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Everything posted by Morningtide

  1. Oooh. Nice theory. I agree. Aluminum has always had interesting properties. Now that you mention this, I can even see implications in other books. If this is true, I wonder what Brandon will do with it in the future...
  2. I think that the second theory has the most merit. Kaladin's other oaths have all been making progress toward him not beating himself up, and this seems like a natural progression. "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves" - Redemption for Tien "I will protect those I hate so long as it is right" - Giving him peace of mind about Elhokar "I accept that there will be those I cannot protect" - Allowing himself to fail "I will allow myself to be protected" - Allowing himself to rely on others and admit that he is not alone
  3. Thanks, @mdross81 for the answer. I was just wondering if I had missed something important. The clarification is great!
  4. Is there a specific WoB that led to your conclusion that the Dawnshards were those four you mentioned? I understand Change, but there are so many different theories that I was wondering if I missed something.
  5. In Mistborn, the LR uses Preservation's power in the Well without ascending. Is it possible that Kaladin once used Honor's power in the same way? I was thinking, and Kaladin is the only modern Radiant to bond one of the Stormfather's original Honorspren. Syl's status and/or age might have something to do with this. It does seem that Kaladin is gaining powers from Syl that other Windrunners are not. (e.g. prowess with weapons, parting the storm, etc.)
  6. I think that if the Lord Ruler was Thaidakar and his death left an opening for Kelsier, we would have heard something about that in SH. By the time SH is over, it seems like the Ghostbloods would have replaced their leader if he died.
  7. Agreed. This is one of my main problems with Starsight
  8. I haven't read Edgedancer in a few months, but I know what you're talking about. I was thinking about your proof, and I agree. With another writer, it might be a little flimsy, but Brandon never does anything by accident. The "apparently" really sold me on this one. There is definitely something there.
  9. So, in Oathbringer, Jasnah is communicating with those two informants, one of which promises information about Truthwatcher spren. One of the informants (the one who starts with a p) says that he thought his news of a sighting of Axies the Collector was interesting. This implies that Axies is not only slightly famous but is also of some note to Jasnah, who is researching the Voidbringers and Knights Radiant. I don't really have any theories about this, but I was wondering if anyone else did. This forum is just for any theories about Axies or his research.
  10. P.S. I may be new to this site, but I do know what I am talking about. I have read all of Brandon's book multiple times.
  11. Personally, I think that no beginning radiant is truly "worthy" of their powers yet. When Dalinar bonded to the Stormfather, all he had was a promise that he would try to unify Roshar. Later, he was able to make good on his promise. One could argue that he was worthy at the beginning because he had changed and wouldn't repeat his past mistakes. One could also argue that he was unworthy because, as of yet, he had barely been able to unite anything. I agree with Leuthie that Navani is a unifier. I also think that she is worthy of her power. If you are arguing that Navani is not worthy yet, just remember that the First Ideal is really just a promise to try. Navani has promised that she will try to unify, and, in my opinion, she will make good on that promise.
  12. 1) Adolin because he always knows how to help 2) hmmm... this is hard. All of Brandon's characters are so believable! Probably Dalinar for me. He really wants to make the world better for everyone. 3) Kaladin. No contest. He always has the most dramatic parts. I always say that Kaladin can get away with saying and doing things that no one else could 4) Jasnah. There are two sentences in OB that talk about her "lunacy" and how she was locked away. I am really curious about this. Also Saj-anat. She is really fascinating and I think she will be super important later on. I also think that Renarin and Rlain have interesting plot lines. 5) ?? Maybe Pattern. He says the weirdest things! 6) MOASH. Needs no justification. (See above quote) 7) Navani. She and I are both a bit OCD about organization. She is also totally a scholar, which is what I aspire to be. 8) Little Gav. His confusion about his parents is so believable! 9) Adolin. He is always so kind and sweet. 10) Sebarial. There are a couple of kids I know...
  13. I remember reading somewhere that the Envisagers split off of the Sons of Honor, but that theory has merit.
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