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Everything posted by Chasmgoat

  1. I was getting the same thing, not very recently but a while ago. I have no idea why
  2. Welcome to the shard! I did guess. Oeuvre means a work of art, right? That's one of the only french words I know because of Calvin and Hobbes.
  3. We have just been using the generator
  4. "I've got two horse hours left" - @Truthless of Shinovar
  5. oh well. Shall we do another but with sharders? actually, that is a bad idea
  6. Guess That Cosmere Character - 3 kill place
  7. Guess That Cosmere Character - 3 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 3 heal character, hurt character
  8. hurt character Guess That Cosmere Character - 4 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 4
  9. Guess That Cosmere Character - 5 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 4 hurt character, heal place
  10. Guess That Cosmere Character - 6 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 3 hurt character, heal character
  11. It only says you can just hurt... Guess That Cosmere Character - 6 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 5 hurt character, heal place
  12. Guess That Cosmere Character - 7 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 4 I don't think you can just heal... And I want to kill something too. hurt character, heal character
  13. Guess That Cosmere Character - 7 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 4 heal place, hurt character
  14. Guess That Cosmere Character - 10 Tournament: Roast Battles - 3 Guess That Cosmere Place - 3 hurt roasts
  15. Guess That Cosmere Character - 10 Tournament: Roast Battles - 4 Guess That Cosmere Place - 3 Memes of Any Kind - 4 hurt roasts
  16. N'Fehn jumps into a fighting stance and creates a pure black halberd. He rushes to assist Ayia in the fight against these... monsters. Although, he had to admit. Everyone here looked like a monster to him.
  17. Eh. First one I got. Ene: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Truth: The cow??? Ene: What? Emi: Truth, W H Y?
  18. I didn't realize how cool they were until my sister let me borrow hers. She also let me borrow her wax stamping kit and I felt so cool. I really want one of my own now...
  19. Awkwardly, Fie kept following Kuno. Wondering what was going to happen next
  20. One Truth coming right up! @theTruthshaper
  21. Hurt and Heal - 2 Guess That Cosmere Character - 10 Tournament: Roast Battles - 10 Guess That Cosmere Place - 7 Memes of Any Kind - 8 heal place hurt HaH
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