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Everything posted by Experience

  1. Quietly drops mic next to McWafy so that he can learn to not talk in weird accents. O men is an expression, not a noun so It doesn't count.
  2. Wow. There's something you like more then being frustrated? It is ok. In time the shard will consume you and you will become frustration.
  3. It then turned from it's drab grey color to a perfect purple. Then it awakened another indigo leaf to follow him so he could eat it when he got hungry again. Because of this, he turned grey again.
  4. Experience lends Archivist the knowledge to know how to vastly outmaneuver Jell in any verbal contest.
  5. Do you play any instruments, and if so how long have you played them for? What's your second favorite ice cream flavor? What do you like to experience the most? (I'm betting it's frustration).
  6. Do you play any instruments, and if so how long have you played them for? What's your second favorite ice cream flavor? What do you like to experience the most?
  7. And Experience finally experienced the most wonderful tasting thing on the planet, thanks to Archivist.
  8. And Ruin never died. Scadrial came to an end, and Preservation and Ruin parted ways.
  9. But the spikes made it a mistborn cat. It then shot the coins back out into the mist.
  10. Especially when I'm on mobile and I'm like I was reading the bom, but then it auto corrects bomb.
  11. Maybe because their the 22nd child?
  12. I'm pretty sure you just put Nahelah, then repeated it backwards.
  13. Quite good! Feedback: For Kaladin, while reading, especially in later books he seems a little more sad, with some happy parts in between. I feel like the song ends a little too happy, if you know what I mean, but I think it was a good part. Maybe have that nearer the middle and then something else at the end? Sylphrina: First, not happy enough. Sly is bursting with joy and curiosity and I feel like maybe should be a contrast to Kaladin. She's just a bundle of joy. I think it would also sound better if it was a little faster. These are just ideas, and I do think that they sound good.
  14. Oh. Oops. I didn't see that at all. I'll edit it.
  15. Experience saw Salad talking to Ene, trying to convince them they weren't a Ghostblood. I haven't experienced enough crazyness lately, Experience thought. He wrote on a paper: Salad actually is a Ghostblood, and their mission envolves you. He then passes it to Ene.
  16. And was startled away as something came out of the mist, landing on the rooftop then appeared to jump up in the air. A moment later, coins shot out of the mist, barely missing the cat and the person who had just visited.
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