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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. Bookwyrm sits on a hill and eats a sandwich that's not The Sandwich.
  2. Tinker sighed. "So that's how it is, then." He sat there, thinking. He thought about his family. How much they hadn't wanted him to leave. How wonderful their lives would be if he won... Did I do the right thing...?
  3. "...I don't have as much control in that as you might think. I don't get to decide what the other tributes do. And some of your colleagues seem very eager to get us killed before any of us do any killing. "Also, if you really cared about my 'happiness' in this arena, you'd give me a sizable stash of spores and a kit to use them safely."
  4. Tinker glanced at the wool blanket on the dirty ground. Then he sighed, unrolled it, and placed it over Marewill. "There," he said in a mocking tone, looking at the microphone. "You happy?" @SmilingPanda19
  5. Tinker smirked slightly, then gazed out at the falling rain and thunder.
  6. "Maybe you should sleep. You're the one with a wounded ear."
  7. Tinker read it and sighed. "Someone is trying to set the two of us up. For his own twisted entertainment."
  8. The shifting woke Tinker from his brief nap. He watched Marewill grab the parachute and run back. He frowned, thinking back to what Émeric said. He isn't trying to bribe me, is he? "What do we have?" he asked, sitting up. He noted the bag that had been placed under his head. Did she...
  9. Tinker eyed the knife warily, then remembered what Marewill had said about honor. I hope this isn't the most stupid choice of my life. He closed his eyes and leaned back, listening to the rumble of thunder and the rain on the tree.
  10. "Seems so." Tinker managed to take another bite.
  11. Tinker stared at the bun, his appetite gone. "Yeah." He sighed and leaned his head back against the wood. "I hate centralers."
  12. He caught it; some kind of protein bun. "Flemr. Everyone calls me Tinker, though." He took a small bite. "What about you?"
  13. "I...okay. Yeah, I'll take some supplies. Don't know what I'll carry them with."
  14. Water. I'll need that, once I get my hands on spores. "It's only been a few hours," Tinker said. "I'm not starving, but I could eat." He paused. "Are you really going to share your supplies with another participant, though?"
  15. Welcome to the Shard! I already gave you a follow because I noticed you poking around the community section...
  16. "Uh, sure." Tinker shifted around the hollow to her left, while still keeping a few feet of distance.
  17. Tinker leaned forward. "Oh, moons. That's not good." @Edema Rue
  18. Tinker chuckled slightly. "It doesn't matter. Me knowing your powers does very little in my case." He looked down at his hand. "Especially considering I don't have any. And the gamemakers didn't feel like putting any spores in the jungle where an expert like me could find them."
  19. Tinker opened one eye. "You okay? What happened to your ear?"
  20. "Whatever I heard." He looked at the microphone on his shoulder. "One of the gamemakers contacted me and I don't like what he was implying." He leaned back his head against the hard wood of the tree and sighed. "I hate people like that."
  21. Tinker sighed. Thunder and rain rumbled outside the dark tree hollow. "You heard that, right?" @Spark of Hope
  22. "No, it's..." he pointed to the microphone on his shoulder. Tinker didn't particularly like what Émeric was implying. Assuming he was assuming right. "So...you want me to do something unsafe...in order to ensure my safety."
  23. Tinker jumped at that, too. He ducked into the hollow after Marewill. "I still don't understand," he whispered, probably loud enough that Marewill could hear.
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