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Everything posted by |TJ|

  1. inherently the game is tough for us so let us see the balancing mechanic. players getting live after death is not that much of an advantage (only one vote) over no flips tbh. wouldnt expect 2 kills for baddies in a cycle. why didnt he kill last cycle then? i admit i entertained the idea particularly drakes behaviour around tkn/xino kill (i get it seemed like he wanted to do a reaction test but he seemed as confused as the rest of us on who killed who xD). the missing kill is the one thing thats still preventing me from going there. @Ashbringer, do you have 1 immunity against lynches or is it a permanent immunity? if it is once, its not op for a baddie to have. two day roles really empties that night slot for the nk.
  2. guys what was up with sart retracting his vote off bip? as soon as drake voted bip to maintain the tie? its like he didn't want the tie?
  3. i get it and it does feel like people are being directed where to what, but in this game theres no other way to solve it other than to use the roles and mechanically solving. now one of the role is tieguy which gives the number of goodies and baddies if an elimination ends in a tie. last tieguy result was 6 goodies and 2 baddies in a 4-4 tie. now we have a tie guy this cycle too, so our aim is basically to get a subset of those eight players to be involved in a tie. theyre excluding me and archer because they want to find out if the number of baddies will decrease from last time if were excluded. tkn cannot vote anymore than leaves 5 players from the og eight. now we just want these 5 to be involved in a tie. it doesnt matter how it happens. it is a mechanic in the game and we need to use it to find baddies. sall! edit: @Kasimir im going to sleep, in case i dont wake up before ro and yall decide to go for sart
  4. @Kasimir can removed players retract their final vote? bcause its a very suspicious distancing effort (remember very very clearly tani did this (this as in "out of nowhere seemingly random vote") with teammate!e!devotary in lg73 (sarts rithmatist item game)). because if v!ashbringer, then hes immune to the lynch and theres no point in hammering on him. edit: hmm or it could be to mess up with the tie right
  5. if i wanted to replace biplet, it would be with either sart or jnv imo. sart has no accounted actions. apparent jnv has been pming but the poe of non orloks eight other than biplet is jnv and sart. agreed shinings claim is weird given the fact that they didnt seem sure what or how exactly their vote manipulation worked at a point i think as late as either last cycle or the cycle before that. can confirm ashs veteran claim. he can confirm that the flavor is "youre veteran, youre too respected, people dont realy want to vote you out so you get a minus 1 on your total vote count".
  6. we dont wanna check steel as well? tie can be achieved with 3-2 for ash with this role so we can test steel too.
  7. The plan is Biplet (4): Ash, Steel, Drake, Araris Ash (4): TJ, Mat, Aman, Wiz is that it? im confused.
  8. smh mat is toooo indecisive this game >> e!fadran with that role had no reason to reveal it to us though. by revealing it to us he has made us cautious and aware that scans could hit an evil confirmed villager. shows village tendency to share important info.
  9. assuming 5-6 elims in a 25 member-game, weve already got 1, leaving 4-5 - from orloks eight, 2 from - ash, silho, archer, mat, steel from the rest, 2-3 from - jnv, biplet, sart [assuming loads of villagers - wizard, fadran, araris, aman, drake, orlok, rby, fae] huh, the rest is more narrow than orloks eight lmao. granted loads of village assumptions, but all reasonable to make no? anyone think anyone in the village pile is not village? biplet archer
  10. there was ample time before the end of cycle after you claimed to kill biplet? and jnv has been lurking a lot. i suppose he could be trying to catch up but... its not the first time ive observed.
  11. Mat could have the "Confirmed Villager" role but yes it would clear UPS. point 1. his pm scan ability is for even cycles so it has to be n2 :P. and smh i blocked shining n1 (shining started speaking of conversion very early in the game, wanted to prevent a conversion if he had a conversion role) and mat n2 i swearrrr grrr. >:( i can actually. if the elim who blocked you has the same role as me - wall-poster, then the person who blocked you n2 is likely the same person who blocked you n3 (ash, mat, shining, biplet, sart). we could have a trolled!multiquoter (i dont remember if someone copied xinos role) on you to prevent your blocking as we would be able to see who targeted you. i can also volunteer to troll!roleblock you so you get your troll on randby. @Biplet, did you get a successful scan in n2? also we have a tieguy this cycle too right? i wanted to change to biplet too. but if tie guy is there id stay on archer.
  12. an intersection of all the sets like whom i suspected (was iffy that archer was somewhat village read by majority) plus who has a free night action slot (avoiding trolls)(assumed and still assuming odd night pms dont take up an action slot) plus tie guy result (had already blocked mat and shining from it) plus elim team combinations (orlok not likely evil, araris not likely evil, aman not likely evil. if archer is evil, who else is gonna submit elim kills?). okay this is weird. two players targets one person and both their actions failing? im guessing archer has a role that make all actions on him fail or some variant of it subject to some conditions. thoughts?
  13. Double-posting as this might be a large post - Player Day/Passive Action Night Action N1 N2 N3 Ashbringer Thread Master ? ??? ??? ??? Wizard - PM Spider ??? Scan Araris Araris targeted TKN ??? Steeldancer Pinch-Hitter Snatch Striker ??? Snatch Dannex Fadran Confirmed Villager Troll Troll Walin Troll RandBy Troll Aman Striker Lynchbait/Stab Voter - Xino Multiquoter Scan Aman Action Failed Scan Bookwyrm Book targeted Orlok JNV ? ? ? ? ? Matrim Tunnel Constrictor ? ? ? ? Biplet ? ? ? ? ? Araris Troll Watcher Scan TKN Troll Negative Watch Bookwyrm Troll Negative ? Devotary Pinch-Hitter ? Aman Goalkeeper Troll Saved Xino Save/Troll Bookwyrm Action Failed Save Bookwyrm Action Failed TUN Goalkeeper Save Aman ? Bookwyrm Vote Analyst Scan Striker (V) Scan Orlok (V) Scan Araris (V) Tani Roleplayer ? Archer PM Spider ??? Scan TJ TJ targeted Mat ??? Walin Troll Troll Aman - TJ Wall-Poster Blocked Shining Blocked Mat Blocked Archer Action Failed Danex Tie Guy Stick/Drake Terminal Seeker Kill Tani Kill Xino ??? Orlok Pinch-Hitter Copy Danex D3 - Use Tie Guy N3 - ? Random Roleplayer Copy a Troll? Troll Xino (failed) TTaTT (Fadran -> RBy) ? Sart ? ? ? Shining Discussion Leader ? ? ? Fae PM Buddy PM Spider ? ? ? first questions - @Kasimir or any of the pmers, does it take an action for you to send pms in the alternate odd cycle? we still have 2 more unidentified pmers - one who is a pm (presumed) analyst in comms with ada who scanned mat v, the other is pm troll in comms with drake/stick, the whole i kill myself you troll me thing at the end of n2. @Amanuensis, any more scan results from your pm contact? just a single result seems odd. @Ashbringer, @Matrim's Dice, @Shining Silhouette, please confirm if you have a night action if you can. @Sart, @Biplet, @JNV, inviting yall to claim your role if you want to. @Steeldancer, what did you do n2? @Araris Valerian, whom did you troll watch n3? @DrakeMarshall, still not sure by what you mean when you said "pacifist". do you not actually have a kill role? if you do, what happened last night? also, if you did not take any action, how do you know if you were roleblocked or not? @Orlok Tsubodai and @Random Bystander, which role did you guys copy last night, if its safe to reveal it considering village opsec? [if not just confirm if you have sucessfully copied a role last night] @The last Fae in the Woods, you scan results from n2? pardon if you have already mentioned this info before, i did try to search as much as possible, sorry if ive missed it. inviting everyone else to know the unknowns in the table to help me out. unaccountable n3 actions - ash, wiz, jnv, mat, biplet, (araris?), archer, drake, (orlok?), (random?), sart, shining, fae - removing players who could have actions not yet revealed and village reads - ash, jnv, mat, biplet, archer, shining im hoping at least one roleblocker and one elim kill is among these. ash, archer, mat, shining is the overlap between this and the tieguy result.
  14. bros hold on @Channelknight Fadran, i was rereading, but just to confirm - you trolled Aman last night? which means amans protect on bookwyrm should have turned into a kill??? maybe your action failed because the elims were already killing bookwyrm?
  15. uh no im just saying its not logical for any elim to do this, much less me because its - well to put it mildly is a very self-destructive move. like your logic is - there is a suspicious roleblocker -> elim claims as roleblocker (when there was no reason to do so) -> elim goes on to block a nearly confirmed villager despite the public knowledge that they are a roleblocker ??? how is that any way not self-destructing for an elim? like what is a single elim motivation to go through any of the steps in the chain of logic? [btw ive suspected shining since very early in the game] anyway ill stop defending myself, its of no point. id rather go on the offensive. i should be free in a while. i want to re-read to make a comprehensive action tracker so we can get to know who has free night roles to kill and role-block aman.
  16. i dont know why my roleblock failed. perhaps there is some other action that is messing up and causing actions to fail. fifth pafo'd the question. but seriously, after claiming roleblocker, it would be suicidal to roleblock aman if i was evil. thats death sentence right there. plus a better option for evil me would be to claim i blocked one of my teammates. thats what i would do if i was evil. claiming that my action failed is all the more suspicious which does not make sense for evil me to be doing.
  17. ah sorry, momentarily i thought pinch-hitter can directly get roleblock from tani. i dont know how though but my action really did fail. either by some other mechanic or by another roleblocker/version of roleblocker. i dont even know if another villager rber blocked me (in which case they should claim). if not, then i dont know why they targeted me instead of you, maybe they had another way of nullifying your presumed kill and the candidates for players with unaccountable night actions was decreasing which made it likely possible i could block the nk. i can only speculate, i really dont know.
  18. broooo aman reaaaaad smh xD it should have failed n1 and n2 too as shining and mat claim they dont have a night action. hmmm... possible but not likely. pinch hitter? what exactly did steel do last night?
  19. smh - its also possible there is an evil rper who copied the evil rber or me and got an extra rb last night.
  20. if the theory is that e!archer providing cover for e!me saying i targeted mat, that is not a smart move at all, because there was no reason to provide cover as i wasnt known to be a roleblocker at all. even after he said i targeted mat, i had no reason to claim rb if i was evil, as rb was being suspected. because there was confusion regarding the the whole assumption as i could have been the one to scan mat, i cleared up the confusion by claiming. i really did target shining and mat in the first two cycles. i could try to provide interference immunity to aman in n3 since you keep getting blocked.
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