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Medium last won the day on October 13 2023

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About Medium

  • Birthday June 28

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  • Member Title
    words are silly
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  • Location
    South United States
  • Interests
    Singing Loudly In My Car
    Depression and Anxiety (not an interest i just have them)
    The Winter Season

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  1. chat what do i do if it’s all becoming Too Much?

    if im dissociating and the world just feels Off

    like why is everything just Agh

    like why do i want to go to sleep and never Wake Up Again

    like bro

    everything is just No right now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crowstavern


      Life is incredibly hard. 
      dissociating can be hard to come out of when you’re in it. I understand those feelings. Reality can be fickle to stay grounded to. Find an anchor, something that reminds you why to stay. Hold on to it. 
      texture help me, rougher ones for my hands to just use to go over the edges. Rocks are good.
      but you also have people who care, that you can talk to. You’re not alone, you never have been. 
      I love you ❤️ 

    3. Experience


      Talk to somebody, anybody really, about how you're feeling. That was my first step to getting out of the rut.

    4. Kajsa


      aw man how come i only just saw this?

      i’m so sorry you’re feeling this way right now. it sucks. if you ever wanna talk you know how to reach me :) 

      *all the hugs and kittens ever*

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