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Everything posted by mathiau

  1. Here are my updated charater sheet for Era 6 NullBlade Marie Lemoine Folorian Power and skillwise this is the exact version of Folorian I was using this Era, if I understand the merit system correctly Folorian should be above the cap with three medium merits. If this is too much of an issue to be grandfathered in I'll just remove the drawing abilities since they have been used litterally once yet
  2. That one feels more like a Kel/Vin one tbh
  3. So is NullBlade @Rushu42 In case you missed this thread
  4. Lawful Good persons break laws when the laws are too evil, they just do it a last resort. Also what Szeth's spren say in his interlude in RoW imply the relationship between the law and Skybreaker is much weaker than you think
  5. Normally both should be Lawful Good, with Skybreaker being a bit more lawful than Windrunners. Current day Skybreakers are indeed LN though
  6. "There is a risk doing that would have the opposite effect, as advising against thing often have, but I doubt we have anything better we can do." @Rushu42@Arlin
  7. I'm not seeing the Kal skybreaker idea that much, I'd say he'd made much more sense as a Stoneward or Edgedancer
  8. Ym is the cobbler from the interlude but he was a Truthwatcher, not an Edgedancer Also, Wyndle said that to Lift and not Rysn
  9. Folorian nodded approvingly, in the current situation just knowing Aln didn't fully like her plan and was still looking for alternatives was enough for him He chuckled "Got a point here. Considering you yourself are one of the aforementioned innocent, do you have an oppinion? Also, no coffee for me, speaking and drinking are two actions I haven't managed to combine yet." Also he disliked the taste
  10. Folorian was standing at the entrance to avoid disrupting Aln's illusion, accompanying his word with lightweavings of the words at her intention he voiced his concerns "Are we really sure about that plan? We are basically diffusing a major infohazard to the whole city there, whether or not the plan succeed we will be responsible for the death of many innocents, we're bending the first oath very far here." Of course it wasn't exactly like they had any significantly better alternatives. If they had any idea of a way to stabilise the Forgery things would have been different -at least from his point of view they would be, Alanis would probably not agree with him on that point. @Rushu42@Arlin
  11. Is Allomancy end-positive when your using thé mists to power it? This is the same question. Yes, Renarin and thé Unmade are the only known Voidbinders
  12. The chain is made of silver. We will definitely see other chains like that in the futur
  13. I don't know, if you put everything to 50 thé order you obtain is Willshaper not Windrunner
  14. We also knew that Dawnslivers can bound spren and it's almost certain Dawnshard can too so a Returned becoming a Radiant would probably "just" be hard Though to be fair the only person we know became a Radiant after becoming a Dawnsliver had access to F-Nicrosil and C-Duralumin which would probably help with this issue Feruchemy uses and require a Connection to Harmony just like Allomancy does (it is not necessarily obvious but things like F-steel would break conservation of energy otherwise) Considering the Connection required by these two is stored in the sDNA and is strong enough to be passed to the same generation I feel like it'd be much harder to break than a Radiant bound. If it is possible to destroy it/weaken it by Returning then Ferruchemy is indeed more likely to stay than Allomancy because there is no concept of Ferruchemical power, it does not dillute, so weakening it wouldn't do much
  15. Yes, Lifeless only have one breath worth investiture which is very little. Returned on the other hand have two thousand breaths worth of investiture so the conclusion is probably different
  16. If you return you'll probably lose AonDor and Dakkor enhancement since your body gets kind of reset and you might lose spren bonds because you died but you should keep the rest
  17. I'm reasonably sure Saze had an electrum bracers, mostly because the brass-electrum mixup would have been much less likely to happen if he had not. That being said it's absolutely certain he didn't have an atium bracer so we're still at ten
  18. Yes but that would be a very big case of Sanderson being deliberately misleading, too big for us to not at least try to explore the idea. Wasn't there a WoB that implied that you might be able to use an hemalurgic spike made out of a gemstone at some point?
  19. Ok, this is very interesting, but you guys do realise Oop was asking about hemalurgic aluminium, right?
  20. XD it does kind of look like a moai Not sure this is the right subforum for this though but hey
  21. From Elantris we know that they play a key role in the Cosmere period.
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