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Everything posted by Tacitus

  1. Tacitus


    A tall, short-haired man stands, and finds himself in an unfamiliar landscape, covered in the grass that fills it. He knows there is no place near his city that resembles this place. fearing what dangers may live in the unusual plain, he brings himself lower to the ground, and searches for any sign of people. Any sign of civilization.
  2. Tacitus


    You can choose. Either we as can know about others' magic, or we can learn about them at the same time as the characters, it doesn't matter too much.
  3. Tacitus


    Okay, I'll just jump right in. Here's the idea: People. Each from a different planet or realm or dimension, whatever you want, but each person has a form of Magic unfamiliar to the others. They're Magically Plopped (that's a term now) into a new world, left to survive and forced to cooperate with these strange people and learn about the magical arts they are proficient in. We'll see how it progresses after the characters basically learn how to not die. But that about sums it up. Good? No good? The most beautiful thing you've ever beheld? A monstrosity that should be banished to the nether realms?
  4. I am have can fence. (Curse is put on me to speak no good) (I lie, is no curse) (one more set of parenthesis, then I'll be done.) (This joke has gone on far too long.) *OMI has been slain*
  5. Ah. Yeah. I was gone for a week, and kinda missed all of this, so I'mma just answer a few questions I can remember. First Sanderson book: The Rithmatist First Sanderson book (knowing who Brandon Sanderson is): Way of Kings (Yup. Real smart.) Weaponized Cat: Oh ho ho ho. I have to say, a Skybreaker Cat would not end well for the universe (That is, for anyone who doesn't join his mystical Doom Cat Cult.)
  6. yah, hello to anyone who may be reading this. I wish there was a more original title, but nah.
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