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Everything posted by Argent

  1. Not a typo, but in Chapter 18: Double Vision, when Shallan goes to the market as Veil, she describes her entire outfit as she turns into Veil: but doesn't mention a hat until later in the chapter when she uses Stormlight to clear the alcohol from her blood:
  2. There are some small typos I see that need correction, but I just reread that page and it does include the line you mention. Or are you saying that in Kelsier's copy of the logbook, the "simple packman" line comes right after the "liar" one? Because if it's the latter, the Wiki page probably lists things as they appear in the epigraphs, not necessarily as they would appear in the actual logbook - which, given that we don't have the full text of the logbook, is probably a more consistent way of presenting it.
  3. Dragonsteel has been trying to limit the complexity of personalizations in recent years, first by lowering the length of the personalization request, then by drastically increasing the price of more special personalizations, and now by (I guess) removing the ability to ask questions altogether, instead giving you a few generic personalization options. Unless something changes, I am going to assume they don't want Brandon spending a lot of time on this kind of stuff, and so no questions.
  4. That actually happens sometimes (happened to me too), don't remember why...
  5. My headcanon on this has been that Tanavast had a different... oath, let's say, he saw as being more important. Maritalrital vows, for example.
  6. I don't know if that sphere was voidlight though, I don't think it specifies in text.
  7. These tables are as canon as they can be as of Era 1. What's the issue here?
  8. At least in this context, "powers" clearly refers to the powers granted by individual Allomantic or Feruchemical metals. "Abilities" is much more interesting to me - are we looking at mundane ones, like the ability to juggle, or is it spicier than that, with things like the ability to perform Allomancy?
  9. It might be interesting. Brandon has been asked if he would be willing to open up the Cosmere to other authors, and he is not entirely against the idea - it would just need to be right people. Isaac Stewart, Brandon's art director, is one example Brandon has given as a person he would trust the Cosmere to, so we might see that one day. I am okay with the idea, as long as Brandon has enough creative oversight to step in and request changes if necessary. We'll see how his current collabs (Alcatraz 6, Apocalypse Guard) work out.
  10. I am out of touch with these forums, all of you are new faces to me
  11. Kelsier and Marsh are good choices
  12. Wow, that's a... varied background. Did you run into Brandon from the authorial side of things?
  13. Hey, welcome! Tell the class a little about yourself?
  14. Hey, that seems a little... harsh. Forums are about discussion, as @SLNC correctly pointed out. This being said, not all of this thread seems super serious, so it's probably best for everyone's peace of mind to focus more on the posts we like and agree with and kind of shrug off the ones we think are too silly, too serious, or too wrong. The thing about the Internet that's both terrible and wonderful is that there are plenty of ways to ignore things you don't want in your life All this being said, you know who I want to see more of? Those old ardents who were doing measurements on spren. They were a cute elderly couple.
  15. I dug through the events and it looks like you attended the Atlanta signing? If so, it probably wasn't transcribed because @Jofwu was also there and we used his (likely because it was uploaded first). I see that not all of the audio snippets have been transcribed, however, so I guess there is still work to be done on this event - between the US holidays and Brandon's million events in the last couple of months, we've fallen behind a bit. I see you've also transcribed your own question, it's just been stuck in the approval queue for a while; I'll try to work my way through some of it tomorrow. But once we are done with this event, if your audio has something jofwu's doesn't, we'll go through it and make sure it's included.
  16. Can't really mess up an intro post Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here.
  17. Welcome If you decide you want some more casual faster-paced conversation, we also have a Discord server I can recommend, feel free to hop in there as well.
  18. I don't know, still seems fine to me. You can also get to it by going to magic.wizards.com and navigating to the Story page linked in the top bar.
  19. Story's now up, I've updated the post with a link to the download page.
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