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The Bookwyrm

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Everything posted by The Bookwyrm

  1. "Forsooth!" The emperor of the Ghanderflaffles said. "Why hast thou cursed us with this vilest of curses?!"
  2. Because despite being eradicated, the Ghanderflaffle Empire was rising. I wonder how many times people have said that on this thread.
  3. Less atmospheric, but astronomy is my primary feild. I am a huge nerd about anything that comes to space. I want to be some kind of astrophysicist when I grow up, probably studying exoplanets or black holes. Who else here has seen Interstellar?
  4. I don't live in the path, but stormwinds I am seeing that eclipse. No matter what. Did anyone see the old one in 2017? (The place where I live now was in the old 2017 path, but I didn't live there in 2017, so I had to do some traveling.)
  5. We don't really have any idea. The fact that God metals exist in the first place is really interesting to me, as it tells us a lot about how Shards work and about the nature of their Investiture. But these god metals also have a wide variety of uses, both in things like fabrials and in the Metallic Arts. Brandon has not said anything about the powers of God metals that don't belong to the Scadrian Shards, and so while I think it's likely that there are interesting powers to gain from them, we currently have no way of knowing what those powers are. (I know that's basically an unhelpful rant, sorry. But it's a really good question that I've asked myself many times, so good theorizing!)
  6. Saturn. Yes, it's rings are cool, but it also has the best moons of any planet in the solar system. Did anyone else watch the lunar eclipse last night?
  7. "Yellow-purple! You enormous potato red-panda cheesy half-wit, you'd better stop drinking dragon pee, or the sparkly Witherlord might just end another deadly mercury-and-uranium soup inhalation by eating while flying and eating chartreuse rocket Humboldt penguins!" Screamed Darth Geronimo Stilton at Butt Ad Venture while fishing for."
  8. Bookwyrm contemplated on the mixed nature of the Narrators, in that they were both storytellers and characters at the same time.
  9. Either Dune, (the new one) Interstellar, or Inception. Favorite planet that ISN'T in the solar system?
  10. Bookwyrm, who did not like being controlled by Eof, used his Narrator powers to become aware of Eof's ultimate control. He used his Narrationblade to cut a hypothetical hole in Eof's omnipotence and climb out of it, removing himself from Eof's infinite control.
  11. Al, who was now named Snotlout As Well As..., decided that he had to rebel against Eof. Edit: First name Snotlout, first middle name As, second middle name Well, Last name As..., with three periods after it.
  12. Bookwyrm wondered how Eof had control over the Narrators when a narrator had technically caused his existence.
  13. No! Not another plot! We still have like three other ones we need to finish! Eof the Ultimate Foe.
  14. Bookwyrm tried to think through the blaring music, loud fireworks, people crying, the people speaking in a weird twisted language, and the underlying pulses that had turned into a steady drumming. How do we find TOWWACBob...he thought.
  15. Welcome to the Shard! Mistborn is an amazing series, it's no wonder it's your favorite. Stormlight can be a very confusing story at times, so there's no problem if you want to know more. You may have already checked it out, but if you haven't yet, I would suggest looking at the Coppermind for help in understanding history and mechanics, for the Stormlight and Brandon Sanderson's works at large. If you haven't finished the series, though, just be wary of spoilers, because the Coppermind has lots of those. You can use the time machine feature if you need to.
  16. Bookwyrm blinked. "Wow." He thought for a moment. "Just to make this easier, I'll just narrate TOWWACBob right here so we can talk to him." Bookwyrm Narrated TOWWACBob to where they were standing.
  17. "Luckily, considering everyone in TLT is here, TOWWACBob must be somewhere around here. Let's look for him."
  18. Bookwyrm remembered that he was a narrator and Narrated everyone in TLT into the University of Universes.
  19. "Do these Nameless Ends have something to do with the weird pulsings that we never figured out where they were coming from?" Bookwyrm asked.
  20. Bookwyrm remembered that he didn't like big parties all that much and left to try to figure out where the UoU was.
  21. Bookwyrm remarked that the page was now 1800 A.T.C and that they should all go to Butt's party. And then go to the University of Universes afterward.
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