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Everything posted by Friendshipspren

  1. Also she tried to use Biological weapons against humans. Dang cool. Ooooooooooo could this be connected to the Ashynite microbes. Also could Autonomy be involved. Still the Fused must be pretty advanced to design/breed biological weapons. Even failed ones.
  2. Wait the human who might be of the Fourth Ideal . Jasnah ???? Hmmm , I really don't understand why they would put something like that in the hands of a guy like the Pursuer. Also he was the first fused to be killed and that was 6 thousand yrs ago. So the Desolations lasted some 1500 yrs. Finally a real estimate. Also Vyre is suffered on Odium's orders. Interesting. I wonder why Odium likes humans so much and puts them in positions of power and repute ? First Dalinar then Vyre. Is he being Speciest as he was human before the Shattering or is it like insurance, should madness cause the Fused to collapse ? Also could Odium take the pain of one of the Heralds ? Nalan perhaps .
  3. Hey I wonder if restares is kalak then how can shallan manage to kill an Herald. Hmmm he didn't actually order her to kill him , only that she would know what to do . Also about thaidakar. Tinfoil Mistborn crossover theory with spiolers for both eras.
  4. And there could very well be forests , rivers or mythological or real beings ( threnodite shades come to mind, as do cognitive shadows in general, with investiture running through thier incorporeal bodies like blood does in real ones. VanDell once said that investiture is like blood to the soul ) who could also be called Ghostbloods . Worldhoppers esp could bestow the nomenclature on many things Also seriously this is like arguing dustbringers of all eras are evil thralls of odium cause thier make sounds sinister and similar to voidbringers while they were in truth as Honorable as any other Order. Yes , they preferred the term Releasers for that reason but future Ghostbloods could change the name. It's not set in metal after all.
  5. Eh not really . We are just used to such names. I mean Amazon for example , not really all that fluffy a name if u think of it.
  6. Why not ? Commerce and economic gain is how near all world powers from the Venetians and Ottomans to the Portuguese , Spanish, Dutch and English to the USA and China have used to wield global power. The east india company conquered all of the Indian subcontinent using it. Why shouldn't the Ghostbloods ?
  7. Read my post again bro. I edited it to include more
  8. Hmmm so let's see, apart from the free trade in investiture , we have : * Potential for Mraize to be a tineye or have a few breaths giving him Lifesense. I am inclined towards the latter. * Moles are somehow burrowing into the rock all the way to mountains in Central Roshar. Could they be bonding Spren as well like the Rhysydium ? It's interesting. They could pull off an ecological crises. But idk if it's plot diverting. Perhaps just another detail. * The Ghostbloods seem to be looking for radiants who can look into shadesmar. Venli in the last chapter displayed that very ability. So perhaps they are trying to recruit a willshaper. Willshapers are after all addicts to novelty. So perhaps they would join the GBs for something new. Even shallan shows some of the same thrust for novelty. Perhaps mraize intends to use her to help him search for trap spren.
  9. Fabrials. I believe that fabrials based on lower Spren can be transported across worlds using the same method stormlight can be . Stormlight fabrials can be used by anyone , anywhere . Fabrials need stormlight to work . Hmm u can imagine the uses and riches it would provide across the Cosmere. Hmm if they are able to take soulcasters and halfshards offworld too. *Whistles. Perhaps even Shardblades and shardplate require stormlight offworld. They just use ambient stormlight on Roshar perhaps. Also I believe broken shardplate requires investiture to regrow. And u need stormlight infused gems to bond the shardblade with a new owner. Hmm it might not be possible to take Shardblades and soulcasters off world as they are based on Higher Spren afterall, presumably with greater Connection. Then again they are dead . Perhaps that factors into it to make the connection weaker. As for halfshards and shardplates. Heck I'm pretty sure they can move it easily in comparison. As for the method , I wonder if it's
  10. 1). I don't really remember how I found out about the shard. It was around 2 yrs ago that I found out about Brando through Mistborn. Ok so I read mistborn era 1, then Arcanum unbounded , then era 1.5 . By that time I was aware that the shard existed. But I didn't join or even browse through since I stumbled on a stormlight spoiler by accident. I do remember seeing some of the Mistborn topics and feeling woah I gotta read everything before I understand anything. Then once I read stormlight , Warbreaker and elantris. I finally joined. I guess I was looking for ppl who loved the same stuff I did. I was hoping to find someone in my own city or better in the same section of the city but kek. 2 ). I can't really tell the positive impact by disengaging it with the memories I have had , it's been great. I met @The Traveller first. Then she introduced me to @Honorless. Those two have been very , very good friends and I love them both so much . Then I met @AonEne, @FictionSpren and later on , @Adonalsium'sSpren, @DramaQueen , @Emi, @The_Truthwatcher and a few others. It's been great. I haven't really been too invested in the shard. I play some games now and then , post some memes, read some theories and quite rarely post some. Lol. But I guess it has had an enormous positive influence in my life. Esp Trav and hon have provided with much needed friendship and all. Heck I talk more with them than with anyone else I know irl. It's really interesting to talk with them as well. They have both introduced me a lot of new stuff So yeah , Mostly I love that it introduced me to interesting and wise and kind ppl like my bro @Honorless. I love him so much. My mom @The Traveller. I love her sooo much too These two have like helped me settle so much in my mind. And my sista @AonEne . Who is already beloved by many and has my love too. Our few conversations helped me settle a lot of stuff in my mind. 3). Hmm idr any great memories as such. I mean I mostly love talking with others and well that's evenly dispersed throughout my interactions with the shard. I guess if I were to point to one moment , heck several of honourless's funny updates were great . Oooooooo shipping kaladin with Jasnah. That was really unexpectedly fun. Finding out hon and Trav loved AoT too was awesome. I guess the most or equally fun moments are yet to come. I will be on here as long the Cosmere as the Cosmere has to reach it's conclusion. As such I guess I will be here for another 40 yrs atleast. Dang I will be old :v But I will get to see 10 million posts too or maybe even 25 million posts. Let's see. To all u good ppl of the Shard.
  11. I'm still going with Jasnadin. Jasnah does seem to be way too busy tho. She won't interact with Kal much unless........kal becomes her bodyguard. Yes. Yes yes. Pls happen. Oooffff only at this later hour have I come to percieve the stupid fun Joy of Shipping. Oh man kal would totally make a good bodyguard. He could interact with jasnah , serve as a pov on the heralds and Szeth and others. He could fall in love with jasnah a d vice versa.
  12. Oooooooooooooo dang. I thought the cosmere wasn't that famous yet. I mean not crossover famous. Dang that was good. Although it wasn't actually veil but kek. And the ending oooof . Poor guy.
  13. She did. Hmmm gotta keep my eyes open during the reread
  14. So I read the last preview chapter and it just struck me today . Veil and Wayne. Dang. Those two would love eachother. They are perfect for each other or at the least I'm sure Wayne would love Veil. Minor mistborn era 1.5 spoiler. Veil and Wayne. Even has the ailleration kinda going for it. There better be some fanfics shipping them together in a few yrs yo. Hmmm yeah I guess someone might have shipped them before. Sorry if u already know of this.
  15. Yeah. There was so much in this chapter I overlooked how adorable these actions were. Oh adolin.
  16. Oh yeah. That would be perfect for him. I guess so, yeah and that's a good thing. He needn't suffer. He's good as he is.
  17. It's painful true but it's nothing compared to how much the others have suffered to get the cracks in the spiritwebs Also he seems to have a much more efficient coping mechanisms
  18. Seee told u they were awesome. The Three.. Veil , radiant, shallan , they are different ppl. Man it would be sad if the Triarchy fell tho. I would be very sad to see Veil go , even more than Shallan. Adolin is soooo cool too. Even tho he is so privelaged he never was spoiled. I love him for that. But for the same reason I don't think he will become a Radiant. Radiance is a function of Pain and Adolin hasn't really felt any in his life. He has been in battles and stuff sure. But he hasn't been through trauma or loneliness like renarin or jasnah or kal . He's perfectly happy and I really Don't want that to change, even if it means no superpowers to him. He's happy and doing great as is. I think it's best to let him be. Cause it would require one of the Three or all of them to cease. Also yeah. Moash is a terrible friend. He really did want kal to commit suicide rather than turn him into a painless zombie and on Odium's side as I initially thought. Atleast kill him urself if u think he's suffering coward. Don't make him kill himself to feel better about ur choices. Yeah I hate moash somewhat. Not as much as the others but my opinion of him has fell a lot. P.S : Wit probably made fun of Rock again I think. In a nice manner tho.
  19. Dang. That was the strangest flux of emotions ever. First it was sad. Then it was the most fun chapter in the book till now Then back to a lesser sort of sadness . But man the middle was soooo fun. Veil is Bae. Also Adolin is such a great friend. His nod damnation. I was laughing so much. Also Wit's back and in the Tower too !!!!!! Oooof can't wait for him to interact with the Three.
  20. That's an interesting theory. I don't think any rationally thinking human would do that Although hmmm maybe they could be on the verge of losing and some guy could be like " yeah , u r gonna go to storms with us ". Or perhaps Venli's neutrals could do it Not the first time , she has done something terrible and irrational. Although perhaps it doesn't need to be a Highstorm. More like a perpetual riddens. That would still devastate the ecology tho. But perhaps there are levels of existance the neutral parsh are willing to exist on. They are low in nos and can survive more easily , compared to the more numerous humans or parshendi.
  21. So yeah I was wondering why the honorspren aren't bonding and maybe it's cause they believe humanity is doomed with 1). Humans have little to no knowledge of past events 2). No heralds to lead them. 3). No Dawnshards 4). A startup KR organization with amateur self taught members with no one above the 3rd ideal 5).The Skybreakers on Odium's side. 6). The Everstorm and the more dangerous Fused yet to come against the amateur humans. 7). Honor himself being dead. 8). Heck even the other orders of Spren distrust humanity and are willing to stay neutral or even ally with Odium or be hostile to both sides. 9). The Sibling being asleep. 10). The other Spren being hostile towards honorspren cause of thier failed wars of conquest and imperialist ambitions. 11). And ofcourse thier own lack of trust in humans. 12). They don't seem to know much about human tech progress and how it might affect the war either. But maybe they can survive the Desolation by holing up in their fortress. It's bound to have good defences and Odium won't be around forever. Even he will lose interest after Cultivation is killed and will move on .Then they can come back I guess. Maybe even rule Shadesmar once the other Spren voidish or otherwise are spent in thier wars. The Fused and Odium wanna wipe out humans not necessarily the Spren. If the honorspren remain neutral or atleast have no humans to bond with , they aren't a threat . Besides the stormfather himself is less than ecstatic about honorspren bonding with humans again and he seems far more bound by Honor than the Spren and can't refuse to do the task Tanavast asked of him and hence , has bonded Dalinar knowing he will probably die but the honorspren themselves need not do it. Perhaps he even has told them not to. Also maybe the Honorspren are autonomous enough to plan thier own stratagies. Besides can Odium truly kill Stormfather , like the stormfather existed even before the Shattering or atleast the Highstorm did and once manifested Spren can't truly die. Perhaps one incarnation of him will be murdered by odium but he will still survive but without investiture of honor or Tanavast's CS. Over a few hundred yrs or so , he might even recover from deadeye status. And yes , the honorspren themselves might be Splinters of honor but minuscule ones and Odium is only concerned about large Splinters like ol' Stormdaddy. So yeah. I think the Honorspren intend to stay out of the war or atleast be sieged for a while in Lasting Integrity until Odium finally leaves.
  22. Kal only saw it once when he was in shadesmar and with a device meant to divine the future or with direct assists from Stormfather who only helps him cause he's bonded to his favorite daughter. As for him seeing deathspren. Hmm idk , maybe it's a general thing for all radiants. Besides it fits in seeing the other surge of the willshapers is transportation. Huh I wonder if jasnah knows this trick too. I thought it was the Everstorm. The voidlight was stored in gems but was useless for illumination purposes so we don't see it used trivially much . And perhaps Odium can directly recharge the voidlight stores of the parshendi through thier gemhearts. Atleast with the fused who already have Connected with Odium , although I think it's only possible during Everstorms. Perhaps they then pass it on to the Regals and the like.
  23. So it's a new attribute to be able to use both voidlight and stormlight. Huh , chimes in well with the willshapers love of novelty and oddity. Hey is renarin the same ? Could it be that he hasn't been able to unlock his abilities properly cause he requires voidlight for that ? Or perhaps both voidlight and stormlight simultaneously ? Oooooo that would so cool
  24. Oh my god , oh my god , omigod. Wow , Rebellion is the spiritual ideal of the willshapers as interpreted by Venli. Yesssssss. To Rebel . That should be the title of the prologue if Venli is the next pov of the night of Gavilar's Assassination.
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