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About BreezeCauthon

  • Birthday January 5

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  • Member Title
    Not actually Theodore Roosevelt
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  • Location
    The United States
  • Interests
    Soccer, politics, history, good books, good films

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  1. If you ever feel like your governor is bad, just be glad they aren't Henry S. Johnston of Oklahoma (governor from 1927-29), who was impeached and removed by the Oklahoma state legislature for "general incompetence." I mean, yikes. That's gotta sting a little. (I was going to end here, but... it gets more interesting).

    The remainder of Johnston's term was served by his lieutenant governor, William J. Holloway. In the next election, Oklahomans said "ah what the heck, why not?" and elected this guy, "Alfalfa Bill" Murray:

    Murray 3820618984 5cb0d9555b o.jpg

    At one point, Texas and Oklahoma agreed to build a toll-free bridge (for reference, we will call this The Bridge) across the Red River (which composed the border of the two states). However, the owners of a nearby toll bridge (for reference, we will call this The Other Bridge) sued Texas and obtained an injunction against the opening of The Bridge. Texas, in accordance with the injunction, closed The Bridge, barricading it on the Texas end.

    Alfalfa Bill wasn't having this, so he ordered The Bridge open, invaded Texas (claiming that both sides of the river actually belonged to Oklahoma), and demolished the barricades. Texas Gov. Ross Sterling sent troops to guard the prompt rebuilding of barricades.

    While this was happening, Alfalfa Bill blew up The Other Bridge, and declared martial law over both bridges. At this point, the opposition crumbled, The Bridge was opened, and the injunction was lifted.

    Alfalfa Bill mobilized the National Guard 47 times as governor, and declared martial law a whopping 30 times (both were, and, if I am correct, still are, records). The end.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chinkoln


      Oklahoma! Native American land! Cherokee! Ayyyy!

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      He blew up the other bridge! XD

    4. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      This is my new favorite thing in history! LOL

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