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Everything posted by Argent

  1. With Koloss Head-Munching Day still a week away, many of us were managing our hype so it reaches its peak on December 19 when Brandon writes his State of Sanderson annual blog. This year, however, we get an extra present - the reveal of the much-discussed "Secret Project" that popped up on Brandon's progress bars a while back. Well, wonder no longer, as io9 has published an exclusive - and Secret Project is now officially Magic: Children of the Nameless, a Magic: The Gathering novella Brandon wrote for Wizards of the Coast! Here's the synposis io9 revealed: But this is not the only treat io9 is treating us to. In their article there is a seven-question interview with Brandon about the novella, as well as - in true Brandon fashion - the entire first chapter of the novella! And this is still not all, folks! On top of everything else, Children of the Nameless will be released for free tomorrow, December 12! I don't even know how to emphasize all of these things, and my exclamation marks are starting to get out of control so I'll stop here! But what do you think about this? Are you one of the many people who play Magic and for whom this is the lovechild of two of your favorite things in the world? Or are you just a Brandon guy - in which case, do you think this will stand up to Brandon's other non-Cosmere stories? Let us know in the comments! EDIT: The story is now up, you can download it here!
  2. Also, remember that Hoid would not describe himself as a good person
  3. That's me all the time, that minute up there may have just been... more obvious to others.
  4. I was suggesting that Ishar may have been a facilitator of the binding of Odium - Honor's power would've still been the thing that keeps him chained. I imagine a contest of champions could work similarly.
  5. Hi, welcome! I empathize with the hunger for more Stormlight, but we are all going to have to wait a little bit for it Brandon should be starting on it in January and hopes to get it out in our greedy hands about 18 months later - but Stormlight are not easy books, so it may end up being a little longer. Fortunately there is a hefty archive of Words of Brandon we've compiled over at Arcanum, so you've got some lighter reading material to carry you over for a bit. Plus, Brandon's other works are not bad either, so you can dabble in those a bit. Skyward, which released a little over a week ago is not half bad, for instance. Worst case scenario, you can always hang out with us, either here on the forums, or in our Discord server. We are not Brandon, but we can be a distraction
  6. I can get behind this. I think I've kind of defaulted to believing the actual Blades look kind of like their respective glyphs, but isolating the middle of the glyph is an interpretation that makes a lot of sense and fits well. I like it.
  7. I came up with a similar idea during the Heralds Shardcast episode. I don't remember exactly what I said but I think it was Ishar's title as the "Binder of Gods" that led me to believe that his role in the founding of the Oathpact and whatever event made him the Binder of Gods were different events. So when somebody from the Cosmere Chat Discord server asked me for questions, I offered the Heralds on Ashyn question - it felt like it didn't need much background, and it was interesting enough. It does make the timeline interesting though. If the Heralds had a normal human lifespan pre-Oathpact, then the time between the exodus and the first Desolation couldn't have been more than a few decades at most. If they could live for a long time anyway, then we get into more reasonable timeframes, I think. It's exciting news either way.
  8. As a rule of thumb, WoBs are canon until proven not to be. We are - or at least should be - already fluid in our acceptance of them.
  9. I am in the area (4 hours early), if anyone else arrives early come say hi!
  10. Well, my list is still in my signature, but considering that I am going, I probably should ask you to ask even more of my questions...
  11. @PallonianFire do you have the Blessing of Audio? The Cosmere Chat Discord server had a couple of people go, we have their report here for now.
  12. Welp, I might end up being there super early. If you see a guy napping in the parking lot, that might be me!
  13. I'd probably put the person who actually asked the question and use a footnote to indicate that it was asked on behalf of someone else. There isn't a hard and fast rule though, you can do it the other way too.
  14. I think I remember you two! Vaguely. I'll probably be there early (as early as 3 PM, possibly, but no later than 5), so if you - or anyone else - has nothing to do, come say hi!
  15. Welcome! We don't get many people from Egypt, so it falls on you to recruit your neighbors to the cult club!
  16. If the event starts at 5 PM, as the website says, Brandon will probably be there for the next 3 hours at least, depending on attendance. How public speech, reading, and Q&A usually take about an hour on their own, and then there is the signing line, which usually moves at about 50 people per hour.
  17. Feel free to either transcribe them or, once they are transcribed, edit your name for the speaker.
  18. Let's see how the transcription goes. Most of @coltonx9's was pretty good, and we have @hoiditthroughthegrapevine's. This being said, the event is now ready, and you can help transcribe here: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/370-skyward-seattle-signing/ Let us know, either here or in the #arcanum Discord channel if any of the audio snippets have weird timestamps (starting/ending too early or late) and we'll fix those up.
  19. There is one audio snippet we still need to mute, so the entire thing should be coming up soon. I'll update this thread when it's ready.
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