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Everything posted by Trutharchivist

  1. "As far as I know, Graces aren't hereditary." Said Gal, looking at the notebook. He then looked up. "So, you are an ethnic group, a matriarchal one, perhaps? You said you share origins, I believe you meant with all tribes of Draoidhs. What do you know of this ancestry?" Gal turned to Minuet. "By the way, is Grace something hereditary? Do you have Graced relatives?"
  2. Gal flips some pages in his notebook and starts scribbling. "Too bad about the faërie. You were one of the possible confirmation lines. So, does every person in your clan have a talent like this? When intermarrying with other ethnic groups, does the magic stays intact in the descendants?" He stopped for a moment, then, glancing at Minuet (@Ookla the Grammatical), asked: "Do you think your magic might be related to Graces?"
  3. Well, not in my country, though I probably will be up all of the American night. If I knew I would. Maybe there is no difference. TPBM thinks that staying up all night at the winter solstice is a cool idea, though tiring.
  4. Gal was about to start questioning Chrys of the Draoidh when the Shadow spoke. He turned to the Shadow, huffing in annoyance. "Yes, I have some experience with prophecies, though probably not in the way you think. Part of my training as a researcher included learning a lot of prophecies by heart, and believe me, if you would've had to memorize this amount of prophecies you'd hate them as much as I do. I also learned a little about the mechanics of prophecy-giving, and if you wish I could lecture you in that, but right now, I'm trying to talk to this Draoidh here, so please don't interfere." Gal turned back to this Chrys: "So, does your tribe have inherent magical abilities? Do you count yourselves as an ethnic group or as a different species, as some people think you are? Do you have any connection to the legendary faërie folk?"
  5. "It's about a prophecy. I've heard the warning too, as it was part of the prophecy. I think Valzwyn was a first-hand witness, and so has little choice over whether to join or not. I advice you to just get away - though I made that mistake, you really shouldn't get tangled up with prophecies. They can be messy." Gal hesitated for a second. "Since I don't believe it probable that I'll meet your people at any other opportunity, can I ask you a few questions?"
  6. Gal pointed in the direction the boy went. "Greetings." answers Gal. "Draoidh, you said? Fascinating. I have heard a lot about your people, though I never met one." He considers this for a moment. Races of sapient beings weren't his area of expertise, though some had inherent magic, and this people probably had. "I am Owlson, a magic researcher. I would like to talk to you later. How could I contact you? I am a little busy at the moment, so I'd like to make an appointment in the future."
  7. I wish we had snow here, but sadly, we don't. I do sort of want to build a snowman. TPBM understands the difference between a shardbuddy and a friend on the Shard.
  8. I understand what your saying, but "in Rome, act like a Roman", as they say, so I have no problem using the term shardbuddy. So, for you, following and friendship have a direct correlation. I'd hazard a guess that you don't chose friends based on agreement or appreciation, since you said nothing about whether upvotes enter said correlation. Am I right? So for you, "shardbuddy" is merely a term, as used in: "Do you want to be my shardbuddy?", and so it's not connected to upvotes and the people you follow. Following and upvotes have the same root, enjoyment (and appreciation?), and so are related. So, another general question: 5. What are the implications of someone being your shardbuddy?
  9. "I saw one of our company running to the woods when that bear came, it might be him."
  10. When the knights arrived, Gal listened and gathered that Minuet was wanted. He then recalled something he heard about Gracelings: that in some countries they have to work for the king or his family. Hearing that her uncle was searching for her, though, made him frown. So... it means she's probably royalty, or at least related to royalty, isn't it? He wasn't sure he wanted to be entangled with politics. He probably should've remembered this specific detail earlier, though. Anyway, he was probably stuck with a prophecy, which definitely was worse than politics. Then that giant bear came, and seeing its eyes, Gal stumbled back. Glowing eyes are usually a sign to non-physical entity manifesting through a physical being. which, technically, you are, reminded him a part of himself. He was a little uncomfortable with that. His eyes didn't glow, but that was due to... some reasons. The color, anyway, was important. Orange? He probably should remember that. He couldn't recall at the moment what kind of non-physical entity it meant, but he should check later. After the bear was defeated, something clicked in his mind, and his head turned to Orpheus. Asking about demons, which are an unproved non-physical entity. The first to notice the bear was coming. Reacting weird to wounds made by it - though confirmation through comparison is needed. Anyway, Gal noted to ask Orpheus later about non-physical entities. @Ookla the Grammatical, @Knight of Iron
  11. Oh dear. Please, @Knight of Iron, remember Scadrial's taxing mechanics next time. @Ookla the Rōnin, I don't believe it matters. Just tell them if they are suspicious that you wanted to hire us. I prefer not to start trust issues, which are very common around those parts. We believe in each other. I can't ever understand how usual thievening crews work. Why don't they just kill one another? It'll take me a little more time to understand life without trust.
  12. When Gal saw they are not about to keep going in the near future, he returned to his notebook and started reading and scribbling things. He hesitated, wondering if he should try question Valzwyn more, when the riders came. He just continued reading, and decided he'll wait until evening with further questioning.
  13. I think we only need to pretend we're doing an initiation, and if the petitioner backs off we could say he passed. There is more than one kind of socially awkwardness, though, so whatever you say.
  14. It's the first time I see someone calls it that instead of chanukiah, but I guess the latter is a later invented word. And I don't own a hamster. Or any pet at all. Interestingly enough, my family had hamsters once, but we had to get rid of them, I don't remember why. TPBM thinks that dragons are better pets than any of the normal, mundane ones.
  15. "It's Owlson." Said Gal. He looks at Traige curiously. "I guess it wasn't mentioned."
  16. "So how did he know your names? I mean, You haven't told me your name yet, though I guess you told the others. The Shadow must know him, though. He told me he doesn't give his name lightly."
  17. Gal looks at the newcomer weirdly, forgetting about what he was about to ask the shadow-girl. he can feel a little pressure on his mind, though he's not so sure about it. "Do you know him?" He asks the prophecy boy - Orpheus? And the Shadow man - Talnic?
  18. Well, @Ixthos, you have interesting ideas, and I will consider them, though some of what you said is problematic. First, I guess I forgot to mention that, but the Centers should be human attributes as in parts of the mind. I'm not sure that hunting, or being slippery, as your idea for a cat Center seems to be, isn't exactly like what I mean. So could be strength, though this could be stubbornness/determination. I liked the bees idea, and I probably had to make something with snakes, and your idea is good. Life is also not much of an attribute, as I see it. It will probably take me a while to gather where did you get the hawks-love idea from, but the real issue here is, I believe, is that it seems you misunderstood me. The Longings Center for wolves includes love, for good and for bad. wolves are related to any direction those feelings will go, whether it is interpreted as positive or negative. If, for some reason, you think hawks fit this position better - feel free to say so. So, Your ideas that I'll probably try will be: Spiders (though it conflicts with what I know about foxes, bu then again I really didn't make Cunning their Center), Ravens sound interesting, Bears with stubbornness/determination, Snakes and Bees. I might rethink your Cat idea, and monkeys can fit intuitivity, I guess.
  19. Does where you interact with them matters? If a post is very long, do you just upvote it, or read it, or don't red it because it's too long? You must have a reason. Is it shardbuddies? Or people you upvote a lot? Or "oh, I just saw this person, let's follow him"? You could easily get, by asking the right people. Why do you have non? Is it about the awkwardness in asking, so you wait or someone to ask you? Or is it the fact you're not sure about what having a shardbuddy means? Do you think there is a reason to correlate following and shardbuddies? actually, let's make this a general question: 4. Do you think that there should be a correlation between upvotes, shardbuddies and people you follow? If so, how? If not, why?
  20. All right. That's how it works: I ask, you answer. It'll take me a while to start, but after that I think I''ll be able to roll forward. I may or may not open an ask me anything thread, but even if I will, it won't be until I get some answers. So (pulls out a notebook and a pen from my backpack): 1. How do you chose your shardbuddies? 2. What sort of posts do you usually upvote, and why? 3. What are your standard reasons for following someone?
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