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Everything posted by Experience

  1. The problem with that is that Nightblood would just eat away the Investiture in the awakened object.
  2. Here is my proposal. @Feruchemical Bowser will need to approve, but here it is: People publicly choose who they want to be on the committee. Then, once there have been 7 choices made, a poll is made. This is a secret poll in which you vote for one person you want on the committee. The top 3 voted people are chosen to be put on the Odd Committee. The fourth person is the runner up. When a person has had 17 odd numbered posts in a row, the members of the committee vote wether at least 7 of those posts had odd content in them. If the person is one on the committee, then the runner up replaces that person to vote wether they have enough odd posts. If the reviewed person does have at least 7 odd posts, then they gain 1 double post. Once a new committee is chosen, the double post expiers and can no longer be used. Every 2,000 posts a new committee is chosen using the above method. 20
  3. I told you not to trust them, Ene, Experience said exasperatedly.
  4. Isn't that your second one? (I feel like you said that so you can now post one and make it your third one). 18
  5. Yes, but it is just a concept believed by some people in cosmere. It is not confirmed wether it even exists.
  6. That will have to be up to @Feruchemical Bowser. Maybe it will have to be odd in post number and odd in post content. Maybe we would need to make a committee to decide if a post was odd? 16
  7. It would be sort of funny if he was mentioned in Alcatraz 6.
  8. Oooooo. Um. On the shard. Probably you. Off the shard, one of my friends whom knows just barely less then me about the cosmere and whom we make many theories.
  9. Just wondering, what's the point of crossing things out?
  10. That's sort of had to do when you can't double post. 12
  11. I think a week. But it was a good song, so I'm not complaining.
  12. Well, the Keepers we're the main group of feruchemist in era 1 of mistborn, if that's what your talking about.
  13. They are the most powerful followers of Ba'alzamon . Umm... -Ishmael the Forsaken -Asmodean -Agimnor -Graendal -Sermirhage -Bathamel -Lanfear -Mesaana -Moghedien I think that's all.
  14. At the top of each page, there is a yellow rectangular button that says start new post(or something very similar).
  15. Well, do you expect me to go through all 151 pages of this to make sure I'm repeating?
  16. *clap* See, you just experienced two shards power at the same time
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