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Everything posted by Elwynn

  1. Bah... last I read about the game, it was being put on the back burner b/c they were wondering if they should just wait for next gen consoles. Pretty big deal with some games b/c next gen is supposed to be out this Christmas, last I heard.
  2. An awesomely amazing mind bending futuristic cosmere revealing tour de force! First and foremost...you get to meet to Brandon Sanderson. Who is just a wonderful guy and will knock your socks off with how nice he is, especially to his fans. Seeing as it's a WoT book tour, BS might not be the only guest of honor. Honestly not sure when/if Harriet or team jordan are showing up for this one. Now, if you're really appreciative that he is coming out there...BUY SOME BOOKS THERE! It doesn't have to be that night...just save your reciept. Just a way to thank the bookstore for bringing out BS. You'll get in line when you show up; Brandon will get there and talk a little about what will be going on. He'll sign everyone's books (as long as they're his books ), answer questions and talk to you while you're standing up there, and even personalize some if you go wait till everyone in line goes first (usually)! Then he might do a reading, talk about upcoming stuff, or do a Q&A session with fans...it all depends on time really, and he'll let everyone know what the plan for the evening is. You can bring as much stuff to be signed as you'd like. But try to buy at least one thing there. Lastly...have fun! He's awesome, always willing to chat and answer any questions you have. Check out our 'Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon,' (but start on the last page) if you want some cosmere questions to ask. Get there early and get in line. Let us know how it went!
  3. It doesn't say they teamed up. All it says is that the letter writer holds, and has perpetuated, a grudge against both. Many people would probably agree that they are a team...but I just don't see Odium teaming up with anyone. I personally tend to think Bavadin was one of the three Gods, but fled to another planet when Odium finally came to Roshar.
  4. Hmmm... where is this from? That would change the way I look at a few things. Are you sure you're not thinking of the 'alloy of law' signing where he said, 'the radiants did NOT abandon their posts because of what the heralds did' (not my caps emphasis)?
  5. Starfalls chapter, pg. 307 in the hardback. "To speak of what might be is forbidden..." Though when taken in context, it doesn't necessarily mean old vorinism outlawed it. But kind of seems to point that way.
  6. Sure. Check out the 'events, signings, and stalkings.' It's in the very top post on the second page of 'west jordan' thread. Might be something wrong with it though, not sure. Terez felt the need to chime in and say nothing.
  7. While we never seen any spren, Nohadon talks about regular spren as well as Honorspren. I tend to think the screaming Dalinar hears at Feverstone Keep are spren as well, but that's just my suspicion. Close. BS's quote was, 'Honor was still around when the Heralds did their thing.' Huge difference in time frame and possibilites. He almost certainly left the vision journal before he was killed, which is why many people believe he was around during the Recreance. Personally I have strong suspicion he was gone by that time, but a lot of people think he was still around then. (We just don't have BS quote to back it up like we do with the Heralds.) Wow...you're kind of inferring a lot of stuff there. We actually know very little of Splinters. And any time a Shard of Adonalsium is Splintered, it's the capital kind of Splintered. Check out Hoid's letter. If spren are Splinters, they're almost certainly the capital kind. Voluntary acts have nothing to do with the definition of a Splinter as far as we know. We just know that Endowment has a cycle of Splinters rotating around on Nalthis. Personally I think Endowment is dead and Splintered...but that's just me inferring things. The definition for a Splinter that we have (and I'm heavily paraphrasing, don't feel like looking it up): 'a piece or fragment of a Shard of Adonalsium's power that has never been human.' i.e Divine Breath It's kind of the opposite of a Sliver: A human that held a piece/part of a Shard of Adonalsium's power, but doesn't any longer. i.e. Lord Ruler, Kelsier, Vin (before ascending to Preservation's place)
  8. NO. I'm starting to feel like a forum nazi, and I'm really sorry if I sound like it, but I just don't want the wrong info out there on BS's official site. He did play a huge part in WoT after all. Linking does not stack power. Ever. EVAR. Period. If a man comes into a circle of women, it doesn't add to the power of Saidar, not one iota; the power of saidar will still never equal the cumulative power of the women in the circle. All it allows for is the leader of the circle to weave both saidar and saidin, which allows for more complicated and previously impossible weaves to be done, as well as more spectacular effects and uses added to weaves when compared to performing the same weave with only one side of the source. Think Perrin's hammer in ToM. Sorry, just wanted to clarify.
  9. That is incorrect. Linking does not stack power. Not sure if you just mistyped that last part. The power of the leader of a circle is stronger than their individual power, but less than the cumulative power of all channelers in the circle, regardless of the number linking. Partially correct. RJ said over and over that just because a man is more powerful in raw ability to draw on the source, does not mean he would beat a woman several levels below him in strength. Women are naturally more deft and subtle with weaves, making up for lack of strength. The compensation by the universe is that 13 women with only the strength of Morgase linked together could easily overpower and shield Rand or one of the Forsaken in strength. That, and like you said, men can't link without women.
  10. Thank you very much for that! On my phone right now, but you get an upvote as soon as I get to my computer. On a side note, any moderators know why we can't upvote from our smartphones? Annoying sometimes.
  11. Just wanted to pop in and tell everyone that TOR.com has released the prologue and first chapter of BS's upcoming book 'The Rithmatist.' Also, the cover for 'Steelheart' has been released as well. I'm terrible at linking things, but check out BS's twitter page for links to both. Good stuff!
  12. On Roshar that's perfectly symmetrical. The 'th' sound is a single character in their writing. Thus making it perfect in their language. Same thing goes for a few other sounds in their language as well.
  13. I don't know that I would call the general consensus a mistake. It depends on if you prescribe to the 'Hoid wrote the letter,' kind of thing, because I'm willing to go out on a limb and trust Hoid. And if he's the one who wrote the letter...It makes me consider Rayse pretty much the threat of the cosmere, with Bavadin as his lackey.
  14. Ya, I'm thinking if honor went to scadrial for long enough to take a focus form, anyone who burned it would suddenly be able to push and pull on their own or someone else's gravitational pull in stone way. Haven't thought about it much yet.
  15. You really don't think that could be Moridin? That screams esoteric philosopher to me. Read CoT ch. 24 when Rand has Moridin's musings about the cycle and the creator...they seem really similar to me. Could definitely be a 'see what you want to see' kind of thing, I think I might be hoping it's him. I've always really liked Elan.
  16. Elwynn


    Definitely a good thought there. That second quote is what bothers me more than anything about the Prelude. Depending on how you want to take it, it can sound like it means a couple different things...i.e. they want to end the oathpact, but one staying bound might be enough...enough for what. I thought they wanted to end it? /rant I hate that single sentence with a passion. But I think you might be right here. Taln is sent back after all, but thinks he's failed. You have the quote at the beginning of some chapter saying, "the burdens of nine become mine...etc", so he might have been holding on to the oathpact all these years. One other thing to back up your theory here... BS has been asked a question...and I can't remember the exact question, I'll go look for it...but he never says things like, "...when the Heralds broke the oathpact..." It's always something like, "...back when the Heralds did their thing..." And we all know BS can be coy and misleading, so... Good thoughts.
  17. They absolutely can. Dalinar gives his to Sadeas in the end, you just kind of have to will it to stay and another person takes it. Sorry if I said anything to make you think otherwise. However...lend a Blade? Not sure what you mean there, I don't think you can lend a Shardblade out to someone without un-bonding it. Not silly at all. The answer...most definitely probably in-all-likely-hood maybe it seems kind of logical they did...kind of way. But we don't know that they did. i.e. never see an actual KR with one. But it's a pretty sure bet that they bonded spren. Yup. I was refering to Prelude and Epilogue about seeing Honorblades. I've actually given that some thought before, but you basically have to wave bye-bye to occam in the rearview mirror to even give it a go. Still fun though. If you have some interesting thoughts about Szeth being a Herald, make a thread, give it a go. It's all about having fun theorizing. I've got a crazy theory about Szeth having soulcasting like Shallan, kind of...it's all centered around the 'what are you?' question, crazy is what makes it fun!
  18. Or Elan maybe. It has the ring of a philosopher's thoughts. He's had a rant or two similar to this in the series, albeit through Rand one of the times. Thought, at first, maybe it was from Loial's book similar to beginning of ToM. But it just doesn't sound like him. Got to go with Rand/LTT regretful musing, or Elan giving a final villainous monologue before the final showdown with Rand. Heck, maybe another Elan rant going through Rand's head.
  19. This. So much this. But you forgot hypocritical. That certainly isn't to be a blanket statement involving every HCFF, but there are lots.
  20. Well I wouldn't say he recognized them, just described them. But that's a good point, I constantly forget that Szeth's Blade is smaller than most. Do we have any evidence that Blades change to fit their user like Plate does? Can't think of any at the moment While you might end up being right, I wouldn't call it the, 'simplest and logical conclusion.' Szeth's Blade is the only one that makes your eyes turn a pale white, almost glowing white, when he wields it. The only correlation we have to that right now is the original KR. And yes, I know, the KR's eyes glowed even when not wielding their Blade, but it's still the only parallel we can draw with his Blade. Making it the simplest and most logical. Wouldn't call that logical either. Just because they have those powers doesn't mean they have Blades, the bodies of the Voidbringers are whole, and there are blasted out sections of rock along the balcony where Surgebinders were fighting...but there isn't a single thing I'm seeing that suggests Shardblades were around. And if they had Blades they would have had Plate, and 9 out of 10 people in the world dead doesn't lend credence to the ultimate weapon and armor combo. You mean my theory right? We're all so far out there on speculation sometimes we don't remember how we got on certain topics. That's what makes it fun! I know what you mean though...even talking about this stuff makes me crazy for SA2!
  21. LOL You realize that blog post was from over 2 years ago right? And that he has commented on switching it from 'Dalinar's book' to 'Shallan's book' several times now, and given the reasons why? One of them being BS 'itching to tell her story.' Doesn't mean the amount we get from anyone else will change. BS said that the viewpoints of focus and how it balances out will be almost the same as the first book. With a bit more Navani and some Parshendi interludes. So we will get just about the same amount of everyone, but it will seem like more Shallan because of her flashbacks. That's why BS refers to it as 'Shallan's book.' Whoever gets the flashbacks gets the designation of the book.
  22. That's the quote I was going off of, because you have Kin and Wise One's to throw in there, and they vary about as much as Aes Sedai. You have that old woman who wasn't an Aes Sedai but is stronger than even Nynaeve. You have the Forsaken and Damane and stuff to consider as well. Let me go search out the list. Did you even try to google it? If I can find it I'll edit this post and put it up. edit: Found it. Search for: 'wheel of time strength in one power' and go look at 13thdepository.blogspot Should be top of the list on google results. VERY in depth. Lists start about halfway down the page when they finish citing all the quotes and consideration that went in to determining said lists. I'm pretty sure I've seen another one out there...but that one is pretty damnation good so...search away if you're still unsatified with that list. Can't imagine you would be though.
  23. Just wanted to let you guys know that this has been done in serious depth before, pop on over to theoryland (dragonmount might have it too) and search the topics, maybe even ask someone. This has been done in painstaking detail with every single channeler to appear in the books present on the list. Basically, you're problem right now is that 1-10 is nowhere near enough room to gauge people on. The ones I've seen use 25-30. With Rand being top number and Morgase being 0 or 1. 0 being the smallest amount of ability while still being able to embrace/seize the source. The other problem that you have already run into is that just because a man is 18 and a woman is 15 or 16, does not mean he will overpower her. RJ spoke a little of this, women make up for relative strength in channeling with their deftness and agility with weaves, they are far more subtle and manipulative with weaves. The list you should be able to find at theoryland or some such takes into account all these things. Like I said, it's a lot of detail to make a list like this.
  24. This is one part I'm not sure of yet. Could very well be correct, but... What Syl says about Dalinar's Blade, "(how she) hate(s) it" makes me think it's definitely not one of the old Radiant Blades. I mean, that just screams Odium. Inspiring hate like that from a BindSpren. And we've seen Honorblades obviously. So could Szeth actually have a Radiant's Blade of old? For some reason this fits for me, could explain why he doesn't need a spren, there is something left in the blade that didn't die like the ones at Feverstone Keep. Doesn't make all that much sense when you break it down, but I can't see Dalinar's Blade being an old Radiant Blade, and we've only seen 3, so... ...just a thought.
  25. No Shardblade that we know of, can ever be taken away. Not even normal ones. Honorblades can be given up, that's what they did in the prelude, gave up their burden..."our swords must be left, the oathpact ends now." (paraphrase) And we have word of Brandon that any person can take up and bond an Honorblade.
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