back. I probably won't be able to be as active as I was before, but I hope to at least go on here more than I have recently!

    Welcome back me, I guess :D

  4. Hoid... come back to the shard... we miss you...

    Also, happy belated birthday!

  5. I wrote something for an English assignment about a room that was important to me. It's one of the few English assignments this year that i've been proud of. I don't know if anyone is interested, but here it is:


    Start Remembering
        The tiny room seemed, at least to my eyes, like an endless, directionless cavern. The simple brown door leading into it only reached about four feet, while the space itself couldn’t have been more than ten by ten. To most it was merely closet space—and a relatively useless one at that, because of the low, slanted ceilings. But it never really occurred to me to think about it in this way. It was a room of my younger days, a dark foyer for me and me alone, hidden from the rest of the house’s prying eyes. And it was dark—there had never been a light installed. The only way I could see was if I left the door open, but it had the bad habit of closing of its own accord, no matter what I put in front of it. Then, the whole room would plunge into a permeating darkness, where I was afraid to take a step because I was suddenly standing on the edge of a cliff, not knowing where any path would lead. The only bearings would be the cold wooden floor—harsh and unfeeling like stones blanketing the ground—and the musty smell of forgotten memories and unused toys strewn all over the floor, relics of times past. 
        The passage of time was strange in this place, for when the lights were out and I stood still, I could feel the past versions of myself traveling over the place. When I was old enough to walk, I stumbled here. Yes, that was the wall I accidentally bumped into when I was shakily trying to stay upright. My first train set, in the corner of the room, tracks worn into the floor by the repetitive back-and-forth. Broken crayons paired with coloring books of princesses I was once obsessed with, unfinished drawings unrecognizable. The crack in the wall I would peer into, wondering what creatures hid inside. The place on the ceiling where I always seemed to bang my head as I grew taller, no matter what precautions I put in place. 
    That was the only time the room truly felt small. I was being suffocated by myself, by the buried nostalgia, by the things I tried to forget. The tears when no one would listen, the songs I had hummed to myself, more of a companion than the people who looked over my head but never really at me. If I listened long enough, I could just make out the last note still reverberating around the walls. Or it was my imagination, but what did it matter? The make-believe games where I had magic powers or where I was a queen.
        Reality was different in that small, small room. The cocoon of my thoughts, my inner growth, layers of myself folding upon each other and coalescing like dewdrops dripping off a leaf. It was a room where I could shed my disguises, for who could see me in the neverending darkness? No one. Perhaps that was what was so special about the room—it felt as though I was the only one in the world, alone in the slippery, creeping silence. I could dance like a ballerina, movements graceful in my mind's eye and clumsy in truth. But no one could see, so I was the delicate flower, the belle of the ball, the steadfast ocean, the drifting clouds, the whispering winds slipping in and out of consciousness. I could be all of those things, for I could be me. I could be exactly as I saw myself, exactly as I hoped to be, and in the darkness of the room that was what I would become. I was the girl stumbling with her first steps, I was the train conductor, I was the artist and the princess. It was the only place I could be  myself and what I had been all at the same time. A child, wondering what she could wish up in the soft, warm blanket that covered her sight.
        What do we become when no one is watching? I change the mask I wear depending on the people I meet. Some I try to impress, some I try to be happy around. I’m a malleable clay figure, bent and misshapen, contorted in trying to make myself into new shapes every day. But in that room, I could be a canvas, scraped clean of the heavy acrylics and subtle watercolor. In that room, I could be a crumpled bit of paper, scratched from too many erasures, pencil marks still lingering within the indents. In that room, I could be the sagging poster on a wall, weather and water washing away all semblance of ink and color. In that room, I could be the frayed rubber band, stretched to the point of breaking but holding on ever so slightly as it expanded and shifted but never gained. I could be the beaded necklace, broken on the floor, little gems scattered like stars, trampled upon by the feet of those who passed by. I could be the handkerchief, used over and over, washed and renewed, dirtied and disfigured, but sparkling clean. I could be the confining dress, squeezed into in hopes of one last use. I could be the library book, opened and closed by thousands of people, different to all and yet the same. And it was then that I could be nothing and everything. I could be blank, I could be crammed with detail and design. Instead of making myself for others, I simply made myself.
        The room was small, but it was also large.
        It was dark, but I could see.
        It was confined and timeless, every second meaning something different than what it did in the outside world.
        It was suffocating and exhilarating all at once. Choking on each sharp intake of breath.
        It was nostalgic and original, memories stinging my eyes as I created new ones.
        The room, the room, the room!
        How beautiful it was.

        Sometimes I wish that I could go back to that room, one day.
        Just for a moment.
        Shut the door behind me and be immersed in that darkness.
        Finally stop pretending.
        And start being.
        Start remembering.
        Start remembering the days before we all put on makeup and fake smiles and little lies.
        Start remembering the days of that cavern, when I could still stand up straight and my eyes hadn’t yet adjusted to the night.
        Start remembering the days where my thoughts would flit from idea to idea, a delighted butterfly just barely grazing each new flower with the tips of her wings, instead of the equations forcing them into place.
        Start remembering the days when I would hum the first notes that came to my head, thinking they sounded beautiful. Before everything started to sound like the rhythm of the motions I went through every day.
        Start remembering the days that would bring something new, because I could be something new. Whatever I wanted to be. Before I started to harden into my tinted glass shell.

        I wish I could remember those days.


    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    2. SymphonianBookworm


      Thank you so much! Your writing is also quite good :D

  6. Imagine not having the flu and a fever!

    Oh, wait a second… I don’t have to imagine…


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      You're blaming the typo on your illness?

      But also, yikes. I hope you feel better soon.

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Feel better! Get some rest!

    4. Morningtide

  8. Whoa, this is my first thing of the sort.

    Today was my first day of school. As in, a real day or learning, and I know it'll only get harder and harder from now on. Summer is over...
    My teachers are pretty cool, as are a couple of my classmates and the new kids, and I think this year will be easier than the last. But... i'm just not ready to start the staying up late doing homework, the overwork, and the stress.

    Who doesn't love school?


    You know you're a Sanderfan when you read 27 books over the summer, and think, Why did I read so little...


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. SymphonianBookworm


      *then. I hate that I can’t edit that… my typo will be forever recorded on the shard…

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      This is the SU thread of the typos, then, because the same thing happened to me.

    4. The Wandering Wizard
  9. Why hello, everyone!

    @Lotus Blossom has finally convinced me to come back, so... Hi! It's been quite a bit, but I'm looking forward to spending more time here.

  10. You know that moment when you're sitting down or reading or taking a shower and then bam, it all hits you? Everything you've been trying to ignore settles like a stone on your shoulders, slowly crushing you. 

    Honestly, my life is pretty easy compared to some other people's, so I can't really complain. But sometimes it's just hard to keep up with it all. The steady current of life starts to pull you away from a place where you don't worry or have all of your regrets running through your mind. You know that you have to deal with everything but also you don't have time. You wish you had managed your day better.

    I want to change so many things about my past. But I can't. So... I guess I have to look to the future. But it's really hard sometimes.


    Ah, melodrama is such fun.

    Also I used too many "but"s. And "I wish"es. 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      It can feel, it can feel like I've gone crazy.

      It can seem, it can seem I've lost my mind.

    3. SymphonianBookworm


      Thanks, guys. I'd be giving you all rep...
      ...if I had any left.

      I just needed to get that out.
      by that I mean my rant not the rep thing-

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Always a pleasure to help someone!

      If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here.

  11. Happy Birthday, Silho :).

  12. Help.

    Big debate tournament. 

    First round starts soon. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      …how’s it going? What event(s) are you in?

    3. SymphonianBookworm


      I'm in the digital TOC tournament in varsity. And we won our first two rounds today!!

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo, nice job!!

      I…don’t know what TOC is (sorry I’m mostly a speech kid)

  13. My travel debate tournament just got cancelled and now I’m sad :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      Sorry about that. *more hugs*

    4. SymphonianBookworm


      I was going to do a PF tourney in Princeton.
      But I guess that's not happening.

      On a happier note, thank you all for your hugs!

  14. The people in Costco must have been terrified when they saw me sprinting down the aisle, two conditioner bottles under my arms like guns, my huge coat flaring behind me, while blasting Let It Go into my earbuds. 

    It’s so fun being strange. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SmilingPanda19


      I’m trying to find a reason to put a trench coat on my Christmas list… what’s a logical reason…

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      um... you need it for reasonable reasons.

    4. SymphonianBookworm


      That’s me but with tailcoats.


      and cane swords.

  15. Why are the best songs the random science and math songs you use to memorize terms…

    tHe CaRbOn CyClE-

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Cash67


      Mine added 33 and 36 at the end but it was the exact same song!

    3. Morningtide
    4. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      I had that to the tune of "Scotland's Burning"

      3, 6, 9

      12, 15

      18, 21 



      30, now we're done

  16. wow lotus on the shard in class i see.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      When do you think the rest of us are in class?

    3. Edema Rue
    4. TheRavenHasLanded


      *me looking around suspiciously*

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