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Everything posted by Raphaborn

  1. Range is probably by Stormlight. And the target by the type of Spren. For example, Emotion Bracelets are 10 fabrials together. There is probably a spren of each emotion: antecipation, anger, disgust, sadness, love, hate, joy, trust, fear, and surprise. So Bronze dictates that he should look for something that mirrors the nature of Spren. This is probably why the user needs to learn to read. Spren doesn't know who to ignore, so he looks for anything that looks like him.
  2. I think they are used for Warning Fabrials.
  3. So it really wasn't a coincidence. Altogether we have three metals: Aluminum, Zinc and Brass. All three mirroring allomantic abilities. I thought that brass in Heatrial was mirroring F-Brass, but in the end it was A-Brass (dampen the Spren). I think it makes sense, Alomancy is also a positive system. Although in this case you are using Stormlight as fuel, not Preservation. Will there also be 16 base metals? Everything is connected, and there is always another secret.
  4. Even the Stormfather compares the lesser spren to beasts. People have no problem with putting birds in cages. And we're not even going to talk about what we do with cattle. So it seems to me as moral as any other factor dependent on livestock, and with much less pain or death. Doing the same with high Spren is like slavery. Not that the Alethi are averse to the idea, but Dalinar wants to change the way the world works. In addition, the 9 main types can be convinced to form Nahel bonds. The problem is that there are other high Spren outside these organizations, and in a situation of total war things can get ugly. Furthermore, the Odium team would hardly have the same consideration.
  5. Hemalurgical Constructs ("Koloss" version of other metals, mainly Copper, Zinc and Tin). Atium alloys. Ettmetal alloys. New Kandras Blessings. "Chipwares" version coppermind. Sapient metalminds. Advanced spiritual physics, with studies on Fortune, Investiture, Identity and Connection. Hemalurgy without deaths. Feruchemically Shardblades. Artificial perpendicularities. Keyed and Unsealed Medallions. To allow someone to buy one and be the only one with access. A way to store the Mists. Aluminum canteens for storing liquid Ettmetal.
  6. I have always suspected that the reason for RoW being released earlier than Mistborn 7. It is very likely that it has to do with Fabrials and their relationship with metals. Somehow RoW will still leave surprises for TLM, but if Mistborn came first it would give too many revelations about the Fabrials in advance. They already had theories about it even before the confirmation of the role of metals in Fabrials. Example, when Adolin is watching a heatrial in WoK. "Several large rubies glowed brightly, set atop poles, with worked golden tines holding them in place." Brass is a golden metal. Coincidence? Or is that what Brandon wants you to think?
  7. Harmony does not control anyone who has not allowed it, or has breached their contracts with it.
  8. BartimaeusTrilogyFan Can Feruchemists store more than the five ‘traditional’ senses, and does Allomantic tin enhance more than the traditional five senses? Brandon Sanderson More is possible. /r/books AMA 2015 (May 17, 2015)
  9. The problem is that spikes of other metals can be pushed and pulled, not aluminum. Spear your shots, after that ensure that he has no way to remove the bullets from the body. He will die.
  10. I wasn't thinking of using aluminum as a spike, just its inert ability. Even a Bloodmaker, Pewterarm or Coishot can be killed that way.
  11. Even in that case you can simply use an aluminum bullet. I think that a moral reason would be just for a person to consent to guarantee their power for someone to perform a function of a greater good, preferably if euthanasia is already a viable option for a health problem. As an Aluminum Gnat give your power to someone to make your power useful. And yet this is losing its validity, since medallions are one thing. If hemalurgy is necessary to create medallions, I imagine that the development of Double Gold is a very reasonable reason for its use.
  12. Well well. I was probably wrong to cite Lirin as an example of defeatist pacifism. It even helps oppressed people.
  13. Your arguments are much better. And, yes, I agree that extreme pacifism is something I normally criticize (this defeatist pacifism ended up allowing our world to be the way it is), but Lirin is not a aphatic person who does nothing. He is still resistant to social order, in his own way. He saved hundreds of people in the course of his life, and even more so now. I think that the great beauty of SA is to make us not only question what is really right, but also if several different things can all be correct. Is a man's sense of honor more important than situation of world? The ends justify the means? When is killing people justified? It is not without reason that Sanderson presented us with 10 orders focused on different meanings of honor. Lirin would get along very well with the Windrunners, Dustbringers, Bondsmith, Stoneward and especially Edgedancer. But probably not a Willshaper. It is always good to see different people with different points of view.
  14. This prologue made me wish that he was alive, just to see the talented and extraordinary wife he lost, and then to see him die again.
  15. No, it seems that he should pick up a stick from the ground and fight armed guards, even with no combat experience. Because that would be brave, and not stupid.
  16. Lirin was always a rebel. He never bothered to go against Roshone, despite all the threats. When his neighbors went to his house to try to get the gems out of him, he faced them head on. He is currently helping to save refugees, and hiding a general even at the cost of his life. He's a surgeon, not a warrior. Facing the Parshendi will only end with him dead, or forbidden to help people. He's just not an idiot.
  17. A coward would be concerned with survive, not with not being a servant of evil.
  18. He's clever, a coward would be hiding protected by the superpowered son and not saving people. You really need to reexamine the concept of cowardice.
  19. Both Village, Set and Kandras study Nicrosil and Aluminum. Considering the Terrismen's appreciation for Kandras, the two probably help each other in this process.
  20. Both Village, Set and Kandras study Nicrosil and Aluminum. Considering the Terrismen's appreciation for Kandras, the two probably help each other in this process.
  21. Well, they study Nicrosil and Aluminum out of the public eye. In addition, they are trying to reestablish a Full Feruchemist.
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