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Everything posted by Trutharchivist

  1. Gal felt a presence of fear creeping in. He would've thought he'd e ready. After all, he did meet a Hyenason once or twice. But this was a little different. He succeeded - barely - to stay sanding, and after flipping a few pages in his notebook he wrote something, with shaking hands. The feeling seemed to come from... Orpheus? He then considered for a moment. He was practically useless in battle - his magic was far more useful as a party trick, really. But he could try a little Planting. And... he hesitated. Was it fine to Harvest this men of the little intelligence they have? He decided to stick to Planting. He readied himself to when the fight will start. @Matrim's Dice, @Channelknight Fadran, @The Awakened Salad, @Cosmical Existence, @Vapor.
  2. Yet, the fact the idiots club exists proves what Wit told Shallan, that two smart man talking will eventually find their common stupidity. To quote his exact words:
  3. Thank you! Finally someone who does things properly! I always end my messages with a dot, and try to never forget proper punctuation in texts.
  4. Suffering the presence of those people? Definitely not. He did want to question more Gracelings, but one does not simply ignore prophecies. Unless, of course, one was Lord Leggings. Gal gave up. With some people you can't reason. He sighed and backed off, shaking his head.
  5. Apparently, there is no escape from the ugly way. Unless... "If you pay no heed to prophecies, you must still appreciate knowledge, as knowledge in power. I'm a magic researcher doing research on Graces. I might be on the brink of realizing how to Grace people. Wouldn't your lord be pleased to have more Gracelings to serve him? I can promise not to tell anyone else how to do it. Even if I won't find out how to do so, the knowledge I will gain will be important, I'm sure." Of course, appealing to the desire of knowledge in such people is stupid, but the desire for power exists in everyone.
  6. Gal rolled his eyes. Clearly, this man is an idiot. "You know nothing about the prophecy. I assure to you that this explanation is highly improbable, but it is, of course, your choice whether to believe me or not. If you follow another prophecy you may well just tell us."
  7. "It seems you misundestood me." Said Gal. "This is no mere quest. However dangerous the Lady is, it's more dangerous to act against a prophecy. Surely you know that." His tone seems to imply he means that even people like Sir Nethaniel must know something about prophecies.
  8. Maybe lure one to an underwater cavern, and cage the other in the old-fashioned way? How much manpower does the captor have?
  9. Gal notices how tense is everyone, realizing the situation is just about to become messy. He considers for a moment trying to solve it with a little polite speech, then realizes it's too late for that. He then says: "Gentleman, I believe you aren't fully aware of what you're messing with. We are on a prophesied quest, and messing with a member will end badly. It's not a threat, merely a warning. Be wary whenever prophecies are involved."
  10. By separately, do you mean in a way they can't contact each other, or just in different containers?
  11. What do they love? Reading is the best way to avoid social interaction. I can say so from personal experience. I can say about my friends the same as Connie and Tesh.
  12. I just now remembered there was one more thing. As you undoubtedly saw, I use a lot of terms from the agricultural world, and so, should I call the magic users (the animals, of course) mind farmers/agriculturists/gardeners or something along those lines? I also might call the Wanderers Weeds instead, and the Centers Seeds. What do you think? Should I make a poll?
  13. Yes. Mainly because in different ecosystems there will be different animals, though the sapient mind won't change all that much. This magic is at least partly about perception. Though I don't know much about ecosystems, so most of what I wrote here is throwing ideas and ignoring ecological logic.
  14. So, here's another update! First, I want to say that I actually wanted to keep it at seven kinds of animals, maybe up to ten. It's not to say I meant that the world will have only seven kinds of animals in the Faunologos, but to focus on seven species. The Faunologos actually is supposed to include otherworldly non-sapient creatures, and to be really vast. Still, I want to chose a smaller amount of creatures. What I mean is, even though I probably will only build the world around the animals I stated below, you are free to keep offering. One more thing before I actually list what I thought of: I actually never meant to enter any invertebrate or sea creatures. @Ixthos has an interesting idea about bees and so I took it, but I prefer not to take an octopus as a Faunologos creature. Sorry, @Somebody from Sel. They can be in another portion of the world, but I intend to stay on land, more or less. It could be another portion of the world, with a completely different set of Faunologi. I liked the idea of the Freedom Center, though, and don't you think cats could have this Center just as well? Maybe not, but I think it might work. And so, to what I thought to take from your ideas! I'll make it a full with abilities post, though I'll try to keep it short. Cats, with the Center Freedom. Hope it works. The abilities Somebody from Sel gave this Center are sound, though I have some things to add: Harvest won't make the patient feel trapped - they will feel fine with boundaries. The Harvest will make the patient a little more obedient. The Planting will be on the scale from feeling uncomfortable with being constrained (a little claustrophobic, maybe?) to wanting to break all boundaries. The Cultivation will be generally about expansion of things - making open spaces bigger. Maybe opening portals by widening existing holes? Fertilization stays as Somebody from Sel stated. Bears, with the Center of Stubbornness. I thought to try pairing some creatures as opposites, like wolves and hyenas, but now I'm not sure if Stubbornness is the opposite of Change or Freedom (I wanted it to be Freedom). Anyway, as I see it, their Harvest will make people... more obedient, apparently. They won't stand for their own much, and will mostly agree with other people. Their Planting... well, it's pretty clear, no need to say anything. Their Cultivation would be hardening things so they don't move, maybe also contraction of spaces, as the opposite of cats. Actually, contraction of spaces could be their way to harden things, contracting spaces on the mulecular level. They may open portals by making a natural portal stabilize and stay open. Their Fertilization is very clear - they will be stubborn, and hardly ever change their mind or their traditions. Snakes, with the Center Deception/Secretivity. Their Harvest will make people less close, and more open to share secrets. Their Planting will range from small desire not to share things to Scadrial levels of secretivity - "There'sss allwaysss anottther ssssecret." (Sorry, had to. Sounds nice, don't you think?) Their Cultivation will be... I'm not sure if illusion should work, because it's about light. I don't believe the other powers messed around with natural forces not directly connected to their Center. Anyway, it's probably the best idea. I think the method of opening a portal will stay the same as Ixthos wrote, though it might seem a little out of the pattern. I think it still might work, anyway. Fertilization follows as usual, no need for further explanation. And, last but not necessarily least, bees. There is, of course, the problem that I prefer not to enter insects to the system, but the bees demand I cooperate with them, and I guess I must obey. The Harvest of the bees will make people prefer acting alone and being alone, while their Planting can range from a simple desire to be with someone else up to wanting to work inside and with a crowd. Their Cultivation will probably be something very much like Sympathy from the Kingkiller Chronicles - which is to say, making objects connected to each other so they'll move together. Opening portal will be along the lines of Ixthos, making the universes cooperate. Fertilization is, again, unnecessary to explain, I think. They love working together and cooperation. Intuition was my idea for a Center, and so I probably should be able to come out with powers. Monkeys sound good to it, only I'm starting to feel that we have too many mammals here; we have only one reptile, one bird and one insect, and I just removed the only cephalopod. The result is that more than half of the Faunologos are mammals, while other classes have only one example each. I guess I can also give up on cats for now to make it even, though I probably won't go for cephalopods but for sparrows, who's Hebrew name actually also means freedom. So, lets first make the powers of the Intuition Center, then decide. So, Harvesting, in this case, will make the patient thought process a little less jumping to quick conclusions and a little more thoughtful. It will make them want me to explain at more length what Harvesting Intuition means and what is it's Planting, because it's harder to them to make the jump from one to the other. Of course, as I'll have to explain them, the planting will only make this easier, and will range from vague intuition about something to a specific, strong intuition and quick thought process, though it won't necessarily make the patient smarter. The Cultivation of the Faunologi with this Center will be a little like the owls, only with sharper changes. Things like a very strong gust of wind that will change drastically the object's direction, and such things. The portals also work similarly to the owls, only with a lot less need in a close Collision. Fertilization will make them able to understand intuitively what their Fertilization will be, though even if your intuition isn't enough for it you can logically deduce it by yourself. I might need one other animal, but I'll need to think more about it. Anyway I probably have an idea for both Center and animal, I only need to think of it a little more. Thank you for reading, and sorry for writing at length after saying this will be short. Edit: I just saw it's the 12th post, so hooray! Because the duodecimal system is far better than the boring decimal one. Twelve points to whoever points out the hypocrisy in this message.
  15. Well, I still haven't decided on a method and meaning for shardbuddies, but I believe @Condensation likes having new shardbuddies if you want to (hope I'm not wrong about it).
  16. Gal looks up immediately, then groans. Apparently, he's not only messed up in a prophecy, but with politics too. Bother. He could never decide which was worse.
  17. Gal looks up, and seems merely a little annoyed. "If you wish so." He then completely ignores the riders, and returns to reading his notebook.
  18. So you basically don't have any shardbuddies and don't follow anyone? You could answer o 4 that you have no idea how to chose both shardbuddies and people to follow. Technically, that's a relation.
  19. Gal keeps talking, ignoring the approaching riders: "Yes, I'm sorry for the unclarity. So, will you share your talent? Or is it too personal?" @Condensation
  20. I actually wondered about whether the fire ability and the flight ability could be part of the same magic system, but thanks. Discworld is an interesting series, though it's more of a comic fantasy. It's basically a satire on our world, sometimes on the fantasy genre.
  21. How exactly this magic system work? Can't it also make them able to fly? (Have you read Discworld? there are some weird dragon stuff in the Night Guard mini-series in it.)
  22. "I mean, can you tell the different between a magically talented cook and a very good cook who's not magically talented? Is the magic noticeable?"
  23. "The real question is whether there can be a hetero-chromatic without a Grace." Gal nodded slowly. "Every legend has a seed of truth, or at least most. This isn't my area anyway, and so, I have one other question: are your talents visibly different from natural or acquired talents?"
  24. "So, you are an ethnic group of humans, very far removed from normal humans?" Gal actually seems to be curious - well, more than usual, which is to say, more than you've seen up until now. "And the split is so ancient you only remember it by legends. Interesting." He frowns at Minuet's statement. "Is heterochromia a reason to the Grace, or just a sign that the person is Graced?" He asks her.
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