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The Bookwyrm

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The Bookwyrm last won the day on July 28 2022

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About The Bookwyrm

  • Birthday August 31

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  • Member Title
    It's a wild ride, this passage of fate.
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  • Location
    A tiny planet called Earth. You probably haven't heard of it.
  • Interests
    Pondering other worlds, whether those be the distant worlds in our own universe, or the worlds we can enter through the stories of others.

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  1. Does anyone know what can cause someone to be mentally fatigued if they're still getting enough sleep?

    Because I've been very unproductive and unfocused all evening and I don't know why.

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    2. Experience


      speaking of food...

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Um apart from what everyone else has said, eating unhealthy and not spending enough time outside can do that, like not getting enough vitamin D. Or mineral deficiencies. Also, addictions of any form (including technology, sugar, and books) makes it hard to focus. 

    4. Slowswift


      You don't take any allergy medication, do you? (For me, Zyrtec works, and it works well, but it also saps my every will to live. Took me forever to figure out that was the cause.)

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