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Status Updates posted by 2EmLee2

  1. My younger brother is a scudding super-genius! He came up to my dad with his Periodic Table of Elements book and had my dad read him off the symbols one by one and he would say what element it was. Out of 118 elements, he got 115 with ease and 2 with a few hints, and only one we needed to tell him. Also, he’s in the sixth grade. What sixth-grader can list pretty much every element when just given it’s symbol? I honestly think he should skip a few grades. Or maybe all of them.

  2. Today is the final 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century.

    Also I have a kinda weird question- what do you think I look like? Because all we see of each other is a screen (except for you lucky people who can see each other IRL) so I’m curious at what I look like in your heads.:huh:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Szeth_Pancakes


      Brown hair, yeah. But I'm only 5' 5" :P

    3. danex


      iirc you're pretty young right? like, just a little above the shard's age limit?

      that'd make you about the same age as my littlest sister, so I guess I'd picture you similar to her

    4. 2EmLee2


      I turn 14 on the 31st, so yeah, I guess you could say that :P

  3. I was calling my cousin while shoveling the driveway when our conversation went a little something like this:

    Cousin (C): Hey, I got a new book from the library and it’s really good.

    Me (E): Cool, what is it?

    C: Let me read you the first paragraph. [Gets book] Only fools climb to the surfa-


    C: What is it, then?

    E: Skyward, by Brandon Sanderson!!!

    She said she really likes it so far and I’m sooo glad my constant talk about how Brandon Sanderson books are amazing finally paid off! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frustration



      Now we must introduce her to the Cosmere.

    3. 2EmLee2


      Maybe once she’s finished Skyward and Starsight and Cytonic.

    4. Spensathecat


      I know you guys had that conversation like forever ago but, I'm that cousin :P

  4. I’m going to go to the library tomorrow-are there any books I should get to read over Christmas break?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doomstick


      The thirteen and a half lives of captain Bluebear 

    3. 2EmLee2


      Already read it and it was great.

    4. Doomstick


      wait really?

      I've been trying to find someone else on here for three years.

  5. I guess Ookla season is over now, huh?

    Also, today was my church’s Christmas program thing and I was in one of the songs so me and my mom went 30 minutes early so we could practice with everyone else. But after practice/before church actually started, we had to pick up the rest of our family, but they were running late and by the time we got to church, my part was already over. Dang it.

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Ookla season is overrr! I'm still getting used to seeing people's actual names, I saw Szeth and went, "Who is Szeth_Pancakes and why do I have notifications from them?" before going "Ohh..." Didn't help that he'd changed his profile picture :D 

      I'm sorry that you didn't get to perform, that must suck :(

    2. Szeth_Pancakes


      Storm it, family. Always messing crem up.

  6. awww cute little kitty is snoring :wub:





    No more school for another two whole weeks!





    Sorry for the bad quality, I took it on my school chrome book. (Also that's my ugly Christmas sweater in the background- it's spirit week at school and today was Christmas sweater day)


  9. Current status: Procrastinating homework.

    Reasons: 1: Homework sucks. 2: I've spent all afternoon rereading all the scenes with a specific character in the Ember in the Ashes series because the character growth is amazing and I have not stopped thinking about the series ever since I finished the final book on Saturday because I want to talk about it with someone but my friend (who is also reading the book) isn't even halfway done with it and it feels like I'm going to burst if I don't talk about it with someone because I am MAD that


    ...I don't think this is normal. help me...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Szeth_Pancakes


      also thanks for the follow :D

    3. 2EmLee2


      Thanks to you, too :).

    4. Szeth_Pancakes



  10. So I just finished A Sky Beyond the Storm- book 4 of the Ember in the Ashes series.



    My spoiler-y thoughts/rants on the book: (Read at your own risk!)


    I am VERY EXTREMELY MAD that Avitas Harper died. He is probably one of my favorite side characters because of the support he offered Helene and how he was always there in her times of most despair.

    I wish there was an epilogue that showed all the characters in like, 10 or 20 years, because... well, just because.

    What was happening at the end with Helene and Musa?!?! If it has to do with anything romantic, then I am not a fan.

    There was a lot more ooey-gooey gross bleugh than I would have liked, but whatever.

    I want to find out what Elias and Laia's future holds!

    Little baby Zacharias is my favorite (Well, maybe not favorite) character because he's so scudding adorable.

    If you have not read the series, then I suggest you do. 'Tis good.

  11. Yesterday I did a White Elephant Gift Exchange and got a cute little Lego yellow-and-blue bug that has fire coming out of its butt while riding a skateboard.

    I was going to name it Zoomslug (Like Doomslug but fast) but I realized it was a bug, not slug, so now its name is Zoombug :P

  12. Exactly a year from today, the Shard will have a new member!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy


      Cant wait for him to get here!

    3. PyroPhile
    4. DramaQueen


      I approve of the username! Welcome!!

  13. So y'know the twelve-day giveaway thing Brandon Sanderson is doing? Well, I tried to send the E-mail for it, and this was sent back:


    Hello [E-mail],

    We're writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (contest) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group. A few more details on why you weren't able to post:

     * You might have spelled or formatted the group name incorrectly.
     * The owner of the group may have removed this group.
     * You may need to join the group before receiving permission to post.
     * This group may not be open to posting.

    If you have questions related to this or any other Google Group, visit the Help Center at https://support.google.com/a/brandonsanderson.com/bin/topic.py?topic=25838.


    brandonsanderson.com admins

    What do I do?????

    1. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Uhhh, have you subbed to his YouTube channel and email list? Have you tried turning it off and on again? 

    2. 2EmLee2


      I have subscribed to both, but I'll try that.

  14. Sigh.

    I'm tired.

    Wanna know why? Three reasons:

    1. School.
    2. Lack of sleep.
    3. My younger sister constantly arguing with everything and whining and being like a stereotypical teenager even though she's still in elementary school. (I love her, but she's the one person on this planet who can infuriate me.)

    Also yesterday my dad put me in charge of all my siblings (Even Enter, who's older than me), and in charge of making sure my mom doesn't give in to my sister's whining and begging. Because my mom is too nice and needs to use her mom voice once and a while.

    Being responsible can kinda suck at times.

    (Also, random question, what do normal people do when they invite friends over when your friend has only read one Sanderson book, and that was because we had to read it at school?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Aww, poor you. I sympathise, I'm in charge of my siblings too. They can be a pain.

    3. Chinkoln


      I wish my school had a Sanderson book as an assigned reading.

    4. mentally ill

      mentally ill

      idk anyone else in real life whos even heard of sanderson so i have no idea :(

  15. I decorated cookies!




    There is a Christmas tree, a forest, a 'Merica cookie (My friend made it), a snowflake (which I traded to my friend for her 'Merica cookie), and a cookie I tried to decorate like the background on the cover of Cytonic.

    mmmmmm cookiesssssssss

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Mmm, nice! My favourite is the snowflake.

    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy


      cooooooookiessssssss indeeeeed.........:P

  16. On Thanksgiving morning, I did something known as the ‘If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” effect.

    If you give EmLee something to put in the fridge, she’ll want to make room so it doesn’t spill.

    If she wants to make room, she might just want to organize everything in the fridge.

    If she organizes the fridge, she might want to clean out all the shelves and throw out expired food.

    If she cleans the shelves, she’ll notice the gunk 1/12th of an inch thick and pull out the shelves to wash them in the sink.

    If she does all those, things, she might want to do the same thing to the freezer.

    But then I realized we still had many things to prepare for Thanksgiving and decided to clean the freezer out another time.


    Fast forward to Saturday, and I received a package. And in that package, was a book. And the title of the book was… (drumroll please…) CYTONIC!!!

    Then I started reading and finished it during dinner the same day.

    And I brought it to school today and talked about it with two of the teachers who read Skyward last year, and a bunch of kids commented on it. :)

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Congrats! What did you think of it? also, you have teachers who read Sanderson? You're so lucky!

    2. 2EmLee2


      It. Was. Awesome*. And they read Sanderson because last year I convinced everyone to vote for Skyward for the end-of-the-year all-class read- I posted a SU on it when it happened.

      *Cytonic spoilers:


      My favorite parts were where M-bot threw a temper tantrum and Doomslug said poop. And when there was a mustachioed interdimensional cowboy riding a dinosaur. And all the big reveals. And the interludes. It was all just so scudding awesome.

  17. I made a turkey!




    1. Doomstick


      *preheats oven*

    2. 2EmLee2


      Noooo! Not my turkey-who-is-yet-to-be-named! (Though I guess it does come pre-stuffed...)


    We ordered Cytonic from a local bookstore so it won’t get here until NOT TODAY [Exasperated noises]

  19. This is weird.

    I just got back from the dentist where I got my first filling.

    Rewind a few weeks where I went to the dentist and found out I got a cavity! Whoop-de-freak'n-do. I felt around in my teeth and found a small hole I could feel with my tongue. It was on the bottom right side of my mouth.

    Now back to now.

    I was listening to the dental assistant and she said they were filling in a cavity on my upper right, not lower. I asked her about it, and turns out I had five cavities, not just one.

    ...yeah. Not a pleasant surprise.

    The assistant numbed the area and I got the shot to numb the nerve (didn't hurt as much as I thought is would- thanks, numbing cream!). A movie was turned on and the cavity was filled as normal. When I was done, I was amazed at how weird numbness feels. My upper right teeth felt like rocks and my gums just felt like... nothing.

    On our way home, we got some Chipotle and I tried some of my soda. And I'll tell you now, it is so. weird. You cannot feel the carbonation of the soda on the numbed area, so there's just this area that seems to just not exist.

    As I said, this is weird.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 2EmLee2


      To be fair, these are my first cavities ever. (Probably because we moved three years ago and never got around to finding a new dentist until recently.)

    3. Condensation


      Me over here who's never had a cavity ever

      Wow, sounds rough. :)

    4. 2EmLee2


      I had that same record, until said two and a half years without dental services. And now I'm disapointed that my record was spoiled. Sigh.

  20. After watching eight episodes of the Great British Baking Show, all the voices in my head now have British accents. So reread this SU in a British accent, and that would be absolutely splendid.

    1. Doomstick


      This status update is a bit claggy

    2. Doomstick
    3. DramaQueen


      CAN I JUST SAY I'm frickin awesome at British accents. I was Chip in my school's production of Beauty and the Beast my sophomore year and so I had to have a British accent and my theatre director said I had the best accent of all the people who had to have accents and that I was a natural so that's my biggest brag.

  21. Something really weird happened. A week ago I had a sickness that seemed to last only two days in its severity. But, yesterday at a youth activity, I stared to feel really weird. I'm not sure if I can describe it, but I'll try. Imagine you're standing on top of a very tall cliff, looking down, there are no guard rails, and you can't back up. A soft breeze picks up and you start swaying, an it feels like you're falling. That is what it felt like, except for the can't move part. That weird feeling spiked whenever I moved my head and I became super unstable. I left early and my mom took me home. Then, I started feeling nauseous, so I laid on the couch and fell asleep for a few minutes. When I woke, I tried to eat some soup my mom made because we think I haven't eaten enough for all the things I did that day and just had low blood sugar or something, because I was running on almost no food for when I did the plank/lunge test in PE, my ballet practice, and then going to the youth activity. I couldn't eat very much because it felt like my stomach just didn't want anything, so I laid back down and tried to get my head to stop spinning. Awhile later, I barfed.

    *sigh* I guess there's no school for me today.

    I'm starting to feel better and my head doesn't feel weird unless I move it too fast, but I had to stay home because you can't go to school 24 hours after throwing up.

    And my sister said I ruined her life and she hates me and I'm no longer her sister and our parents love me more than her and stuff like that.

    Yep my life is awesome right now. :[

  22. Hjuttekhhvsjlhgkyumhgfskhgckhtdjtfxkhgckhgcjgfsjgfckhgfjgvcjhgftewkhgflotdigrs


    I want pointe shoes.

  23. A lot of stuff has happened in the last few weeks. For example: I was a Ravenclaw for Halloween! I read all 3 Reckoners novels! I’m sewing a turkey! I'm doing my 3rd read-through of the Stormlight Archive! Yaaaaaaaaay!

    So, anything interesting happen on your end of the computer?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chinkoln


      I’ve used my debit card twice in the year I’ve had it. Once at cook out, and then two days ago I bought a $2.14 combination lock to use in a homecoming proposal. That night, a series of purchases were made with my debit card. It has now been cancelled and a new one is being sent, but for some reason my account has been locked out.

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran


      This is a weird place to discuss this

    4. Chinkoln


      Well, EmLee asked how things were going, and I answered, and then you asked “What” and so I explained

  24. Somebody please tell me to stop procrastinating and do homework.

  25. Something very exiting happened today that deserves celebrating!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      OH DANGIT this had nothing to do with the assassination

    3. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      There was an assassination?!?

      I'm assuming this was on the Shard...

    4. Frustration



      What scudding language are you speaking???


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