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Everything posted by Tacitus

  1. "The happy Sharder gets too sad and reads Avengers romantic-comedy comics" is not the doomed future of the crystal Radiant Sharders, it's bloodthirsty kittens.
  2. DuRg nEzbit, Fadran. Why ya gotta do that to me? Why ya gotta be so DuRgin good?
  3. "Then I'll watch out for you less than usual," He said with a grin.
  4. Twigs. Branches. Logs and tinder. All bow to the grand might of the stick. The stick shall outlast any trial, any apocalypse. Steel and Stone shall bend before the Stick shall. Exerts bond to a stick. The might of a stick fuels me. I am a man. But I shall aspire to be as the Stick. Never shall I be a fire.
  5. I mean, from what I've skimmed over about mindscapes, they're a pretty different thing, but then again, I just skimmed. You want in, Fadran?
  6. So I've got an idea for a rill cuul RP. Basically, there's a whole little planar realm for people to explore and fill up with stuff. I'll explain the specifics in the PM if people are interested, but there's a specific way that some people become worldhoppers, and certain things that fuel all the magics and worlds. We'll decide together in the PM what exactly might drive the plot, besides of course 'Hey we're all worldhoppers'.
  7. "Many things, Sirrug. Many things." Attin released Brute, putting his sole focus into Mesh and hiding Brute how he had the other puppets. "I don't suppose you're plotting anything I should know about?"
  8. *Picks Chemoarish out of instinct and name*
  9. Brute swiftly caught it, and Attin internally sighed. Saying it that way made Attin sound far crueler than he was. "I suppose it's a deal, then." He did not dismiss the Vackhen he had summoned from the clouds, but reared them back, away from Sirrug. He dismissed Steel and Hood, hiding them away. He could instantly feel the relief of not holding four bodies.
  10. "Borutan. Leave the Lifted. No one has to lose today," Attin said through Brute. Perhaps greater violence could be avoided today. That was a win in Attin's book.
  11. So, I assume that other people also write novels in the comments of google docs. As of right now, mine is at around 200 comments. If it ever stops, it will be above at least 1000 comments. Maybe that's when the sequel will happen.
  12. Tacitus

    My Random Pixel Stuff

    No longer just one thing, I added more.
  13. Tacitus


    From the album: My Random Pixel Stuff

    Those darn robotic wings, right?
  14. Tacitus

    Jumping 2

    From the album: My Random Pixel Stuff

    Dude jumps and grabs a bar.
  15. Tacitus

    Jumping 1

    From the album: My Random Pixel Stuff

    Dude jumps and grabs a branch
  16. "The nerve of some people, huh?" Said Twice, all of the sudden next to him. "for instance, I find my own natural odor to be quite pleasant."
  17. "To denounce the evils of truth and love"
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