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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Are the loose ends a remnant of the previous character sheet? I assume they still want to reunite with their parents, just not that they think Radiants are bad. Other than that, it looks good! Approved!
  2. “Let’s be off then.” Chloris Valekev, The Mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar Chloris arrived at the Bendalloy Bar. It looked to be a nice establishment, and a new one. It felt, out of place. Given time though, it will blend right in. Customers seemed to be low, but there was a group of people bickering at a nearby table. Chloris took a seat near the window facing the door. Force of habit. She took off her jacket, wearing a dark green sleeveless shirt underneath, with a view of a few scars on her upper arms. There was a time when she had been able to heal those immediately. But that was a long time ago. ”Take a seat,” she said to Itsuki. “I’ll go get us a drink and something to eat. What would you like?” @Stormlightsong, @Lunamor, @Brik_head (just pinging ya to let you know we’re in the same building, not that I’m interacting with you at this moment)
  3. Hey @Stormlightsong, @Brik_head, and @Lunamor, and for frankly anyone: I have a proposal for a slight time skip that will be set up in Corbeau’s plotline, just to tidy things up narratively. Right now we have four main plot threads: -Eza, Flint, and Asylum interacting in the Bendalloy Bar -Perses, Corbeau, and Keshi interacting around the Silver Dagger -Itsuki and Chloris, interacting around Pewter Ironworks, soon to head to the Bendalloy Bar -Corbeau and Sonyr, interacting in the Hidden Library, which seems to be mostly wrapped up. From what I understand, the events at Bendalloy Bar, the Hidden Library, and the Silver Dagger don’t need a clear timeline in comparison to the events of Coppercloud Inn. However, in the Silver Dagger, a sting is being set up for about three days from when Keshi and Corbeau are talking. My proposal is this: what if Bendalloy Bar takes place about five days after Coppercloud Inn, and not two days after it. This way, all of the main plot threads can run unimpeded at the same time without Corbeau and Keshi having to do a weird waiting game. Woold that work for you guys? This might frankly be a bit too technical to matter, but I don’t want anyone to be surprised if there’s a time skip in one of the plotlines.
  4. As the man rambled on, Chloris knew exactly how he felt. She had been there, many years ago. Growing up in the streets, you come to know that devotion can be poisonous. That poison had took her father from her, and had taken her childhood with it. And yet…devotion, commitment, loyalty...oaths… Val, you’re spiraling. Snap out of it. Minthe said in her head. Shaking her head, she focused on the task at hand. “What’s your name?” Chloris asked the man. “You can call me Chlo. It looks like you need someone to talk to. You want to grab something to drink?” On second thought, it was too early for alcohol. “Or at least something to eat? I have enough cash for the both of us.” You do not have enough for the both of you. You don’t even have a proper job right now. You need to care for yourself, not talk to some random stranger about their problems. For some reason, emotions heated up in Choris’ chest at Minthe’s words. Maybe I need a friend to talk to right now, she sent to Minthe. Well, you have me, don’t you? Am I not enough for you? I protect you, I help you cope. I thought you liked me. Minthe’s words stung, but she had a point. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, Chlo replied. It’s okay. I forgive you.
  5. Suddenly, Venser’s vision went dark. “Now are you ready to talk?” The voices came from every direction. Storming rats and storming Alleycity. “okay okay” Venser said, his tone turning much friendlier. “I trust you’re reasonable. You’re looking for the inquisitor? I don’t know his name, and I don’t know where he is. But if you want to stick around while I meet him, I won’t be stopping you. The gun is due in three days.” Venser’s heart sunk into his chest as he realized that he just offered up confrontation in his shop. “Except, please don’t confront him here,” he pleaded. “Follow him back or something. I can’t let you tear up my shop.” ………………………………………………… Chloris Valekev, The Mistwarrens. Chloris wandered the streets of the Mistwarrens. She wore a black leather jacket, which complimented her black hair. Her yellow eyes were partially obscured by the thin electronic screen overlay worn over her right eye. Looking around, she let out a comfortable sigh. This was where she needed to be, she thought. Given the recent hysteria, it just felt…right. In a way, though this was the home of her old enemies, this felt like she was back home. The streets were slightly better kept, but the smells were the same. Dank and dusty, interspersed with the greasy scent of cheap street food. The occasional sound of gunfire breaking through the generally depressing street bustle. Well, perhaps she was being slightly dramatic. People seemed happy…mostly. Chloris watched as her gaze fell upon a bickering customer and a butcher that looked like they had better things to do. This was home alright. Chloris winced. Her mind flashed to her time at the academy. Her friends, looking up to her. To that dreadful night… Don’t you worry yourself with those things, a comforting voice said. We have each other now. Minthe, as always, was right. There was little point dwelling on the past. Got any plans for today? Chloris asked her companion, changing the subject. Not getting into trouble for once would be nice, Minthe replied coolly. Generally, Chloris agreed. She just…couldn’t always help herself. Looking up, Chlo spotted the wreck of the factory. It, unsurprisingly, was not sectioned off. In fact, it looked nearly untouched. The Mistwarrens were the place where the poorer metalborn lived. Of course police were scarce. And frankly, they probably had more important matters to take care of than investigate into what was clearly local gang activity. In a place like Alleycity, she expected better. It was so easy for a place like this to fall into gang rule, where the strongest and most ruthless won. Weren’t there people to stop this? She had heard that there were groups to help stop this type of thing, but that they hadn’t been doing much in the past year. This looks like you’re getting involved, Minthe interjected. We’ve talked about this, Val. It only leads to you getting yourself hurt. As she walked closer to the remains of the building, she saw a dreary fellow overlooking the rubble. You never listen, do you? ”Hey there! Admiring the view?” Chlo asked, tapping the man on the shoulder. He didn’t look Scadrian to her. But then again, neither did she. “Did this place mean anything to you?” @Ravenclawjedi42
  6. Well, @AonEne currently controls the head of TUBA, so that’s a pretty solid start (depending on if they’ll find time to come back [no pressure tho]). From there, I can check who used to be guild leaders, but the odds of us being able to instate new leaders is a possibility. Also, creating new guilds are always on the table! I know that @Stormlightsong has plans for a new guild at some point…
  7. A few things stand out with that. 1. As of the Catacendre, Rosharans have not yet discovered how to transfer Stormlight off-world, let alone something as invested and tied to the world as a spren. 2. The Alleyverse pulls from any timeline in any of Brandon’s worlds, so that’s not an issue, if that’s what you’re worried about. 3. Why would a worldhopper drop them off? What’s their motive? If what you want is a Scadrian family disowning a Rosharan child for being a radiant due to previous family trauma, I would recommend either setting it in the space age or setting the family in the Alleyverse. I think the former would allow for good reason for there to be prejudice between Scadrians and Rosharans, but would make it a bit hard to justify a Scadrian family adopting an Alethi child and then generalizing radiants as all evil. If you want to do some further brainstorming for the logistics of the backstory, I recommend either moving this conversation to DMs or the character discussion thread to not clog up this thread.
  8. Gotcha. That makes sense, and is fine as a minor merit. One thing I would point out though is that merits can also be skills and personality quirks that someone has, and not just magic related. For example, working amazingly as a team works as a solid minor/normal merit for a character. Frankly, I’m going to need this part of the backstory explained in more detail. Are the parents full born Scadrians? Did they live on Scadrial? Was the attack one made on Scadrial itself? What time period in the Cosmere did this happen? And how come your character is Alethi? Were they adopted? This is something worth fleshing out, and it can help me get a better grasp of how this character came to be the way they are. Additionally, the timeframe and age of Eleos when they bonded Granite would also be useful.
  9. So three things: 1. I like the character idea! I think it could be quite interesting, and could certainly go places! 2. What would using Stormlight with the efficiency of a fifth ideal radiant do? 3. You say he is of Scadrian noble descent, but was born on Roshar. How did that work? An easy out would be to have your character be born in Alleycity to Scadrians, and then disowned due to forming a bond. However, that still brings the question of what made the Scadrian parents so opposed to radiants.
  10. Ahhh gotcha! It would certainly be an interesting pairing. My character is an Ex-Edgedancer who killed her spren by breaking her oaths. She then became a midnight essence spore eater and has an abusive relationship with her midnight essence.
  11. Oh for sure! If it’s approved (which I know it is), then you can always use it. And actually, I have a character that I need to introduce, so that could work out! Remind me of the gist of your character?
  12. Well I mean, what are you expecting in this interaction? The only person that would have an inkling who Corbeau even is is Keshi, who is currently in the back room with Venser. And frankly, there is a good chance that its only the two of them in the shop.
  13. @TheRavenHasLanded, what compelled Sonyr to go to The Silver Dagger? and why would he think a high end Scadrian shop would have info on a relative unknown in Alleycity?
  14. Venser, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger Venser scoffed. "Listen." he said carefully. "I have no quarrel with this inquisitor. Whatever his motive is none of my business. If he keeps coming, I keep getting richer, which at this point is what I care about. If you were to pay me more than he would, then we have a deal. However, given where things stand, I am comfortable with where I am in this ordeal." Venser sighed, smoothed out his eyebrows, and straightened his vest. "Now if you'll excuse me, I hear more customers arriving." Venser felt a pang of shame over what he had just said. A younger him would have nearly started a fight with his present self. The world has changed, and so must I. I do what I must to survive.
  15. Oh, nothing much. Just the Forum RP that I have recently revived that you can play in the roleplaying subforum on the Shard. To give ya the basic gist, it’s a collaborative storytelling RP that takes place in Alleycity, a place where all of Brandon Sanderson’s books and magic systems interact. The current plot is about an attempt by Perses, an A-bronze F-Tin Twinborn of the fifth heightening that has recently been spiked with A-Steel and A-Iron to grab a foothold in the city’s underground (as you might guess, that’s one of my characters). He is being assisted by Asylum Smedry, who is superstitious, and is being opposed by an Obligator along with a Bronze compounder, a Forger, and a Kitsen cytonic riding their loyal hyperslug Goto. I recommend you give it a look! It’s a blast and a lot of fun!
  16. This would never be inspired by a recent Magic the Gathering set... F-Tin is always useful! In this case, I feel like A-Zinc for getting information out of people and F-zinc for super thinking. This way, you have enhancements at a crime scene, as well as enhancements when going around detectiving. However, I can also see F-copper replacing F-Zinc. If you want the typical rootin and tootin detective, A-steel and F-Zinc could work for that. I also see a case for A-Iron for pulling out bullets or other metal objects. Either way, steelsight is quite useful for investigating a crime scene, as you can locate every source of metal in the scene, including perhaps a concealed murder weapon. Frankly, a twinborn detective would be fairly solid as an Alleyverse character...
  17. @Brik_head reminder to actually tag the people you are talking to. Also, generally speaking, since you don’t know Ezra’s name, you wouldn’t refer to her as such. (I swear everyone the Alleyverse Etiquette post is coming, I’ve just been really busy)
  18. You know, I kinda assumed that the troublemakers and criminals being close to if not occasionally more powerful than the law bringers mean that law enforcement (at least in some parts of the city, such as the poorer areas) are not very effective at their job. I mean, I would assume places like the Sphere are much safer, as Radiants are going to be by and large law abiding.
  19. Interesting news! There is such thing as the Alleystorm, which recharges investiture when it goes through. It’s generally ignored, but it can be used whenever it is narratively convenient. Additionally, here’s @AonEne’s thoughts on New Urithiru.
  20. I mean, sort of. I’ll get back to you on how stormlight trade works in Alleycity, but if you need to portal to Roshar, that’s something theoretically anyone can do. Now, the exact mechanics of cross-dimensional portals to and from the Alleyverse are intentionally left vague, and are kinda meant to stay that way, so I wouldn’t push too far with that if that’s the route to go down. But they could certainly be a major vendor!
  21. So since this world is a pocket dimension that people slip through, I would safely say that there are no Bondsmith spren, as they are much too rare. So the likelihood of a bondsmith being around is quite low (unless they’re disconnected from their spren) As for highstorms, I have no idea. I’ll check in with folks more knowledgeable about the lore, but for now let’s assume that spheres are generally going to be valuable as people need to pop into Roshar to recharge them.
  22. Frankly, I don’t think you can get away with a monopoly in this city. The general rule is whoever has the most power (in any form) leads, and since there are definitely more powerful beings in Alleycity, that business is gonna be stopped real fast. And frankly, hoarding resources is not the way of a lot of orders.
  23. Hmmmmm. I would say that it’s realistic that there would be some sort of organization of Radiant Orders in the Sphere, but I don’t know if they would have constructed a gigantic tower. However, I frankly don’t see why not! My main thought is that since the city is so prone to change, anything is possible, but the likelihood of a large tower lasting long is low. Though in the end, the world is your oyster. It’s presumably been about a year since something truly chaotic happened, and our Era is unlikely to morph things much.
  24. It’s mostly the Sphere for purely Rosharans. However, you can set up camp just about anywhere! Right now the main plot is focused in the Mistwarrens, but that is subject to change depending on where the story goes. That doesn’t mean you have to live there, but the likelihood of you spending time there is high.
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