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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. I finished Secret Project 2!!! Quite good imo. VERY good characterization, especially if the viewpoint character! Good plot and setup too!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morningtide
    3. Morningtide


      That came out with a weird inflection. I do mean sorry in an unironic way! stupid nonverbal communication :P

    4. Cinnamon


      *sigh* it’s finee yeah, non verbal communication is so annoying sometimes! >:(

  2. It's my Shardiversary!! 2 years on the shard! I'm kinda busy today so I'm not going to do a big thing but you are all amazing people! You're the best! You got this! Have a great day :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Happy Shardiversary, Morningtide! You're such a nice person and it's a pleasure to know you!

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Happy Shardiversary!!

      You're a really nice person and we're happy you're here :D

    4. Morningtide


      Thanks everyone!!! That's so nice @Szeth's Facepalm! And everyone else!!

  3. Oooh! Scorpio Races!!! Such a good book
  4. That's beautiful! I love the star imagery. Stars are amazing! I hope you get to feel like that in this life!!
  5. *hugs* She's going to be fine! Don't worry. And you're going to have a great time when she gets back :))
  6. I love it! The coloring on the lightning looking one is amazing!
  7. Was it in the middle of the night? Cause last time I posted at 2 in the morning I made a ranty SU about Shadow and Bone and then responded to it like 20 times with random unintelligible excitement
  8. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO So goooood! They're such good hands!
  9. Yeah! I looked up the word when I read it!! It's a super cool word that way more things should use
  10. I love it! That sounds like the perfect art class!!! The poses are really good.
  11. Yeah I can competently read treble and bass clefs, but PLEASE don't give me any crazy alto or tenor clefs. Just no. Bow and string instruments are gorgeous! But I would never want to play them lol. When you hit a key on the piano, the right sound comes out! I could not stand the effort it would take to play the right noise on a string instrument Piano and cello is probably my favorite music combo! It has so much potential because they complement each other and can both carry either melody or accompaniment
  12. Just walking up to someone and saying "All Hail the Glow Cloud" or "the faceless old woman who lives in your house wants your wifi password" or "NO DON'T JOIN THE SUMMER READING PROGRAM" is hilarious
  13. Me, a non-string player would rank those 4 instruments as Cello > Viola > Bass > Violin. If I was going to pick a second instrument to play, I'd pick cello, but piano is superior so..... Cellos are gorgeous instruments with crazy range
  14. You're so good! I *love* the first one! So creepy but so cool. I also don't have super good feedback other than you're doing great! Keep writing! This sounds suuuper awesome and I would absolutely read it
  15. General Conference was fantastic! I think my favorite talks were Carl B Cook's, President Nelson's, President Oaks', and Elder Nattress's. I'm pretty sure that how you spell his name. I loved all of the talks though!
  16. Lol! That's how you know you had a good idea!
  17. Shadow and Bone is gooooooood!!! Also I'm considering starting Lockwood and Co. I'm running out of things that have been recommended to me. Does anyone know if this is good?
  18. Carl B Cook's talk was amazing! They all were. Also new young women's and young men's presidencies! That's cool!
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